Special Relativity and the existence paradox

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of special relativity and its implications for the perception of time and existence in spacetime. The author introduces the idea of a "photon frame" and argues that the speed of light postulate should be limited to the domain of spacetime. However, this has been criticized as being overly speculative and lacking understanding. Some believe that philosophers should not dabble in physics, while others argue that physicists should not dismiss the possibility of a photon frame. Overall, the conversation highlights the ongoing debate and lack of consensus on this topic.
  • #1
Do you find this argument by this author that SR implies "at least one continuum other than our own spacetime" flawed or reasonable?

According to the special theory of relativity, observers stationary relative to one another will measure the time in the rest frame of an entity moving relative to them i.e. its proper time, to pass more slowly relative to their own i.e. the coordinate time (assuming appropriate synchronization procedures), and the faster the entity moves, the shorter its proper time is observed to be. If the entity moves at the speed of light, its proper time is observed to be exactly zero. But this implies that any entity which moves at the speed of light from the time it comes into existence until it ceases to exist must be observed to perceive itself to have a zero duration of existence in spacetime (since no time passed in its rest frame and presumably it is at rest with respect to itself). This seems very strange, as one might intuitively have thought that a zero duration of existence would be associated with non-existence, but such entities, e.g. photons, clearly exist. This has been previously pointed out by this author and termed the existence paradox .


The author suggests that:

Finally, it may become necessary in certain circumstances to now add the qualifier ‘in spacetime’ when speaking of observers or events in spacetime. For example, the explanation for the speed of light postulate given in this paper suggests that the speed of light postulate itself should now be stated as ’the speed of light has the same value in all inertial frames of reference in spacetime independent of the motion of the source or the observer’. That makes its domain of validity explicit, which is important because the domain of validity of the speed of light postulate also defines the domain of validity of the principle of locality, which says that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. The principle of locality should now be stated as ‘nothing in spacetime travels faster than light’. This in turn allows one to approach an understanding of its apparent violations, such as those occurring in Bell’s paradox, by asking in what way they might lie outside its domain of validity.

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  • #2
This just goes to show that philosophers have no business dabbling in physics. The divorce between the two was finalized hundreds of years ago.

There is no existence paradox here. Just a lack of understanding.
  • #3
D H said:
This just goes to show that philosophers have no business dabbling in physics. The divorce between the two was finalized hundreds of years ago.

There is no existence paradox here. Just a lack of understanding.

LOL, some physicists claim all of string theory is philosophy and physicists shouldn't be dabbling in philosophy. Which, of course, is not a scientific fact but a philosophical stance!
  • #4
Overly specualtive posts aren't allowed.
  • #5
The heart of the author's lack of understanding is highlighted in footnote ii in the author's FQXI submission:
Here it is obviously assumed that it is sensible to speak of such a thing as a ‘photon frame’. One might object that since no observer in spacetime can transform to such a frame even in principle this assumption is questionable. However, there is difference between not being able to transform to a frame and dismissing altogether the possibility that it exists simply because one cannot transform to it. Claiming that it is not sensible to speak of a photon frame seems tantamount to either claiming that photons have no frames, or that photons do not exist.
There is no such thing as a photon's rest frame. The concept is worse than meaningless.

FAQ: Special Relativity and the existence paradox

What is Special Relativity?

Special Relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that describes the relationship between space and time. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and that the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

What is the existence paradox in Special Relativity?

The existence paradox in Special Relativity refers to the idea that time can pass differently for two observers in relative motion. This means that one observer may experience time passing slower than the other, leading to the question of whether or not both observers exist in the same "present" moment.

How does Special Relativity explain the existence paradox?

Special Relativity explains the existence paradox by stating that there is no universal "present" moment, and that the perception of time passing differently is due to the relative motion of the observers. This means that both observers exist in their own present moment, and there is no absolute reference frame to determine which one is "correct."

Can the existence paradox be tested or observed?

Yes, the existence paradox can be tested and observed through experiments such as the famous "twin paradox." In this experiment, one twin stays on Earth while the other travels in a high-speed spacecraft. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged less than the twin who stayed on Earth, demonstrating the effects of time dilation predicted by Special Relativity.

Is Special Relativity still a valid theory today?

Yes, Special Relativity is still a valid theory today and has been extensively tested and confirmed through experiments. It is also an essential part of modern physics and is used in many practical applications, such as GPS technology.
