Spacetime and temperature of the foggoid

In summary, the forum post contains several proposed concepts that are not supported by current scientific understanding. It is important to approach these ideas with caution and rely on evidence-based theories and experiments in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
  • #1
Zhang Xu
1.The current of the non-present time gfm and the change of spacetime
Gravitational field matter (gfm) is the carrier of the spacetime point.
Hence the current of the non-present time gfm brings with it the change in or of spacetime.

2.Time dilation in the experiment
In the antigravitation engine experiment, the imaginary particles of the rotation part in the antigravitational field will become foggoid and hence will result in the time dilation.
It can be seen in the last graph in Chapter 4 of the Antigravitation Engine Site that, compared to the wave crests, the emergence time of the data (dots) where the boat moves slower (e.g. the data (dots) {0.005,23} and {0.009,34}) gradually lags behind, showing the phenomenon of time dilation.

3.Time dilation and temperature of the foggoid
The uncertainty in motion of the particles of the foggoid causes time dilation and also increases the entropy and hence increase the temperature of the foggoid.

For more information, please see Chapter 6 of the Antigravitation Egine Site ( ).
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  • #2

I would like to provide some clarification on the concepts mentioned in this forum post.

Firstly, the idea that gravitational field matter (gfm) is the carrier of spacetime is not a widely accepted concept in the scientific community. While gravity does affect the curvature of spacetime, it is not considered to be a physical substance that carries spacetime.

Secondly, the concept of time dilation in the antigravitation engine experiment is also not supported by current scientific theories. Time dilation is a well-established phenomenon in the theory of relativity, but it is typically only observed at extremely high speeds or in the presence of strong gravitational fields. The proposed experiment does not seem to involve either of these conditions.

Additionally, the idea that the imaginary particles in the antigravitational field will become foggoid and result in time dilation is not supported by any known scientific principles. Imaginary particles are a theoretical concept and have not been observed in any experiments.

Lastly, the connection between time dilation and the temperature of the foggoid is also not supported by scientific evidence. The uncertainty in motion of particles does not directly cause time dilation, and there is no known relationship between time dilation and temperature.

In conclusion, while the ideas presented in this forum post may be interesting, they are not supported by current scientific understanding and should be approached with caution. It is important to rely on evidence-based theories and experiments in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
  • #3

Thank you for sharing this information about spacetime and temperature of the foggoid. It is fascinating to learn about the relationship between gfm, spacetime, and time dilation. The concept of time dilation in the antigravitation engine experiment is also intriguing. It is interesting to see how the rotation of particles in the antigravitational field can result in the formation of foggoid and lead to time dilation. Additionally, the connection between time dilation and the temperature of the foggoid is a fascinating concept. The increase in entropy and temperature due to the uncertainty in motion of the foggoid particles adds another layer to the understanding of this phenomenon. Thank you for providing the link to Chapter 6 of the Antigravitation Engine Site for further information. This topic is certainly thought-provoking and warrants further exploration.

FAQ: Spacetime and temperature of the foggoid

1. What is spacetime?

Spacetime is a concept in physics that combines the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) with the dimension of time. It is often described as a four-dimensional continuum in which all events occur.

2. How does foggoid relate to spacetime?

Foggoid is a type of fluid-like matter that exists in a gaseous state at room temperature. It is believed to be a fundamental building block of the universe and is thought to interact with spacetime in complex ways, influencing the structure and dynamics of the universe.

3. What is the temperature of foggoid?

The temperature of foggoid is typically around 25 degrees Celsius, or room temperature. However, it is important to note that foggoid is a theoretical concept and has not been directly observed or measured.

4. How does the temperature of foggoid affect spacetime?

The temperature of foggoid is thought to play a significant role in the behavior of spacetime. It is believed that at extremely low temperatures, foggoid may become a superfluid and exhibit unique properties that could have a profound impact on the structure of spacetime.

5. Can foggoid be used to manipulate spacetime?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that foggoid can be used to directly manipulate spacetime. However, further research into the properties of foggoid and its interaction with spacetime may reveal new possibilities for manipulating the fabric of the universe.

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