Space-like trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime

In summary, to find the position of the closest approach of a mass to the Schwarzschild horizon, you need to use the effective potential equation and solve for ##r_0##.
  • #1
Homework Statement
For Schwarzschild metric, consider a mass M following space-like trajectory.
The relativistic energy of the mass at infinity is E.
Show that there is smallest value of r, the radial coordinate, reachable by the mass, and find its value.
Relevant Equations
As shown below
I'm not sure how to approach this question.

So I start off with the fact the path taken is space-like,
Input the Schwarzschild metric,
Where I assume the mass doesn't move in angular direction.
How should I continue?
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  • #2
crime9894 said:
Homework Statement:: For Schwarzschild metric, consider a mass M following space-like trajectory.
The relativistic energy of the mass at infinity is E.
Show that there is smallest value of r, the radial coordinate, reachable by the mass, and find its value.
Relevant Equations:: As shown below

I'm not sure how to approach this question.

So I start off with the fact the path taken is space-like,
Input the Schwarzschild metric,
Where I assume the mass doesn't move in angular direction.
How should I continue?
Are you assuming any space-like path or space-like geodesics?
  • #3
Did you mean to use ##M## in the metric? Isn't ##M## the mass of the moving body?
  • #4
I assume that the limiting case of these trajectories is a null trajectory, i.e. a trajectory followed by a light ray. As per usual, it would help to cast the problem in terms of an effective potential. Assuming the trajectory is confined to the equatorial plane ##\theta \equiv \pi/2## (which is always possible to achieve by means of a rotation of the coordinate system), write\begin{align*}
0 = g_{\mu \nu} u^{\mu} u^{\nu} &= g_{tt} \left( \dfrac{dt}{d\tau} \right)^2 + g_{rr} \left( \dfrac{dr}{d\tau} \right)^2 + g_{\phi \phi} \left( \dfrac{d\phi}{d\tau} \right)^2 \\
&= -f(r) \left( \dfrac{dt}{d\tau} \right)^2 + f(r)^{-1} \left( \dfrac{dr}{d\tau} \right)^2 + r^2 \left( \dfrac{d\phi}{d\tau} \right)^2 \ \ \ (\dagger)
\end{align*}with ##f(r) \equiv 1-2m^*/r##. Recall that this metric implies two Killing vectors ##\xi = \partial / \partial t## and ##m = \partial / \partial \phi##, and therefore two conserved quantities \begin{align*}
E &\equiv -u \cdot \xi = -g_{\mu \nu} u^{\mu} \xi^{\nu} = -g_{tt} u^t \xi^t = f(r) \dfrac{dt}{d\tau} \ \ \ (\sim \mathrm{energy})\\
L &\equiv u \cdot m = g_{\mu \nu} u^{\mu} m^{\nu} = g_{\phi \phi} u^{\phi} m^{\phi} = r^2 \dfrac{d\phi}{d\tau} \ \ \ (\sim \mathrm{angular \ momentum})
\end{align*}which allows you to substitute ##\dfrac{dt}{d\tau} = \dfrac{E}{f(r)}## and ##\dfrac{d\phi}{d\tau} = \dfrac{L}{r^2}## in ##(\dagger)##, \begin{align*}
\boxed{\dfrac{1}{2} \dot{r}^2 + \dfrac{L^2 f(r)}{2r^2} = \dfrac{1}{2} E^2 }
\end{align*}with ##\dfrac{L^2 f(r)}{2r^2} \equiv V(r)## an effective potential. Can you figure out how to use this equation to investigate the positions ##r_0## of closest approach?
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Related to Space-like trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime

1. What is a space-like trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime?

A space-like trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime is a path that an object follows in the presence of a massive, non-rotating body, such as a black hole. This trajectory is characterized by the fact that the object's four-velocity is always perpendicular to the four-velocity of a stationary observer, and thus the object's speed never exceeds the speed of light.

2. How does a space-like trajectory differ from a time-like trajectory?

A time-like trajectory is a path that an object follows when its four-velocity is always parallel to the four-velocity of a stationary observer. This means that the object's speed can vary and can even exceed the speed of light in certain cases. In contrast, a space-like trajectory is characterized by a constant speed that never exceeds the speed of light.

3. What is the significance of a space-like trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime?

A space-like trajectory is significant because it describes the motion of objects in the strong gravitational field of a massive, non-rotating body. This is important in understanding the behavior of objects near black holes, as well as in developing theories of gravity and spacetime.

4. How is a space-like trajectory affected by the curvature of spacetime?

The curvature of spacetime, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity, plays a crucial role in determining the path of a space-like trajectory. The massive body creates a curvature in spacetime, and the object follows a geodesic, or the shortest path, in this curved spacetime. This results in the object following a curved trajectory around the massive body.

5. Can a space-like trajectory ever intersect with a time-like trajectory?

No, a space-like trajectory and a time-like trajectory can never intersect. This is because they represent fundamentally different types of motion, with different constraints on speed and direction. In a Schwarzschild spacetime, these trajectories are always separate and cannot cross paths.

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