Space as 3-Torus: Exploring Lorentz Invariance

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of proper time in relation to Lorentz invariance. The speakers debate whether the proper times of two observers, A and B, should be the same when they meet in the same point in space after one has traveled around the universe. The formula for proper time is mentioned, but it is pointed out that it only works in regular space. The conclusion is that just because two points are identified as the same in space, it does not mean the distance traveled is also the same.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

spacetime interval ##Δs^2=-Δt^2+Δx^2+Δy^2+Δz^2##

The Attempt at a Solution


We know that the straight path in spacetime diagram is the one with maximum proper time, however we get the same value after going around the universe and this is not consistent of my understanding of Lorentz invariance.

I just want to know if my understanding is right or not.
Any comment would be appreciated,
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  • #2
I don't understand your solution. From A's perspective, the clock of B runs slower so surely B ages more slowly than A.
  • #3
Hello clamtrox,

Sorry for unclear solution.
What I thought is that, after a revolution from the universe, B travels back to ##x=0## point at the same time as A since ##x\sim x+L##.
Hence the proper time measured by B is the same as A, which contradicts my understanding of Lorentz invariance.

  • #4
rbwang1225 said:
What I thought is that, after a revolution from the universe, B travels back to ##x=0## point at the same time as A since ##x\sim x+L##.

Which reference frame are you using to compute the proper times? Can you show the calculation, as there's something wrong with it.
  • #5
For the observer A, ##\Delta s_A^2 = -\Delta t^2 ##.
For the observer B, ##\Delta s_B^2 = -\Delta t^2 ##, since ##x=0\sim x=L##.
  • #6
You can identify the point in space, but not in time. You cannot just assume that the proper times are the same because they meet in the same point in space again.
  • #7
What confused me is that is the coordinate time of B after traveling around the universe not the same as that of A?
  • #8
Coordinate time in which reference frame? For any observer, "meeting" means they have the same coordinate time. But this does not mean that they have to have the same proper time.
  • #9
My calculations depend on the formula ##\Delta \tau^2 =- \Delta s^2 =\Delta t^2 -\Delta x^2##.
If the coordinate times are the same, I don't know where's the fault.
  • #10
This formula works in a regular space only.
  • #11
Just because you identify the points x and x+L, that doesn't mean the distance you've traveled when you go around the universe is zero. In one case, you have [itex] \Delta \tau^2 = \Delta t^2 [/itex], in the other [itex] \Delta \tau^2 = \Delta t^2 - L^2 [/itex].

FAQ: Space as 3-Torus: Exploring Lorentz Invariance

1. What is the concept of a 3-Torus in relation to space?

The 3-Torus is a mathematical construct used to represent the shape of space in three dimensions. It is a three-dimensional version of a torus, which is a doughnut-shaped object. In a 3-Torus, each point in space is connected to its neighboring points in a circular manner, creating a continuous and finite shape.

2. How does the concept of a 3-Torus relate to Lorentz invariance?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. The concept of a 3-Torus allows us to explore the implications of this principle in a finite and compact space, as opposed to an infinite and flat space as traditionally studied in physics.

3. What are some potential implications of space being a 3-Torus?

If space is indeed a 3-Torus, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. For example, it could explain the observed homogeneity and isotropy of the universe on large scales. It could also potentially provide a solution to the horizon problem in cosmology, where distant regions of the universe appear to have the same properties despite being too far apart to have influenced each other.

4. How do scientists study the possibility of space being a 3-Torus?

Scientists study the possibility of space being a 3-Torus through various observational and theoretical methods. Observationally, they look for signatures in the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is a remnant of the early universe, that would indicate a finite and compact space. Theoretically, they use mathematical models and simulations to explore the implications of a 3-Torus universe and compare them to observational data.

5. What are some potential challenges in exploring the concept of a 3-Torus universe?

One of the main challenges in exploring the concept of a 3-Torus universe is the lack of concrete observational evidence. While there have been some intriguing hints in the cosmic microwave background radiation, there is still no definitive proof that space is indeed a 3-Torus. Additionally, the concept of a 3-Torus universe requires a significant shift in our understanding of space and could potentially challenge some well-established theories in physics, making it a subject of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

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