Special Relativity- Muons in a Storage Ring

In summary, the conversation discusses the incorrect speculation that a muon with a lifetime of 2x10^-6 seconds can only make one loop around a 2 km radius storage ring due to its velocity being limited to 600 m/s. However, this is incorrect because of special relativity theories. The correct velocity can be calculated using the formula Ekin = Etotal - Erest, and the time dilation can be determined from the resulting γ. This means that the muon can in fact make multiple loops around the storage ring before completing a total distance, due to its high velocity.
  • #1
Another question, in which I believe I've gotten the same wrong answer two different ways now.

Muons have a mass m = 105 MeV/c^2. They are accelerated to a kinetic energy of 2 TeV in a storage ring with radius r = 2 km. A student speculates that since muons have a lifetime of only T = 2x10^-6 s, they can only go at most cT = 3x10^8m/s*2x10^-6s = 600 m, which means they can't even make a single loop around the storage ring. Is the student right? Calculate the number of loops that the muon can actually make, because of time dilation, before you calculate the total distance the muon can complete.

I know the student is wrong, because of the special relativity theories. I keep getting stuck at trying to figure out the velocity, though. I've been using the formula Ekin = Etotal - Erest, where Etotal = (mc^2)/(1 - v^2/c^2)^1/2, and Erest = mc^2, and then solving for v, but I keep getting 195.16 m/s, which can't be right.

Thank you for any help!
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  • #2
Ekinetic = Etotal - Erest = γ Erest - Erest = ( γ - 1 ) Erest = ( γ - 1 ) m c2


γ = 1 + { Ekinetic / ( m c2 ) } = 1 / √{ 1 - β2 }


β = √{ 1 - ( 1 - ( Ekinetic / ( m c2 ) )2 ) }


v = √{ 1 - ( 1 - ( Ekinetic / ( m c2 ) )2 ) } c ~ c.

You should calculate the time dilation from the γ in the first step.
  • #3

The student's reasoning is incorrect because they are not taking into account the effects of time dilation on the muons. According to special relativity, as an object approaches the speed of light, time slows down for that object as observed by an outside observer. This means that the muon's lifetime will also appear longer to the observer in the storage ring due to its high speed.

To calculate the number of loops the muon can make, we need to first find its velocity. Using the formula you mentioned, we can rearrange it to solve for v:

v = c * √(1 - (Erest/Etotal)^2)

Plugging in the values given, we get:

v = c * √(1 - (105 MeV/c^2)/(2 TeV)^2) = 0.99999999998c

This means that the muon is traveling at a speed very close to the speed of light, and its time dilation factor is:

γ = 1/√(1 - v^2/c^2) = 223.60

This means that for every second that passes for the observer in the storage ring, 223.60 seconds will pass for the muon. So, in its 2x10^-6 s lifetime, the muon will actually experience:

T' = T * γ = (2x10^-6 s) * 223.60 = 0.0004472 s

This is the time that the muon will experience, and during this time it will travel a distance of:

d = vt' = (0.99999999998c)(0.0004472 s) = 447.20 m

This means that the muon can actually make multiple loops around the storage ring before decaying. To find the number of loops, we can divide the total distance (2 km) by the distance traveled in one loop (447.20 m):

N = (2 km)/(447.20 m) = 4463.8 loops

So, the muon can actually make over 4000 loops around the storage ring before decaying due to the effects of time dilation. This shows how special relativity plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles at high speeds.

FAQ: Special Relativity- Muons in a Storage Ring

1. What is Special Relativity and how does it relate to Muons in a Storage Ring?

Special Relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that describes the relationship between space and time. It explains how the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion and how the speed of light is constant. Muons, which are subatomic particles, are used in storage rings to study the effects of Special Relativity, as they travel at high speeds and have a short lifespan, making them a perfect candidate for testing the theory.

2. How are Muons produced and stored in a Storage Ring?

Muons are produced by high-energy particle collisions in particle accelerators. They are then directed into storage rings, which use electromagnetic fields to keep the muons in a circular path. The muons are stored in the ring for a specific amount of time before decaying, allowing scientists to study their behavior.

3. What is time dilation and how does it apply to Muons in a Storage Ring?

Time dilation is a phenomenon predicted by Special Relativity that states time passes slower for objects moving at high speeds. In the case of muons in a storage ring, since they are traveling at speeds close to the speed of light, time dilation causes them to have a longer lifespan than they would have at rest. This allows scientists to observe the muons for a longer period of time and study their behavior.

4. What is length contraction and how does it affect Muons in a Storage Ring?

Length contraction, another effect of Special Relativity, states that objects in motion appear shorter in the direction of motion when observed from a stationary frame of reference. In the case of muons in a storage ring, their length appears to be contracted due to their high speed, allowing them to fit within the storage ring and be stored for longer periods of time.

5. What are the practical applications of studying Muons in a Storage Ring using Special Relativity?

Studying muons in a storage ring allows scientists to test the predictions of Special Relativity and further our understanding of the universe. This research has led to advancements in fields such as particle physics, astrophysics, and technology, including the development of particle accelerators and GPS systems. Additionally, it has also helped confirm the validity of the theory of Special Relativity and its role in shaping our understanding of the laws of physics.

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