Space-time fabric distortion measuring

In summary: However, this one will be placed in space, because it needs to be even larger and quieter than the LIGO instruments.In summary, Scientists use laser interferometry to measure the effects of gravitational waves on objects, such as metersticks and mirrors, in order to detect and study them. This method has been used in the LIGO and will be used in the upcoming LISA instrument. This shows that gravitational waves do have an impact on the fabric of space-time and can potentially cause stress at the atomic level.
  • #1
Hi, I have a question about a fact that I did't understand, and all the world takes this as it is: How can the space-time distortion, generated by gravitational waves, can be measured? All scientist say that the space is stretched and squeezed, but how much means that, because 1 meter stretched is equal with 1 meter squeezed. I saw a documentary on youtube that said if a collision between 2 neutron stars near Earth (theoretically), will generate gravitational waves that will destroy the Earth. How? at atomic level, breaking the bond between atoms..., this means that the strong and weak nuclear forces or electromagnetic forces are independent from space-time fabric?
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  • #2
All scientist say that the space is stretched and squeezed, but how much means that, because 1 meter stretched is equal with 1 meter squeezed.
But a meterstick stretched may be 1.20 m, and have a problem.
For gravitational waves: if you measure the distance between two freely floating points as a GW goes through, you'll find the distance to be 1.20 m in one millisecond, 80 cm in the next, and so on. That's not a problem, as this distance variation comes without acceleration and thus without any forces. It's the "natural state" of the two points.
It becomes a problem, though, if the points are connected by something rigid, like a steel bar. Steel bars don't want to be 1.20 m long in one ms, and 80 cm in the next. Internal forces will try to keep it at a constant length, accelerating the individual parts away from their "natural" position. These forces could break it. (Theoretically, with very weak steel and very fat neutron stars)
  • #3
But how can you measure the meterstick when the gravity wave passes it.
So you say that the space-time distortion does affect the atomic forces. This could make sense and can explain the stress at atomic level.
At least that I understand.
  • #4
But how can you measure the meterstick when the gravity wave passes it.
There are two possibilities:
1) you take a "meterstick" and listen to its vibrations. If a gravitational wave passes through it, the internal forces will make it start ringing. You can measure that, in principle,
2) You take those freely floating points (mirrors) and measure their distance with a laser beam.
In both cases, what's important is that bound (coherent) objects don't simply follow the changing distances, but instead at least try to stay as they are.
  • #5
Currently, the method to try to detect gravity waves involve laser interferometry. The largest gravity wave detector, LIGO is basically a GIANT laser interferometry lab.

The lasers are several kilometers long and situated perpendicular to each other. They are made to interfere with each other at some point and you get an interference pattern. If a gravity wave passes by, it shrinks or expands (the wavelength of) ONE of the lasers a tiny bit (nano meter scale), and it doesn't affect the other laser. This changes the interference pattern, and that's how you see the gravity wave.
  • #6
LIGO is the short answer, as matterwave noted. By 2020 an even more sophisticated instrument is planned to be deployed. It is called LISA.

FAQ: Space-time fabric distortion measuring

1. What is "space-time fabric distortion measuring"?

"Space-time fabric distortion measuring" is a scientific technique used to measure the curvature of space-time, which is the fabric of the universe. It is based on Einstein's theory of general relativity, which states that massive objects can distort space and time around them.

2. How is space-time fabric distortion measured?

Space-time fabric distortion can be measured through various methods, such as observing the motion of objects in space, measuring the gravitational lensing effect, and detecting gravitational waves. These methods rely on precise calculations and measurements of the effects of gravity on space-time.

3. Why is measuring space-time fabric distortion important?

Measuring space-time fabric distortion is crucial for understanding the fundamental laws of the universe and how gravity affects the behavior of matter and energy. It also helps scientists make accurate predictions about the motion of celestial bodies and the evolution of the universe.

4. What are some real-world applications of space-time fabric distortion measuring?

Space-time fabric distortion measuring has many practical applications, such as in GPS systems, which rely on precise measurements of space-time distortion to calculate location and time. It is also used in astronomy to study the behavior of galaxies and black holes, and in cosmology to understand the origins and evolution of the universe.

5. Can space-time fabric distortion be measured accurately?

While space-time fabric distortion can be measured with high precision, it is challenging to achieve absolute accuracy due to the complex nature of space-time. However, advancements in technology and techniques continue to improve the accuracy of measurements, allowing for a better understanding of the fabric of the universe.

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