Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r.... (Browder, 12.22)

In summary: I have to take another look at the proof in the light of your post ...Thanks again for helping me get a better understanding of the proof ...PeterIn summary, the conversation discusses a specific proof in Andrew Browder's book "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" regarding the set of multilinear maps forming a basis for the dual space. The proof uses Proposition 12.20 to show that for any r-tuples I and J, not necessarily increasing, the multilinear map is equal to the Kronecker epsilon. The conversation also provides relevant text from the book for reference and a request for further clarification on the use of Proposition 12.20 in the proof.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ...

I am currently reading Chapter 12: Multilinear Algebra ... ...

I need some help in order to fully understand the proof of Theorem 12.22 on page 276 ... ...The relevant text reads as follows:


In the above proof by Browder we read the following:

" ... ... the Kronecker delta, and hence, using Proposition 12.20, that for any ##r##-tuples ##I## and ##J##, not necessarily increasing

##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J##

where ##\varepsilon^I_J##, the "Kronecker epsilon" ... ... "My question is as follows:

How is Proposition 12.20 used to show that ## \tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J## ... ... could someone please demonstrate the use of Proposition 12.20 to derive this result ...The above proof refers to Proposition 12.20 so I am providing the text of this proposition as follows:

The above proof also refers (indirectly) to the basis ##( \tilde{u}^1, \cdot \cdot \cdot \tilde{u}^n )## for the dual space ##V^*## ... ... this is mentioned at the start of Section 12.1 ... so I am providing the relevant text as follows:




It may also be useful in order to understand the above post for Physics Forum members to have access to Section 12.2 on Alternating Tensors ... so I am providing the same as follows:



Hope access to the above text helps ...



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  • #2
I suggest you narrow this to a few lines to make it more likely someone will read the whole thing. Please summarize it for us, the parts you don't understand.
  • #3
WWGD said:
I suggest you narrow this to a few lines to make it more likely someone will read the whole thing. Please summarize it for us, the parts you don't understand.
Hi WWGD ... thanks for the response ...

Almost all of the scanned text in my post is to enable readers to check definitions and notation (only if they need to ...) ... it is not necessary for a reader who knows the topic to read all the text ... maybe just to check the meaning of notation every now and then ..

The essence of my problem is one of the early steps in the proof of the following proposition in Browder's book:

12.22 Proposition The set

##\{ \tilde{u}^I \ : \ \mid I \mid = r, \ I \text{ increasing } \} ##

forms a basis for ##\bigwedge^r ( V^* )##Now the proof starts by noting that ...

... ... if ##I = ( i_1, \cdot \cdot \cdot , i_r )## and ##J = ( j_1, \cdot \cdot \cdot , j_r )## are increasing sequences then ##\tilde{u}^I (u_{ j_1}, \cdot \cdot \cdot , u_{ j_r} ) = A ( \tilde{u}^{i_1} \otimes \cdot \cdot \cdot \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r} ) ( u_{j_1} \ ... \ u_{j_r} )####= \sum_{ \sigma \text{ in } S_r } \varepsilon ( \sigma ) \tilde{u}^{i_1} \otimes \cdot \cdot \cdot \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r} ( u_{j_{\sigma (1) } } \ ... \ u_{j_{\sigma (r) } } )####= \delta^I_J##

The proof then notes that it follows that for any ##r##-tuples ##I## and ##J##, not necessarily increasing,

##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J##

where ##\varepsilon^I_J##, the "Kronecker epsilon" is defined to be ##0## unless the sequence ##I## is a rearrangement of the sequence ##J##, and to be ##\varepsilon ( \sigma )##, if the permutation ##\sigma## transforms ##I## to ##J##. ... ...My question is as follows:

How/why does it follow that for any ##r##-tuples ##I## and ##J##, not necessarily increasing,

##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J## ... ... ?

Indeed ... can someone please demonstrate that it follows that ##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J## ...(NOTE: Browder says using Proposition 12.20 it follows that ,,, ,,, etc etc ... )Help will be much appreciated ...


  • #4
Hi Peter,

you have a strange favor for books with exhausting notations.

