Spain Muslims Issue Fatwa Against Bin Laden

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  • Thread starter Bilal
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In summary, Muslim clerics in Spain have issued the world's first fatwa against Osama bin Laden, calling him an apostate and urging others to denounce him. The fatwa was issued by the main body representing Spain's 1 million-member Muslim community and has the support of Muslim leaders in other countries. The fatwa condemns bin Laden's terrorist acts and declares that anyone who supports his ideas is not considered a Muslim. The Islamic scholars who issued the fatwa have no authority to arrest or punish bin Laden, but they hope that other Muslims will help prevent further unjustified damage to innocent people. This fatwa marks a significant change in attitude towards terrorism within the Islamic community. However, some are skeptical and question what may have been
  • #36
misskitty said:
Its safe to say that vioence is clearly stated within both religions. Whether you choose to overlook it or not is your own choice.
That's an important point. But its also interesting to note the concentration and pervasiveness of such quotes. Just pulling a handful out and posting them here doesn't show the general tone of the text. By my estimation, there are probably a couple of dozen objectionable quotes in the Bible (not just about violence, but about women, gays, etc.), which is over 1,000 pages long.

I encourage people to read the Koran and the New testament for themselves and make up their own minds.
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  • #37
russ_watters said:
Such quotes can be found on most pages of the Koran..
There are only 164 verses in Koran about Jihad and fighting and punishment ... and more than 5000 verses about asking people to get knowledge, advices, after life and stories of other nations to avoid their mistakes!
russ_watters said:
I encourage people to read the Koran and the New testament for themselves and make up their own minds.
I advice all to read the Old Testament, especially Joshua's Bible.
  • #38
Bilal said:
OBL and his supporters using these verses to justify their attacks:

Whoever offers violence to you, offer you the like violence to him.

They believe that American responsible about death of many civilians especially in Iraq so they deserve to be treated the same. Based on this verse, there are many verses asking Muslims not to be soft with those who attack them …. These verses are used under specific conditions ‘’when you are under attack’’ ..
The problem often comes down to interpretation. What constitutes "under attack" and what is the appropriate response? To OBL, just our presence itself in Saudia Arabia constitutes "under attack" and the appropriate response is to kill every American everywhere.

It is my opinion/perception that the Koran, (and even more so the terrorists) emphasises revenge more than "turn the other cheek". It is not legal in any country that I'm aware of, for example, to take retribution for a wrong.
  • #39
Russ, isn't there a verse in the Quran that states something like, all those who fight in the name of Allah and die in jihad are assured a place in Heaven?

Revenge might be the excuse terrorists use to enforce jihad and then die for their cause.
  • #40
There are ''Martyrs" who are defined as : person who killed to defend his homeland, nation, money, family, religion ... and there are 2 degree martyrs who died during traveling to get knowledge ... all of those are considered ; martyrs for sake of Allah and deserve mercy in afterlife.

Nobody can assured place in heavens because ONLY Allah judge people, but there are promise for those who died for the previous reasons to get mercy and forgiveness of Allah unless they harmed other people or stole their rights within their life. This means they need also forgiveness of their victims before going to heaven...

misskitty said:
Russ, isn't there a verse in the Quran that states something like, all those who fight in the name of Allah and die in jihad are assured a place in Heaven?

Revenge might be the excuse terrorists use to enforce jihad and then die for their cause.
  • #41
Three things must happen for Terrorism to 'end' (not in any particular order):

1. Israel must completely pullout from the West Bank (and not just the Gaza Strip).
2. The Kingdoms of the Arabic world must be overthrown by their own people...and replaced by elected officials.
3. The United States cannot must realize supporting Israel as much as it does is doing more harm than good. This realization must be in the form of demanding or calling on Israel to completely withdraw its troops/settlers from the occupied Palestinan territories as it demanded Syria to withdraw from Lebanon. No double standards.

Of course, all of this is easier said than done, but these are my observations.
  • #42
Bilal said:
There are only 164 verses in Koran about Jihad and fighting and punishment ... and more than 5000 verses about asking people to get knowledge, advices, after life and stories of other nations to avoid their mistakes!
My copy is 228 pages long (including pages with pictures and no text). So on average, that's "most". And we haven't even gotten to women yet...
  • #43
I'd be curious to know what the Quran's take on women is.

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