Special Relativity -- elapsed time while traveling at 0.95c

In summary, special relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that explains how time, space, and motion are perceived differently by observers in different frames of reference. It states that time appears to pass slower for objects traveling at high speeds, such as 0.95 times the speed of light. This has been observed and confirmed through experiments, and is known as time dilation. It also predicts that objects traveling at high speeds will age slower, known as the "twin paradox".
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle moving at 0.95c travels 10 m, as measured by a stationary observer, and then disappears. How long did the particle live (a) from the point of view of the observer and (b) from the point of view of the particle?

Homework Equations

t = d/v
d = d0/gamma

The Attempt at a Solution

v = 0.95c, d0 = 10 m
a) t0 = d0/v = 3.5E-8 s
b) t = t0/gamma = 1.1*10-8 s

Is this right?
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  • #2

FAQ: Special Relativity -- elapsed time while traveling at 0.95c

What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that explains how time, space, and motion are perceived differently by observers in different frames of reference.

What does it mean to travel at 0.95c?

0.95c refers to a speed that is 0.95 times the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second. This is a very high speed and can only be achieved by objects with a huge amount of energy, such as particles in a particle accelerator.

How does special relativity affect elapsed time while traveling at 0.95c?

According to special relativity, time appears to pass slower for objects traveling at high speeds. This means that for an observer on Earth, time would appear to pass faster for a spaceship traveling at 0.95c compared to a stationary object. This is known as time dilation.

Can time really slow down while traveling at high speeds?

Yes, according to the principles of special relativity, time dilation is a real phenomenon that has been observed and confirmed through experiments. It is an important factor to consider when dealing with objects traveling at high speeds, such as satellites and spacecraft.

How does special relativity affect the aging of astronauts in space?

Special relativity predicts that time slows down for objects traveling at high speeds. This means that astronauts on a spaceship traveling at 0.95c would age slower compared to people on Earth. This has been observed in experiments with atomic clocks on high-speed airplanes and satellites, and is known as the "twin paradox".

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