Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag

In summary, the problem requires the use of a Minkowski diagram to determine the existence of a unique inertial frame S' in which two rods of different lengths in the frame S have equal lengths. This is achieved by finding a trigonometric relation between the velocities of S' and the longer rod, as well as using the calibrating hyperbola in the diagram. The last constraint given in the problem is simply an expression for the relativistic speed limit.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This problem is from "Relativity" by Rindler, second edition, problem 3.4:
Use a Minkowski diagram to establish the following result: Given two rods of equal length [tex]l_1[/tex] and [tex]l_2[/tex] ([tex]l_2 < l_1[/tex]), moving along a common line with relative velocity [tex]v[/tex], there exists a unique inertial frame [tex]S'[/tex] moving along the same line with velocity [tex]c^2 \frac{l_1-l_2/\gamma (v)}{l_1 v} [/tex] relative to the longer rod, in which the two rods have equal lengths, provided [tex] l^2_1 (c-v) < l^2_2(c+v) [/tex].

Homework Equations

[tex] \tan \Theta = \frac{v}{c} [/tex] : (1)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have denoted the velocity of [tex]S'[/tex] relative the rod [tex]l_1[/tex] as [tex]v'[/tex]. By use of (1) I identify that [tex]tan \Theta = \frac{v'}{c} = c \frac{l_1-l_2/\gamma (v)}{l_1 v} [/tex] : (2). When I saw this I thought I should be able to find a trigonometric relation in my diagram satisfying that relation.


I drew the diagram with [tex]l_1[/tex] along the principal x-axis, identified a side with length [tex]l_1-l_2/\gamma(v) [/tex] in the figure, found through similarity that [tex] \Theta [/tex] was in that triangle and calculated through Pyth. theorem the cathetus remaining (denoted [tex]X[/tex] in the figure) to be [tex]X = l_2 \sqrt{ 1 - \frac{1}{\gamma (v) ^ 2} } = l_2 \sqrt{ 1-(1-v^2/c^2) } = l_2 \frac{v}{c} [/tex]. Had it been [tex] l_1 \frac{v}{c} [/tex] I would have been done I believe since that would have shown (2). What am I missing?

I also don't see the what effect the last constraint [tex] l^2_1 (c-v) < l^2_2(c+v) [/tex] has on the problem.

EDIT: Right now I'm thinking that I am using the Minkowski diagram incorrectly. When trying to find the length of [tex]l_2[/tex] on the principal x-axis I shouldn't draw a line perpendicular to the x-axis but instead parallell to the time axis corresponding to the inertial frame in which [tex]l_2[/tex] is at rest, right? That makes my geometry wrong, and more complicated I guess.

EDIT 2: But when I'm looking at the figures in the book it seems like I interpretated the diagrams correctly the first time, and I'm back at my previous problem again. Or more precisely, I'm more lost than before. Is it the calibrating hyperbolas I am missing? How do they affect my drawing?

EDIT 3: If I calculate my [tex]X[/tex] another way, by denoting the angle between [tex]l_1[/tex] and [tex]l_2[/tex] as [tex]\alpha[/tex] and using that [tex]\tan \alpha = \frac{v}{c} [/tex] I get [tex]X = \frac{v l_2}{c \gamma(v)}[/tex] which gives [tex] v' = c^2 ( l_1 - \frac{l_2}{\gamma(v)} ) \frac{\gamma(v)}{v l_2 } [/tex], a different result. In this case, if [tex]\frac{l_2 }{\gamma (v) } = l_1 [/tex] the given expression for [tex]v'[/tex] would have been fulfilled. The fact that I get different results depending on which relation I use to calculate [tex]X[/tex] clearly indicates that I have misunderstood something.
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  • #2
I used the Minkowski diagrams incorrectly. The projection of [tex]l_2[/tex] onto [tex]l_1[/tex] wasn't perpendicular but with an angle corresponding to the time-axis for [tex]l_2[/tex], not included in my image above. At first I thought this would lead to a contradiction when I tried to project [tex]l_2[/tex] onto [tex]x'[/tex], but that was because I didn't consider the calibrating hyperbola.

I believe the last constraint is just an expression that says that the relativistic speed limit should be obeyed.

FAQ: Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag

What is "Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag"?

"Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag" is a scientific concept that refers to the proof of the invariance of the interval between two events in special relativity, using the Minkowski diagram as a visual aid.

What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein that describes the relationship between space and time in the absence of gravity. It is based on the principles of the constancy of the speed of light and the relativity of motion.

What is the Minkowski diagram?

The Minkowski diagram is a graphical representation of the relationship between space and time in special relativity. It is a two-dimensional graph with time on the vertical axis and distance on the horizontal axis.

Why is the Minkowski diagram important in understanding "Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag"?

The Minkowski diagram is important because it provides a visual representation of the concepts involved in the proof of the invariance of the interval in special relativity. It allows scientists to better understand the relationship between space and time and how it is affected by the speed of light.

What are the implications of "Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag"?

The implications of "Spec Rel: Proof concerning IF through Minkowski diag" are significant in our understanding of the universe. It confirms that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion, and it also helps us better understand the effects of time dilation and length contraction in special relativity.
