Space Tourism Survey: Answers Wanted!

In summary: The survey asks potential participants whether they would be interested in taking such a trip, how long they would like it to last, how much money they would be willing to spend on it, how long they would be willing to train for it, and to rank a list of space tourism activities. They are also asked what they would like to bring on the trip.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
I am doing preliminary market research for a space tourism project. Could you please fill out this survey regarding the prospect of taking a visit to space?

Since I will need to sift through the information, please post anything other than survey responses in this thread. Thank you.



Space Tourism Survey

Space tourism has always been a concept filled with possibility and excitement. However, only two people have ever paid to go into space. The cost of these two space tourism stints were somewhere between 15 and 20 million dollars. Keep this fact in mind as you answer the questions below.

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

___ - viewing the Earth (in general)

___ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

___ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

___ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

___ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

___ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

___ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

___ - high resolution photography of the Earth

___ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Thank you for your participation.
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Originally posted by enigma

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

___ - viewing the Earth (in general)

___ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

___ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

___ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

___ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

___ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

___ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

___ - high resolution photography of the Earth

___ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Thank you for your participation.

2>24 or more
3>I'd skip almost all other vacations in exchange for this one.
4>Isn't it presently 6 months? I'd be fine with that.
5>I'm too lazt right now, but will edit later.
6>condoms and a hooker
  • #3
Originally posted by enigma
I am doing preliminary market research for a space tourism project. Could you please fill out this survey regarding the prospect of taking a visit to space?

Since I will need to sift through the information, please post anything other than survey responses in this thread. Thank you.



Space Tourism Survey

Space tourism has always been a concept filled with possibility and excitement. However, only two people have ever paid to go into space. The cost of these two space tourism stints were somewhere between 15 and 20 million dollars. Keep this fact in mind as you answer the questions below.

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.


2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

10-15 hours actually in space

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

probably as much as 10K

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

whatever it takes(within reason-less than a year)

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

__7- viewing the Earth (in general)

___8- experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

___2- eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

___8- stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

___9- real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

__3 - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

___ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

___9- high resolution photography of the Earth

___9- taking a “space walk”

___ - going 17000 miles an hour-priceless

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

digital camera

Thank you for your participation.
  • #4
Originally posted by enigma
I am doing preliminary market research for a space tourism project. Could you please fill out this survey regarding the prospect of taking a visit to space?

Since I will need to sift through the information, please post anything other than survey responses in this thread. Thank you.



Space Tourism Survey

Space tourism has always been a concept filled with possibility and excitement. However, only two people have ever paid to go into space. The cost of these two space tourism stints were somewhere between 15 and 20 million dollars. Keep this fact in mind as you answer the questions below.

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
1-2 weeks

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_5__ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_2__ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_7__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_3__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_8__ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_1__ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

_6__ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_7__ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_4__ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Thank you for your participation.
  • #5
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?
24 h

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?
2 years

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
4 months

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_1__ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_2__ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_9__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_6__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_8__ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_5__ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

_4__ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_7__ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_3__ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?
A maths book
  • #6
Thanks for participating!

Keep them coming!
  • #7
Originally posted by enigma
I am doing preliminary market research for a space tourism project. Could you please fill out this survey regarding the prospect of taking a visit to space?

Since I will need to sift through the information, please post anything other than survey responses in this thread. Thank you.



Space Tourism Survey

Space tourism has always been a concept filled with possibility and excitement. However, only two people have ever paid to go into space. The cost of these two space tourism stints were somewhere between 15 and 20 million dollars. Keep this fact in mind as you answer the questions below.

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.


2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

24 Hours

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?


4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?


5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_2_ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_2_ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_6_ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_5_ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_7_ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_1_ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

_3_ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_3_ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_1_ - taking a “space walk” JET PACKS A MUST!

_9_ - Zero G toilets

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Tsunami. Quality camera and video cam. Preferred music. Perhaps various toys for science demo's. See also the discussion thread.

Thank you for your participation.

EDIT: I had transposed two numbers.
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  • #8
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.


2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?


3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?


