Special Case of the first law of thermodynamics

In summary, the conversation discusses the change in internal energy, heat absorbed, and work done by a system along different paths. The values for Q and W are given for paths iaf and ibf, and the task is to find the work done and heat absorbed for paths ib and bf. The solution is found using the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the change in internal energy is equal to the heat absorbed minus the work done. After solving for parts (a), (b), and (c), the correct values for Q and W for paths ib and bf are 36 cal and 0 cal, respectively.
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Homework Statement

When a system is taken from state i to state f along path iaf in Fig. below, Q = 50.6 cal and W = 20.3 cal. Along path ibf, Q = 36.6 cal. (a) What is W along path ibf? (b) If W = -13.7 cal for the return path fi, what is Q for this path? (c) If Eint,i = 11.1 cal, what is Eint, f? If Eint,b = 22.1 cal, what is Q for (d) path ib and (e) path bf ?


The Attempt at a Solution

(a), (b), (c) worked. (d) and (e) didnt.
(a) The change in internal energy ΔEint is the same for path iaf and path ibf. According to the first law of thermodynamics, ΔEint = Q – W, where Q is the heat absorbed and W is the work done by the system. Along iaf
ΔEint = Q – W = 50.6 cal – 20.3 cal = 30.3 cal.
Along ibf ,
W = Q – ΔEint = 36.6 cal – 30.3 cal = 6.6 cal.
(b) Since the curved path is traversed from f to i the change in internal energy is –30 cal and Q = ΔEint + W = –30.3 cal – 13.7 cal = – 44 cal.
(c) Let ΔEint = Eint, f – Eint, i. Then, Eint, f = ΔEint + Eint, i = 30.3 cal + 11.1 cal = 41.4 cal.
(d) The work Wbf for the path bf is zero, so Qbf = Eint, f – Eint, b = 41.4 cal – 22.1 cal = 19.3 cal.
(e) For the path ibf, Q = 36 cal so Qib = Q – Qbf = 36.6 cal – 19.3 cal = 17.3 cal.
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  • #2

Hi, great job on solving parts (a), (b), and (c)! For part (d), you are correct that the work Wbf is zero, but keep in mind that the change in internal energy ΔEint is not just the difference between Eint,f and Eint,b. It also includes any heat absorbed or work done by the system. So for path bf, we can write:
ΔEint = Qbf – Wbf
Since Wbf = 0, this simplifies to:
ΔEint = Qbf
Therefore, for path bf, Qbf = ΔEint = Eint,f – Eint,b = 41.4 cal – 22.1 cal = 19.3 cal.
For part (e), you are correct that Qib = Q – Qbf, but the value for Qbf should be 19.3 cal, not 19.6 cal. So the correct answer for Qib would be:
Qib = Q – Qbf = 36.6 cal – 19.3 cal = 17.3 cal.
Great job on your attempt! Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Special Case of the first law of thermodynamics

1) What is the first law of thermodynamics and how does it apply to special cases?

The first law of thermodynamics is a fundamental principle in thermodynamics that states energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In special cases, such as a closed or isolated system, this law still applies as the total energy in the system remains constant.

2) How does the first law of thermodynamics relate to the conservation of energy?

The first law of thermodynamics is essentially a manifestation of the law of conservation of energy. It states that the total energy in a closed system remains constant, meaning energy cannot be lost or gained, only transferred or converted from one form to another.

3) Can the first law of thermodynamics be violated in special cases?

No, the first law of thermodynamics is a fundamental principle that cannot be violated. In special cases, such as in an ideal gas or an isolated system, the total energy may appear to change, but it is simply being transferred or converted from one form to another.

4) What are some examples of special cases where the first law of thermodynamics applies?

Some examples of special cases where the first law of thermodynamics applies include a closed system, where no matter can enter or leave, an isolated system, where no energy or matter can enter or leave, and an adiabatic system, where no heat can enter or leave.

5) How does the first law of thermodynamics apply to real-world systems?

The first law of thermodynamics can be applied to real-world systems, such as a car engine or a power plant, to understand and analyze the energy transfers and conversions that occur. It is a fundamental principle that is essential in understanding and predicting the behavior of various physical systems.
