Spaceships utilize hydrogen as fuel.

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential sources of hydrogen and the challenges of storing and utilizing it as a fuel. The participants mention various materials that contain hydrogen and could be used to produce it, such as oil, coal, and biomass. They also mention that current methods of storing hydrogen, such as cryogenic storage, are not practical for household use. The conversation ends with a question about alternative hydrogen-bearing compounds that could provide more practical storage and transportation options.
  • #1
I have several questions about hydrogen that I need help to answer them.

gasoline; raw oil; mineral coal; wooden coal; dry biomass
Which of the following materials could be use to produce hydrogen?
I think they are the oil and the coals. Maybe biomass.

Spaceships utilize hydrogen as fuel. It is stored in liquid state at low temperature and high pressure. This storage method is not adequate for domestical uses nor for utilization in transports. How could we store hydrogen to apply as a fuel in our homes and cars?

And what are the problems to surpass in order to make hydrogen the fount of energy of the future?

Thank you :biggrin: .
Physics news on
  • #2
Any material containing hydrogen could be used to produce hydrogen. What on your list contains hydrogen?

Spacecraft use hydrogen which is stored as a liquid, which requires a cyrogenic storage (i.e. very cold), which does not necessarily mean high pressure. Cryogenic storage would not seem practical for household applications because of the cost of such storage and the fact that a refrigeration may be required to maintain the necessary temperatures if the hydrogen is not used for some period of time.

We already have methane or natural gas powered vehicles. Can one think of other hydrogen-bearing compounds which would provide practical storage and transportation options without the need for cryogenic temperatures?
  • #3
Thank you very much, Astronuc.

FAQ: Spaceships utilize hydrogen as fuel.

1. What is the advantage of using hydrogen as fuel for spaceships?

Hydrogen is the lightest element and has the highest energy per unit mass of any fuel. This makes it an ideal choice for space travel, as it allows for more efficient use of fuel and longer distances to be traveled.

2. How is hydrogen fuel created for spaceships?

Hydrogen fuel is typically created through a process called electrolysis, where an electric current is used to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This hydrogen is then stored and used as fuel for the spaceship.

3. Are there any safety concerns with using hydrogen as fuel in spaceships?

While hydrogen is a highly flammable gas, the safety concerns for using it as fuel in spaceships are minimal. The fuel is stored in highly pressurized and insulated tanks, and strict safety protocols are in place to prevent accidents.

4. Can hydrogen fuel be used for all types of spaceships?

Yes, hydrogen fuel can be used for various types of spaceships, including rockets, space shuttles, and satellites. It is a versatile fuel that can be adapted to fit the specific needs of different spacecraft.

5. Is hydrogen fuel sustainable for long-term space travel?

Yes, hydrogen fuel is a sustainable option for long-term space travel. It is abundantly available and can be replenished through various methods, such as extracting it from water or harvesting it from other planets or celestial bodies.

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