Space-Time Distortion and Warp-Drive

In summary, the concept of a warp drive is highly speculative and unlikely to be physically possible. However, if it were to be created, it could potentially be used to travel anywhere, including in atmospheres and possibly even in water. The ship's shape may affect its speed when traveling in atmospheres, but the warp bubble itself would only affect the surrounding matter. Tidal forces caused by differences in spacetime curvature could potentially distort objects, but the exact effects would depend on the strength of the warp drive and the surrounding environment.
  • #1
I have heard many claims about the effects of space-time distortion but not really anything specific as far as matter.

For example: I place two spheres 5 meters apart on the z-axis into empty space-time that is not at all distorted. Then I proceed to evenly stretch all of the space-time in that area by a factor of two along the z-axis. Is the result still two spheres that are 5 meters apart or two ellipsoids that are 10 meters apart?

I ask this to help me understand how warp-drive could possibly function, and what effects it would have on the space that was warped.

I hope this isn't a stupid question.
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  • #2
srs101 said:
I place two spheres 5 meters apart on the z-axis into empty space-time that is not at all distorted.

Strictly speaking, you can't do this. The spheres themselves distort spacetime, since they contain some amount of matter and energy. And matter and energy can't just appear from nowhere.

But you could just start with the spheres 5 meters apart and static. Note that, because the spheres would attract each other, you need to also put something in between them to hold them apart.

srs101 said:
Then I proceed to evenly stretch all of the space-time in that area by a factor of two along the z-axis.

How would you do this? Spacetime doesn't "stretch" on its own. Note that all of the proposals (which are all highly speculative and probably aren't physically possible) require some kind of "exotic matter" (which nobody knows how to make and which probably isn't physically possible). And the effect of this, even if it were possible, wouldn't be to "evenly stretch spacetime"; it's more complicated than that.

srs101 said:
Is the result still two spheres that are 5 meters apart or two ellipsoids that are 10 meters apart?

First, not that it isn't space that stretches; it's spacetime. In relativity, you can't just distort space or time separately; you have to distort both, because they are not separate things.

For a typical speculative "warp drive", the distortion doesn't affect objects inside the "warp bubble"; it only affects the boundary of the "bubble"--in fact the distortion is the boundary of the bubble. The typical effect is to, heuristically speaking, shorten spacetime in front of the bubble and lengthen it behind the bubble, so that the bubble appears to move faster than light. (Again, bear in mind this is highly speculative and probably not physically possible.) So the spheres themselves wouldn't change; only the boundary of the bubble would.
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  • #3
I am aware that most of the things required for this scenario aren't possible, but all of that aside, would space-time distortion ever effect the dimensions of a object?
  • #4
srs101 said:
I am aware that most of the things required for this scenario aren't possible, but all of that aside, would space-time distortion ever effect the dimensions of a object?

Tidal forces, caused by differences in spacetime curvature, cause stresses in objects, but I'm not sure what happens when the curvature is relatively even.
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  • #5
srs101 said:
would space-time distortion ever effect the dimensions of a object?

In general, the answer is yes, it's possible. See below.

Drakkith said:
Tidal forces, caused by differences in spacetime curvature

Tidal gravity is not caused by differences in spacetime curvature; tidal gravity is spacetime curvature. If tidal gravity is strong enough, it can indeed distort objects.
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  • #6
Thank you.
  • #7
If a warp drive is made some day (despite it's mostly impossible) , can it be used to travel anywhere? like in the atmospheres of the planets...
and also do the environmental conditions affect the ship, when it's traveling at a very high speed, like the air resistance, resistance by the particles in the space?
  • #8
It seems a warp [ala alqubierre] drive would really mess up matter on the leading 'edge' of its warp bubble. Assuming I understand the basic idea, I foresee it would cause the distance between nucleons to shrink - which sounds like the recipe for a disaster of epic proportions.
  • #9
Chronos said:
It seems a warp [ala alqubierre] drive would really mess up matter on the leading 'edge' of its warp bubble. Assuming I understand the basic idea, I foresee it would cause the distance between nucleons to shrink - which sounds like the recipe for a disaster of epic proportions.
Which means, the shape of the ship affect the speed when it travels in atmospheres? ( like an air craft?) Or , only the warp bubble faces all the matter?
Well I really like to know whether a warp ship can be used to travel anywhere? Even in water?...
Because, if the space time distortion happen in the edge of the bubble, I think the ship has the capability to travel in slightly denser medias than the space... as even in the space there are particles.
I don't know my question is really clear ... and sorry if it isn't!

Related to Space-Time Distortion and Warp-Drive

1. What is space-time distortion?

Space-time distortion is a phenomenon in which the fabric of space and time is altered, leading to a distortion in the way objects move and interact with one another. This can occur due to the presence of massive objects, such as planets or stars, which create gravitational fields that bend the fabric of space-time.

2. How does warp-drive work?

Warp-drive is a theoretical concept that involves manipulating space-time to travel faster than the speed of light. It is based on the idea of creating a bubble of distorted space-time around a spacecraft, allowing it to "surf" on the expanding and contracting fabric of space. This would effectively bypass the limitations of the speed of light and allow for faster-than-light travel.

3. Is warp-drive possible?

While warp-drive is currently only a theoretical concept, there are ongoing research efforts to explore its potential feasibility. Some scientists believe that it may be possible to achieve warp-drive by manipulating the fabric of space-time using advanced propulsion systems and exotic matter. However, more research and technological advancements are needed to make it a reality.

4. What are the potential implications of warp-drive?

If warp-drive were to become a reality, it would revolutionize space travel as we know it. Interstellar travel could become a possibility, allowing us to explore distant planets and galaxies in a much shorter amount of time. It could also have implications for time travel and our understanding of the universe.

5. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding warp-drive?

As with any new technology, there are potential ethical concerns surrounding warp-drive. Some worry about the impact on the environment and potential dangers of manipulating space-time. There are also concerns about the potential for misuse, such as using warp-drive as a weapon. These concerns would need to be addressed and carefully considered before warp-drive could be implemented.

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