Space Based Solar Power Generation.

In summary, a Californian company is planning to use sunlight captured in space to generate electricity on Earth. Despite significant obstacles and the high cost of launching into space, California's largest utility has agreed to buy the power. This idea has been proposed for years, but it appears that at least one power company is serious about making it a reality soon. There are concerns about its success due to the rotation of the Earth and potential risks from space debris, but there have been successful experiments with solar-powered microwave receivers in the past. Overall, this project has the potential to greatly increase solar energy production and eliminate the issue of clouds blocking the sun.
  • #1
Science Advisor
A Californian company is aiming to capture sunlight in space to generate a regular supply of electricity on Earth.

There are significant obstacles to overcome, like the high cost of launching things into space, but California's largest utility has already agreed to buy the power.

I know that this has been proposed as a possibility for large scale power generation for many years, but according to this new article it seems that at least one power company is very serious about getting this up and running in the very near future.

Any thoughts on this? Do you think it will be successful?

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  • #2
This would be amazing! you can get soooo much more solar energy from space than here on earth, and there would be no clouds to block the sun, although with the rotating of Earth I don't know how it would stay in the sun light unless it wasnt in geosynconism or however you spell it ha ha

  • #3
Power companies are, for the most part, requried by law to buy power from anyone who generates it, so the fact that the power company has agreed to buy the power is completely meaningless. It doesn't tell us anything at all about how viable the project is.
  • #4
Yes we can, and have. For many years a "solar" powered microwave power receiver ran successfully in the parking lot of the pentagon. It was removed some years ago I didn't hear that it fried anyone. Seems if a space rock tapped it it might light something up needs a good kill switch on-board auto off if misaligned.
  • #5

I find the concept of space-based solar power generation intriguing and promising. The idea of capturing sunlight in space and transmitting it back to Earth for electricity production has been discussed for decades, but it is exciting to see that a Californian company is taking concrete steps towards making it a reality.

However, there are indeed significant challenges that need to be addressed before this technology can be successfully implemented. The high cost of launching objects into space is a major obstacle, and it will require significant investment and advancements in space technology to make this economically feasible.

Another important consideration is the reliability and efficiency of the technology itself. While space-based solar panels may have the advantage of receiving uninterrupted sunlight, they also face challenges such as potential damage from debris and the need for regular maintenance.

That being said, it is encouraging to see that California's largest utility has already agreed to purchase the power generated by this technology. This shows that there is potential for space-based solar power to become a viable source of electricity for our planet.

In terms of its success, it is difficult to predict at this point. It will depend on the progress made in addressing the technical and financial challenges, as well as the adoption and support of this technology by other power companies and governments. But I believe that with continued research and development, space-based solar power has the potential to become a major contributor to our global energy needs.

FAQ: Space Based Solar Power Generation.

1. What is Space-Based Solar Power Generation?

Space-Based Solar Power Generation is the concept of collecting solar energy in space and transmitting it to Earth for use as a renewable energy source. This involves using satellites equipped with solar panels to capture the sun's energy and then beaming it down to Earth in the form of microwaves or lasers.

2. How does Space-Based Solar Power Generation work?

The process begins with solar panels on satellites that collect the sun's energy. This energy is then converted into electrical energy and transmitted to a receiving station on Earth. The receiving station converts the energy into usable electricity and distributes it to the power grid.

3. What are the advantages of Space-Based Solar Power Generation?

Space-Based Solar Power Generation has several advantages, including its ability to generate power 24/7 regardless of weather conditions, its high efficiency due to the lack of atmospheric interference, and its potential to provide renewable energy to remote or disaster-stricken areas.

4. What are the potential challenges of Space-Based Solar Power Generation?

One of the main challenges of Space-Based Solar Power Generation is the high cost and complexity of launching and maintaining satellites in space. Other challenges include the potential for disruption of wildlife and the environment, as well as potential safety concerns with the transmission of energy to Earth.

5. Is Space-Based Solar Power Generation a viable solution for our energy needs?

While Space-Based Solar Power Generation shows great potential, it is still in the early stages of development and has not yet been implemented on a large scale. More research and development is needed to determine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of this technology as a solution for our energy needs.
