Spacecraft Reentry - Drag Decrease?

In summary, the drag profile for a spacecraft upon reentry into Earth's atmosphere is that the moment it enters, it will be accelerated due to gravity and pick up speed which in turn increases drag. However, after 70 seconds, drag suddenly decreases and this is presumably due to the object reaching terminal velocity.
  • #1
The Don
I was given the following drag profile for a spacecraft upon reentry. I understand that the moment it enter's Earth's atmosphere it will be accelerated due to gravity and pick up speed which in turn increases drag however I don't understand why drag then decreases.

Wouldn't density cause drag to keep increasing since density increases the closer you get to Earth's surface? The end makes sense because the object would reach terminal velocity thus drag should equal 1G but I just don't get why drag suddenly decreases after 70 seconds since velocity and density would still be increasing after that point.



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  • #2
The Don said:
I just don't get why drag suddenly decreases after 70 seconds since velocity and density would still be increasing after that point.
What makes you think that the velocity increases after that point?
  • #3
Since it hasn't hit terminal velocity, velocity should still be increasing (although not as quickly as before since it's decelerating) until terminal velocity is acquired which isn't till ~150 seconds. What am I missing?
  • #4
The Don said:
velocity should still be increasing (although not as quickly as before since it's decelerating)
"Decelerating" means that velocity is increasing?
  • #5
The Don said:
Since it hasn't hit terminal velocity, velocity should still be increasing (although not as quickly as before since it's decelerating) until terminal velocity is acquired which isn't till ~150 seconds. What am I missing?
It is approaching terminal velocity from above. Its speed is decreasing toward terminal velocity. [Pretending for the moment that "terminal velocity" is a single fixed speed in this scenario].
  • #6
jbriggs444 said:
It is approaching terminal velocity from above. Its speed is decreasing toward terminal velocity. [Pretending for the moment that "terminal velocity" is a single fixed speed in this scenario].

Hmm, what causes the speed to decrease though? Wouldn't drag itself still increase due to the increase in density as you approach the surface?
  • #7
A.T. said:
"Decelerating" means that velocity is increasing?

No but I'm confused on how it's possible for an object's velocity to increase and then decrease in free fall. The curve is telling me that when the objects enters the atmosphere it will accelerate and the velocity will hit increase and likewise drag, but then drag peaks and then decreases but how can an object in free fall experience an increase in velocity and then decrease?

I guess I'm just used to thinking of an object being dropped from a's velocity will increase until it hits terminal velocity which would be the max velocity the object can obtain in free fall (never does the object experience a decrease in velocity just increase)
  • #8
The Don said:
Hmm, what causes the speed to decrease though?

The Don said:
Wouldn't drag itself still increase due to the increase in density as you approach the surface?
Drag is a function of speed too, not just density.
  • #9
The Don said:
No but I'm confused on how it's possible for an object's velocity to increase and then decrease in free fall. The curve is telling me that when the objects enters the atmosphere it will accelerate and the velocity will hit increase and likewise drag, but then drag peaks and then decreases but how can an object in free fall experience an increase in velocity and then decrease?
It's not free fall if there is drag

The Don said:
object being dropped from a's velocity will increase
Depends on the object and how fast the plane is.
  • #10
A.T. said:
DragDrag is a function of speed too, not just density.
Ok I think I'm starting to get it. The peak is pretty much the point in which velocity will start to decrease towards terminal velocity. However why does a spacecraft start at a speed higher than terminal velocity?

(I'm using to thinking objects speed up to terminal velocity, but can't think of how the spacecraft would start above terminal velocity since it's floating through space with no acceleration before it enters the atmosphere)
  • #11
The Don said:
Ok I think I'm starting to get it. The peak is pretty much the point in which velocity will start to decrease towards terminal velocity. However why does a spacecraft start at a speed higher than terminal velocity?
The point when drag exceeds one gee is the point at which velocity starts decreasing. The spacecraft starts in low Earth orbit at around 18,000 miles per hour. That is WAY WAY in excess of terminal velocity.
(I'm using to thinking objects speed up to terminal velocity, but can't think of how the spacecraft would start above terminal velocity since it's floating through space with no acceleration before it enters the atmosphere)
Acceleration and velocity are different things.
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  • #12
The Don said:
However why does a spacecraft start at a speed higher than terminal velocity?
Higher than which terminal velocity? Terminal velocity depends on the density of air and thus altitude.
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  • #13
The Don said:
Ok I think I'm starting to get it. The peak is pretty much the point in which velocity will start to decrease towards terminal velocity.
No. Velocity is decreasing over the whole graph.
The peak is where the drag force is the highest. Drag force is going to be a function of speed and air density. That makes sense right? Drag arises because the spacecraft has to push air out of the way as it moves. The faster the spacecraft is moving, the more air it moves through each second, so the more it has to push out of the way. Also, since it is moving faster, it pushes the air more violently. More dense air also increases drag for the same reason.

Before the peak, air density is so low that even though the craft is moving through a large volume of air per second, that volume doesn't contain much mass, so less air has to be pushed out of the way. After the peak, the air is more dense, but the craft is moving slower, so even though the density has increased, the volume of air per second that the vehicle has to move, and the violence with which it must be moved, have decreased.

The Don said:
However why does a spacecraft start at a speed higher than terminal velocity?
It starts off at orbital velocity, which is many thousands of miles per hour. It got to that speed via its engines when it was launched.

FAQ: Spacecraft Reentry - Drag Decrease?

1. What is "Spacecraft Reentry - Drag Decrease"?

"Spacecraft Reentry - Drag Decrease" refers to the process by which a spacecraft reduces its speed and descends back to Earth's atmosphere after completing its mission in outer space. During this process, the spacecraft experiences a decrease in drag, or the resistance it encounters from the Earth's atmosphere, which allows it to enter the atmosphere without causing damage to the spacecraft.

2. How is drag decrease achieved during spacecraft reentry?

Drag decrease during spacecraft reentry is achieved through a combination of techniques, including the use of heat shields, aerodynamic shaping, and control surfaces. These techniques work together to reduce the amount of drag encountered by the spacecraft, allowing it to safely enter the Earth's atmosphere at high speeds.

3. Why is drag decrease important during spacecraft reentry?

Drag decrease is important during spacecraft reentry because it allows the spacecraft to enter the Earth's atmosphere at high speeds without encountering excessive heat and stress. Without drag decrease, the spacecraft would experience a high amount of drag, which could cause it to burn up or break apart during reentry.

4. How do scientists measure drag decrease during spacecraft reentry?

Scientists use a variety of instruments and techniques to measure drag decrease during spacecraft reentry. These include wind tunnel testing, computer simulations, and data collected from previous reentry missions. By analyzing this data, scientists can accurately predict the amount of drag decrease a spacecraft will experience during reentry.

5. Are there any risks associated with drag decrease during spacecraft reentry?

While drag decrease is crucial for a safe and successful spacecraft reentry, there are some risks associated with it. If the spacecraft encounters too much drag decrease, it may not slow down enough to enter the Earth's atmosphere, potentially causing it to skip back into space. On the other hand, too little drag decrease could result in the spacecraft burning up or breaking apart due to the high amount of drag encountered. Therefore, it is important for scientists to carefully analyze and predict the amount of drag decrease for each spacecraft reentry mission.