I assume ##\tilde{u}^i(u_j) \stackrel{(*)}{=} \delta_{ij}## and that ##(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \tilde{u}^{i_2})(u_{j_1}\, , \,u_{j_2}) = \tilde{u}^{i_1}(u_{j_1}) \cdot \tilde{u}^{i_2}(u_{j_2})\,.## With this it is probably easiest if you write out the sums for ##r=2## and ##r=3## and you will see what is going on. The sum over the permutations is the definition of the alternator ##A##. Increasing ##I##, resp. ##J##, can always be achieved from arbitrary ones by consecutively swapping indices and multiplying with ##(-1)## for every swap which is made: ##A(a\otimes b) = -A(b \otimes a)##. Because of ##(*)## it is sufficient to order ##I## since only those terms ##\tilde{u}^{i}(u_{j}) ## will remain unequal to zero which fit to the same ordering as ##I##.
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  • #5
fresh_42 said:
Hi Peter,

you have a strange favor for books with exhausting notations.

I assume ##\tilde{u}^i(u_j) \stackrel{(*)}{=} \delta_{ij}## and that ##(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \tilde{u}^{i_2})(u_{j_1}\, , \,u_{j_2}) = \tilde{u}^{i_1}(u_{j_1}) \cdot \tilde{u}^{i_2}(u_{j_2})\,.## With this it is probably easiest if you write out the sums for ##r=2## and ##r=3## and you will see what is going on. The sum over the permutations is the definition of the alternator ##A##. Increasing ##I##, resp. ##J##, can always be achieved from arbitrary ones by consecutively swapping indices and multiplying with ##(-1)## for every swap which is made: ##A(a\otimes b) = -A(b \otimes a)##. Because of ##(*)## it is sufficient to order ##I## since only those terms ##\tilde{u}^{i}(u_{j}) ## will remain unequal to zero which fit to the same ordering as ##I##.
Thanks fresh_42 for a most helpful post ...

You write: " ... ... I assume ##\tilde{u}^i(u_j) \stackrel{(*)}{=} \delta_{ij}## and that ##(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \tilde{u}^{i_2})(u_{j_1}\, , \,u_{j_2}) = \tilde{u}^{i_1}(u_{j_1}) \cdot \tilde{u}^{i_2}(u_{j_2})\,.## ... " ... ... yes, that is my understanding ...You also write: " ... ... With this it is probably easiest if you write out the sums for ##r=2## and ##r=3## and you will see what is going on. ... " ... ... Good idea ... thanks ...I have been reflecting on the issues and although the result that ##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J## now seems reasonable to me ... how/why Proposition 12.20 is involved in establishing this result is a mystery to me ... are you able to help ..?
Another worry I have is that it seems to me that it is quite possible for some terms in the expression

##= \sum_{ \sigma \text{ in } S_r } \varepsilon ( \sigma ) \tilde{u}^{i_1} \otimes \cdot \cdot \cdot \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r} ( u_{j_{\sigma (1) } } \ ... \ u_{j_{\sigma (r) } } )##

to be ##-1## as surely for some permutations ##\sigma## we will have ##\varepsilon ( \sigma ) = -1## ...

... ... but ... ... this surely might possibly mean

##\tilde{u}^I (u_{ j_1}, \cdot \cdot \cdot , u_{ j_r} ) \neq \delta^I_J## ... ... can you clarify ...?Thanks again for your help... it is much appreciated ...

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  • #6
Math Amateur said:
I have been reflecting on the issues and although the result that ##\tilde{u}^I ( u_{ j_1 }, \cdot \cdot \cdot u_{ j_r } ) = \varepsilon^I_J## now seems reasonable to me ... how/why Proposition 12.20 is involved in establishing this result is a mystery to me ... are you able to help ..?
Proposition 12.20 only says which properties the alternator has - and again in a far too complicated manner. Especially ##A(a\otimes b) = a\otimes b - b \otimes a = -A(b\otimes a)## is frequently needed in order to count for the minus signs of odd permutations (as in my case ##\operatorname{sgn}(b,a)=-1##).

It all comes down to the definition:
##A(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \ldots \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r}) = \sum_{\sigma \in S_r} \varepsilon(\sigma) \tilde{u}^{\sigma(i_1)}\otimes \ldots \otimes \tilde{u}^{\sigma(i_r)} ## the sum over all possible orders of the ##\tilde{u}^{i}## weighted by the sign of their ordering. (Cp.
Another worry I have is that it seems to me that it is quite possible for some terms in the expression

##= \sum_{ \sigma \text{ in } S_r } \varepsilon ( \sigma ) \tilde{u}^{i_1} \otimes \cdot \cdot \cdot \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r} ( u_{j_{\sigma (1) } } \ ... \ u_{j_{\sigma (r) } } )##

to be ##-1## as surely for some permutations ##\sigma## we will have ##\varepsilon ( \sigma ) = -1## ...