4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

A month or two

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

I assume for this you want us to rank these in order of preference? In other words, each is not rated on a scale of 1-9, but instead we just put them in order from most desirable to least? In any case, I'll go with that assumption for now.

_3__ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_4__ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_9__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_5__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_8__ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_10__ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry (yeah so I'm a wuss)

_6__ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_7__ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_2__ - taking a “space walk”

_1__ - zero gravity sex!

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Camera. Video recorder. Drawing pad/notebook and pencils/pens. MP3 player. Psychoactive substances (heheh, just kidding-- maybe. :smile:)

edit: oh, girlfriend too-- don't know if that counts for this q tho
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  • #9

Originally posted by hypnagogue
[B edit: oh, girlfriend too-- don't know if that counts for this q tho [/B]
Well, yeah! Unless you plan on having that much desired zero-gravity sex by yourself...
  • #10

Originally posted by Tsunami
Well, yeah! Unless you plan on having that much desired zero-gravity sex by yourself...

I didn't want to make myself look bad after you and Ivan were so considerate for each other. :wink:
  • #11

Originally posted by hypnagogue
I didn't want to make myself look bad after you and Ivan were so considerate for each other. :wink:
Awwww... That's sweet. But there's no WAY one of us is going on THIS trip without the other one!:wink:
  • #12
_1__ - zero gravity sex!
Asimov in "The Gods Themselves" talks of how extraordinarily messy this is in a low gravity environment... Make sure everything is clamped down fully. :wink:

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?
24 hours. Too long may cause health problems, though.

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?
Around 3 or 4. A monthly payment plan would be nice.

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
6 Months. Consider it as part of the "experience".

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.
4 - viewing the Earth (in general)

3 - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

8 - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

2 - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

9 - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth
<Geez. Part of the fun of being a space tourist is to get away from these people.>

6 - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

7 - viewing specific areas of the Earth

5 - high resolution photography of the Earth

1 - taking a “space walk”

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?
Ah... There are so many things... I could make a model of the solar system with pasticine and elastic bands, and see that sort of motion in reality... A big tub of water to see how bubbles form in space. (I wonder... is it possible to have a soap bubble in a vacuum?) One of those sealed "biosphere" jars that I can hurl into space. A print copy of the Onion so extraterrestrials get completely confused about Earth society. The list is endless...
  • #13
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?
As long as possible. Days. Weeks.

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?
Upwards of 5.

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
I'm not sure. How long does training normally take? Maybe 6 months?

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

3 - viewing the Earth (in general)

4 - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

6 - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

5 - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

10 - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

7 - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

8 - viewing specific areas of the Earth

9 - high resolution photography of the Earth

2 - taking a “space walk”

1 - Going to the moon. _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

High-quality camera, video camera, mp3 player (Bring Holst's The Planets :D, psychedelics, a telescope.
  • #14
Hi Enigma !
Originally posted by enigma
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.
OF COOOOOOOUUUUUURSEEEEEEE ! Hmm... that's an affirmative. :wink:
Originally posted by enigma
2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like
the trip to last?
Hmm... that's a tough one...
Can I get a few months to think about it...
Originally posted by enigma
3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?
Provided I had an average sallary ? I suppose, 3 years.
Originally posted by enigma
4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
A few months, but it would depend on weather I do
have a regular job or am just some bored millionare. :wink:
Originally posted by enigma
5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_4__ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_3__ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_5__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_6__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_9__ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_2_ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

_8_ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_7_ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_1_ - taking a “space walk”

Other activities... ? Well, I always wanted to know how those spaceships are built, I mean, all those little parts...
Originally posted by enigma
6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?
A baseball and club and probably a football too. :wink:
Originally posted by enigma
Thank you for your participation.
It was... fun.

Live long and prosper.
  • #15
Originally posted by FZ+
Asimov in "The Gods Themselves" talks of how extraordinarily messy this is in a low gravity environment... Make sure everything is clamped down fully. :wink:

Yeah, but think of all the pos... er, ah, possibilities!
  • #16
Think of all the cleanup...

