Special Relativity, AP French 6.10: Atom Emits Photon

In summary, Homework Equationsstate that:-The atom emits a photon of energy Q when it is at an energy Qo above the ground state as measured in its rest frame.-The energy before and after the photon emission are equal.-The photon momentum is measured in the rest frame of the atom.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'll copy down the exact phrasing, so there's no question that this is what we're being asked:

"An atom in an excited state of energy Qo (as measured in its rest frame) above the ground state moves towards a scintillation counter with speed v. The atom decays to its ground state by emitting a photon of energy Q, as recorded by the counter, coming completely to rest as it does so. If the rest mass of the atom is M, show that Q = Qo[1 + Qo/2Mc2 ]

Now, I wasn't sure if the relative motion between the emitter (atom) and observer (scintillation counter) might have some impact on the energy measured by the counter, or - if we are meant to take account of that - how exactly to do so.

Homework Equations

E2 = (pc)2 + (m0c2)2 -- can be applied to the atom before and after

Q = pc
for the photon

E = γm0c2 --- relativistic energy for a particle of rest mass m0

The Attempt at a Solution

My first thought was to use conservation of energy and momentum in the rest frame of the atom.

This gives us energy before = m0c2 + Q0 as the atom is at an energy Q0 above the ground state as measured in its rest frame.

Energy after = γm0c2 + Q - that is the relativistic energy of the atom, which recoils at a velocity v in its rest frame (because it is at rest in the lab frame) added to the energy of the photon it emits.

We can also use conservation of momentum; this is a zero-momentum frame, so the total momentum has to be zero before and after the photon emission.

Therefore Q/c (photon momentum) + p (atom momentum) = 0

I tried to combine these to give the following expression:

m0c2 + Q0 = Q + [(pc)2 + (m0c2)2]0.5

But this didn't lead to the required expression, as I ended up with some unwanted cross terms QQ0.

This is one of about five or six attempts along the same lines, and another unsuccessful attempt in the Lab Frame, and I'm beginning to think I must be missing something: every time, I can get an expression fairly close to what we're being required to show, but with some additional, unwanted cross terms.

I'd appreciate any guidance! Thank you :)
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  • #2
hi raving_lunatic! welcome to pf! :smile:
raving_lunatic said:
My first thought was to use conservation of energy and momentum in the rest frame of the atom.

Energy after = γm0c2 + Q

no, Q (of the photon) is measured in the rest-frame of the atom, so you'll need to adjust it :wink:
  • #3
I'm a little confused. Are you saying that Q is measured in the lab frame by the counter, and so when we're dealing with it in the atom's rest frame, we need to transform it using the Lorentz transformation?


Q' = γ(1-v/c)Q?

So we'd then have:

m0c2 + Q0 = γm0c2 + γ(1-v/c)Q
  • #4
hi raving_lunatic! :smile:
raving_lunatic said:
I'm a little confused. Are you saying that Q is measured in the lab frame by the counter, and so when we're dealing with it in the atom's rest frame, we need to transform it using the Lorentz transformation?


Q' = γ(1-v/c)Q?

yes (what is worrying you about that? :confused:)

the question gives you measurements in two different frames, so you have to convert all to the same frame

(and similarly for the momentum equation!)
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  • #5
I think I have it now! Thank you for your help

FAQ: Special Relativity, AP French 6.10: Atom Emits Photon

1. What is Special Relativity?

Special Relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that describes the relationship between space and time. It explains how the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and how the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

2. How does Special Relativity relate to AP French 6.10?

AP French 6.10 is a course that covers the topic of atoms and their structure. One of the concepts in this topic is the emission of photons by atoms. Special Relativity helps us understand this phenomenon by explaining how the energy of a photon is related to its frequency and the speed of light.

3. What does it mean for an atom to emit a photon?

When an atom emits a photon, it means that one of its electrons has moved from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. This jump in energy releases a photon, which is a packet of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

4. How does Special Relativity impact our understanding of the emission of photons by atoms?

Special Relativity helps us understand the relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency. It also explains how the speed of light is constant and the maximum speed that anything can travel in the universe. This knowledge is crucial in understanding the behavior of atoms and the emission of photons.

5. What are some real-world applications of Special Relativity?

Special Relativity has many real-world applications, including GPS technology, nuclear power, and medical imaging. GPS satellites use the principles of Special Relativity to ensure accurate timekeeping and precise location tracking. Nuclear power plants use the principles of Special Relativity to generate energy through nuclear reactions. Medical imaging technologies, such as PET scans, use Special Relativity to understand and visualize the behavior of particles in the body.

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