... ... but ... ... this surely might possibly mean

##\tilde{u}^I (u_{ j_1}, \cdot \cdot \cdot , u_{ j_r} ) \neq \delta^I_J## ... ... can you clarify ...?
We have ##(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \tilde{u}^{i_2})(u_{j_1}\, , \,u_{j_2}) = \tilde{u}^{i_1}(u_{j_1}) \cdot \tilde{u}^{i_2}(u_{j_2})= \delta_{i_1j_1} \cdot \delta_{i_2j_2}## so only the pair ##(i_1,i_2)=(j_1,j_2)## remains as ##\tilde{u}^i(u_j)=0## for ##i\neq j##. This is because (which I assume) ##\{\,\tilde{u}^i\,\}## and ##\{\,u_j\,\}## are dual bases of ##V^*## resp. ##V##. All permutations other than the one given by ##I## vanish, esp. all odd ones.
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  • #7
fresh_42 said:
Proposition 12.20 only says which properties the alternator has - and again in a far too complicated manner. Especially ##A(a\otimes b) = a\otimes b - b \otimes a = -A(b\otimes a)## is frequently needed in order to count for the minus signs of odd permutations (as in my case ##\operatorname{sgn}(b,a)=-1##).

It all comes down to the definition:
##A(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \ldots \otimes \tilde{u}^{i_r}) = \sum_{\sigma \in S_r} \varepsilon(\sigma) \tilde{u}^{\sigma(i_1)}\otimes \ldots \otimes \tilde{u}^{\sigma(i_r)} ## the sum over all possible orders of the ##\tilde{u}^{i}## weighted by the sign of their ordering. (Cp.

We have ##(\tilde{u}^{i_1}\otimes \tilde{u}^{i_2})(u_{j_1}\, , \,u_{j_2}) = \tilde{u}^{i_1}(u_{j_1}) \cdot \tilde{u}^{i_2}(u_{j_2})= \delta_{i_1j_1} \cdot \delta_{i_2j_2}## so only the pair ##(i_1,i_2)=(j_1,j_2)## remains as ##\tilde{u}^i(u_j)=0## for ##i\neq j##. This is because (which I assume) ##\{\,\tilde{u}^i\,\}## and ##\{\,u_j\,\}## are dual bases of ##V^*## resp. ##V##. All permutations other than the one given by ##I## vanish, esp. all odd ones.

Thanks fresh_42

Again ... most helpful ...


FAQ: Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r.... (Browder, 12.22)

1. What is the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r?

The Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r, also known as the rth exterior power of a vector space, is a mathematical concept used in multilinear algebra. It is a vector space that consists of tensors of rank r that are antisymmetric, meaning that they change sign when the order of their arguments is switched. This space is important in many areas of mathematics and physics, including differential geometry and quantum mechanics.

2. How is the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r different from other vector spaces?

The Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r is different from other vector spaces because it is defined by the property of antisymmetry. This means that the tensors in this space have a special property that sets them apart from other tensors. Additionally, the dimension of this space is determined by the dimension of the original vector space and the rank r, making it unique for each combination of vector space and rank.

3. What are some applications of the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r?

The Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r has many applications in mathematics and physics. It is used in differential geometry to define differential forms, which are important in the study of manifolds and integration. In physics, this space is used in the formulation of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, where it is used to describe the spin of particles and the properties of quantum states.

4. How is the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r related to the concept of determinants?

The Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r is closely related to the concept of determinants. In fact, the determinant of a square matrix can be thought of as a special case of an alternating tensor of rank r=2. This is because the determinant is a multilinear function that is antisymmetric in its columns. In general, the determinant can be thought of as a volume form, which is a type of alternating tensor.

5. Are there any real-world examples of the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r?

Yes, there are many real-world examples of the Space of Alternating Tensors of Rank r. One example is the cross product in three-dimensional Euclidean space. The cross product takes two vectors as input and produces a new vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. This vector is an alternating tensor of rank r=2. Another example is the electromagnetic field tensor in physics, which is an alternating tensor of rank r=2 that describes the electric and magnetic fields in space.