I hate to sound like a jerk, but can the discussion please be moved to the discussion thread?

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  • #17
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?
~10 hours

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?
~6 months (depends on the company)

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_2__ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_3__ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_6__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_4__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

___ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_5__ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

___ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

___ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_1__ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip? wine and chocolate (how's it feel to be under the affluence of incohol in gero-z?)
  • #18
*Bump* :wink:

Thanks all!
  • #19
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

Yes, if it is as save as flying on a plane.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

No more than 3, anything longer than that would be ennerving.

3. If money were an issue, how many years?savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

one month?

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

3 nights.

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

___ - viewing the Earth (in general)


___ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)


___ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)


___ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)


___ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth


___ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry


___ - viewing specific areas of the Earth


___ - high resolution photography of the Earth

___ - taking a “space walk?/b>


___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

my boyfriend and my cat
  • #20
Space Tourism Survey

1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.


2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

24 hours - the longer the better

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

It's a vacation so I don't believe a couple years savings should go into it - more like having the equivalent of a couple months salaries.

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

A month

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

__2_ - viewing the Earth (in general)

__3_ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_8__ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_1__ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

__6_ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_4__ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

__5_ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

__6_ - high resolution photography of the Earth

__7_ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Will need to think bout that one but intercourse in sapce is very appealing...
  • #21
1. Would you be interested in taking a 3-24 hour trip into space as a tourist/vacationer if money was not an issue? If no, feel free to answer any other questions you feel are valid.

Ofcoarse, I would jump at it instantly.

2. How long, between 3 and 24 hours, would you like the trip to last?

24 Hours

3. If money were an issue, how many years’ savings would you be willing to spend on such a trip?

...a bit tougher to answer. I would spend perhaps upwards of $15k

4. How long would you be willing to train for such a trip?

Six weeks

5. Rank from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most appealing, and 9 being the least appealing, the following space tourism activities. If there is another activity you can think of, add it to the list and then rank out 10 instead of 9.

_1_ - viewing the Earth (in general)

_3_ - experiencing "weightlessness" ('flying', floating, tumbling)

_4_ - eating in zero gravity conditions (playing with floating food)

_3_ - stargazing without Earth's atmospheric interference (telescope)

_5_ - real-time communication (audio & video) with people on the Earth

_4_ - experiencing launch and atmospheric reentry

_1_ - viewing specific areas of the Earth

_4_ - high resolution photography of the Earth

_1_ - taking a “space walk”

___ - _______________________________________

6. Other than essentials (food, water, clothing, pressure suit, helmet), what would you want to bring with you on the trip?

Nothing else...I don't want to distract myself when the trip is costing me a few thousand an hour...

Related to Space Tourism Survey: Answers Wanted!

1. What is space tourism?

Space tourism refers to the concept of traveling to space for recreational or leisure purposes, as opposed to scientific or military reasons. This can include activities such as visiting space stations, orbiting the Earth, or even traveling to other planets.

2. How much does space tourism cost?

The cost of space tourism varies greatly depending on the type and duration of the trip. Currently, the most affordable option is a suborbital flight, which can range from $250,000 to $500,000. Trips to the International Space Station can cost tens of millions of dollars, while a trip to the Moon is estimated to cost around $100 million.

3. Who is currently offering space tourism experiences?

Currently, the only company offering space tourism experiences is Virgin Galactic, with their suborbital flights. However, other companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are developing plans for space tourism in the future.

4. What are the potential risks of space tourism?

As with any form of travel, there are potential risks associated with space tourism. These can include technical malfunctions, exposure to extreme conditions, and the possibility of accidents. However, companies are taking extensive safety measures and conducting rigorous testing to minimize these risks.

5. How can I participate in space tourism?

At the moment, space tourism is only accessible to a select few individuals with the financial means to afford it. However, as the industry continues to develop and costs potentially decrease, it may become more accessible to the general public. Keep an eye out for updates and opportunities from companies like Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and Blue Origin.

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