Spacetime and Geometry: Vanishing commutators#2

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about commutators of vector fields and their relation to non-trivial functions. The solution to the exercise is provided using a proof by contradiction and the concept of directional derivatives. The conversation also touches upon the idea of vector fields being equivalent to the derivative along a line in the direction of the field and the importance of reading the question carefully.
  • #1
George Keeling
Gold Member
This is a refinement of a previous thread (here). I hope I am following correct protocol.

Homework Statement

I am studying Spacetime and Geometry : An Introduction to General Relativity by Sean M Carroll and have a question about commutators of vector fields. A vector field on a manifold can be thought of as differential operator which transforms smooth functions to smooth functions on the manifold. For a vector field X and a function f(xi) we write

X(f) = g, where g is another function. We then define the commutator of two fields X and Y as

[X,Y](f) = X(Y(f)) - Y(X(f)

In the exercise I am working on, we are asked to find two vector fields whose commutator does not vanish. An important step is to show that if the commutator vanishes for one non-trivial function f, it vanishes for all non-trivial functions. This is implied by the question but not proven. (f = a constant everywhere would be trivial)

Homework Equations

See above

The Attempt at a Solution

I proved it this way using 'Reductio ad absurdum'.

Our starting point is f is non-trivial and [X,Y](f) = 0. We have another function g is non-trivial and [X,Y](g) ≠ 0.

We already know that commutators are linear (from the previous exercise), so

[X,Y](f + g) = [X,Y](f) + [X,Y](g)
[X,Y](f + g) = [X,Y](g)

Therefore f is trivial, which breaks our starting assumption, with which there must be some error. The only non trivial possibility is that [X,Y](g) = 0. QED?

Is my solution correct?
Is there a more obvious solution? (I.e. Am I missing something? See below)
I would like a good definition of 'non-trivial'.

In another thread on Commutator of two vector fields (here), I read "[X,Y] describes how far the endpoints of a rectangle vary if you go along X followed by Y or the other way around. Commuting vector fields mean the two path end at the same point". This does not mention a particular function. I think it supports my conclusion.
Physics news on
  • #2
There was no reason to create a new thread just to make a second post.

George Keeling said:
Our starting point is f is non-trivial and [X,Y](f) = 0. We have another function g is non-trivial and [X,Y](g) ≠ 0.

We already know that commutators are linear (from the previous exercise), so

[X,Y](f + g) = [X,Y](f) + [X,Y](g)
[X,Y](f + g) = [X,Y](g)

Therefore f is trivial, which breaks our starting assumption, with which there must be some error. The only non trivial possibility is that [X,Y](g) = 0. QED?

I think you're going down a wrong path. ##f## being a constant is not the only possibility for ##[X,Y](f) = 0##. But in any case, how does ##[X,Y](f+g) = [X,Y](g)## imply that ##[X,Y](g) = 0##?

I think that you need to go back to what a vector field is, and what it means to apply it to a function. If you pick a particular coordinate system ##x^1, x^2, ...##, then you can write a vector ##X## in terms of components ##X^1, X^2, ...## and then ##X(f) = X^1 \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^1} + X^2 \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^2} + ...##. Applying ##X## to ##f## means applying the "directional derivative". So what happens when you compute ##X(Y(f))##? (In general, the components ##X^1, X^2, ...## are not constants).
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Likes George Keeling
  • #3
Thanks. You are right. As you have noticed I am still struggling with what X(f) really means. And thanks fort the advice on threads.
  • #4
As I said ##X(f)## means take the directional derivative of ##f## in the direction ##X##. In the first course in vector calculus, they tend to write this as ##X \cdot \nabla f##. In terms of components, it's ##X^x \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} + X^y \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} + ...##
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Likes George Keeling
  • #5
I would rewrite that expression for ##X(f)## as
$$X(f) = X^i \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^i}$$ from there I can get pretty quickly to the components of ##[X,Y]##
$$[X,Y]^i = X^j \frac {\partial Y^i}{\partial x^j} - Y^j \frac {\partial X^i}{\partial x^j}$$ That also gives ##[X,Y]##
The exercise was very useful. I had done it in a previous exercise from Carroll's book, but in a coordinate independent fashion. (A field is equivalent to the derivative along a line in the direction of the field. There are no partial derivatives on coordinates.)
I have also realized that I have committed the heinous error of not reading the question in the current exercise. It said that the "commutator does not vanish", not that "the effect of the commutator on a function does not vanish". My initial question vanishes! Thanks again. The exercise was useful and luckily I have plenty of time. (I even learned a bit of LaTeX. Ugh.)

FAQ: Spacetime and Geometry: Vanishing commutators#2

1. What is spacetime and how is it related to geometry?

Spacetime is the four-dimensional continuum in which all events in the universe occur. It combines the three dimensions of space with the dimension of time. The concept of spacetime is a fundamental part of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how gravity works on a large scale. In this theory, the presence of mass and energy warps or curves the fabric of spacetime, causing objects to move along curved paths.

2. What are vanishing commutators in the context of spacetime and geometry?

In the field of quantum mechanics, vanishing commutators refer to a mathematical property of operators that represent physical observables. In the context of spacetime and geometry, vanishing commutators are used to describe the relationship between different quantities, such as energy and position, as they change over time. When the commutator of two operators is equal to zero, it means that these quantities can be measured simultaneously with certainty, and there is no uncertainty in their values.

3. How does the concept of vanishing commutators impact our understanding of spacetime?

The concept of vanishing commutators is crucial in quantum mechanics, as it allows us to make precise predictions about the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale. In the context of spacetime and geometry, vanishing commutators help us understand the fundamental structure of the universe and how different quantities are related to each other. They also play a role in theories of quantum gravity, which aim to reconcile the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics.

4. Can vanishing commutators be observed or measured in real-world experiments?

While vanishing commutators have important implications in theoretical physics, they cannot be directly observed or measured in real-world experiments. This is because they involve operators that represent physical quantities, rather than actual physical measurements. However, their effects can be observed indirectly through experiments that test the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the famous double-slit experiment.

5. What are some applications of vanishing commutators in modern physics?

Vanishing commutators have many applications in modern physics, particularly in the fields of quantum mechanics and general relativity. They are used to develop theories of quantum gravity, understand the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, and make predictions about the behavior of black holes. Vanishing commutators also have practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and cryptography, where they are used to manipulate and measure quantum states.
