Spacetime Physics and other books on spec. relativity. Which is the best?

In summary: I would regard the old 1966 maroon edition with the solutions to be a must-have. The new edition is worth having (as a supplement to the older version) for some of the updated topics.
  • #1

This is my first post on this forum, so I'm sorry if topic like this is already here.

I'm looking for a book on special relativity, from which I will be able to learn it on myself. My knowledge of mathematics ends in Calculus, so I probably wouldn't appreciate tensors etc. I found a book Spactime Phisics, which should use only basics math, but it also should be very extensive. What do you think about this book? Or can you advise me which book(s) I should buy? Thanks...
Physics news on
  • #2
It is good.
  • #3
I would agree - also you might consider "Introduction to Special Relativity" by Resnick and "Special Relativity" by A.P. French. Wheeler and Taylor is about $50 - you can somethimes get copies of some of the others used - I paid $1.00 for Resnick's book and $9.00 for French's book - look on the internet for used stuff at Amazon and Barns and Noble. Rindler's book "Special Relativity" can also be found used - usually under $10
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  • #4
That's cheap.
Or free - wikipedia.
  • #7
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Old edition has a discussion of rapidity (the Minkowskian analogue of "angle" between two future timelike vectors) and [in some editions] worked solutions to the problems.

New edition has some nice revised discussions of some topics. Unfortunately, the discussion of rapidity was dropped.

I would regard the old 1966 maroon edition with the solutions to be a must-have. The new edition is worth having (as a supplement to the older version) for some of the updated topics.

FAQ: Spacetime Physics and other books on spec. relativity. Which is the best?

1. What is spacetime physics and why is it important?

Spacetime physics is the study of the relationship between space and time, particularly in the context of Einstein's theory of relativity. It is important because it provides a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics and cosmology.

2. What is special relativity and how does it differ from general relativity?

Special relativity is a theory that explains the behavior of objects moving at constant speeds in relation to one another. It is based on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. General relativity, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive theory that includes the effects of gravity and the curvature of spacetime.

3. Can anyone understand books on spacetime physics and special relativity, or do you need a background in physics?

While a basic understanding of physics and mathematics can be helpful, many books on spacetime physics and special relativity are written for a general audience and do not require a specialized background. With patience and dedication, anyone can grasp the concepts and principles presented in these books.

4. What are some recommended books on spacetime physics and special relativity?

Some popular books on spacetime physics and special relativity include "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene, "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, and "Spacetime and Geometry" by Sean Carroll. Ultimately, the best book for you will depend on your level of understanding and personal preferences.

5. How can I apply the concepts of spacetime physics and special relativity in real life?

The principles of spacetime physics and special relativity have a variety of applications in fields such as GPS technology, astronomy, and particle physics. Understanding these concepts can also help to expand your understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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