Special Relativity problem: Lorentz transformation and Reference Frames

In summary, the problem is asking to find an expression for alpha in terms of the angle of rotation, then to substitute in the angle of rotation to get the value of alpha. I'm having difficulty finding out what the angle of rotation from S to S' is though. The book hasn't specifically discussed length contraction at this point, so I don't think I'm supposed to try using anything directly related to that for this problem. If you really don't think you can use length contraction - although I doubt this very much - then you'll just have to use the full Lorentz Transformation.
  • #1
James Chase Geary

Homework Statement

S and S' are in standard configuration with v=αc (0<α<1). If a rod at rest in S' makes an angle of 45o with Ox in S and 30o with O'x in S', then find α.

Homework Equations

We are in the world of Lorentz transformations so we have

Angles are involved. For a rotation of frames through angle θ we have
x'=xcosθ + Tsinθ
where T=ict and T'=ict'

The Attempt at a Solution

I am unclear how to apply the angles here. It is definitely not 45-30=15 is the angle to be used as the rotation angle. Going that route I always seem to get something like α=.268i.
Working through the formulas, I get to
θ=15 gives the answer above; the back of the book gives √(2/3) as the answer. Either I'm getting a wrong relation for α or else the angle I'm using is wrong.

Note this is from D'Inverno, Introducing Einstein's Relativity, Exercise 3.1
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  • #2
Have you drawn a diagram?

PS I don't understand why you are looking at rotating axes, which I guess is what you are doing.
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  • #3
Yes, but I don't have the ability to add it on here right now. Two frames, S and S', in standard configuration (that is, with axes parallel and the motion of S' in the +x-direction, so we can use special Lorentz transformations), with the velocity v=αc in the +x-direction. The rod has one end at the origin in each frame; in the S-frame, its angle with the x-axis is 45 degrees, and in the S'-frame, it is 30 degrees.

The problem seems to be asking to find an expression for alpha in terms of the angle of rotation, then to substitute in the angle of rotation to get the value of alpha. I'm having difficulty finding out what the angle of rotation from S to S' is though. The book hasn't specifically discussed length contraction at this point, so I don't think I'm supposed to try using anything directly related to that for this problem.
  • #4
James Chase Geary said:
Yes, but I don't have the ability to add it on here right now. Two frames, S and S', in standard configuration (that is, with axes parallel and the motion of S' in the +x-direction, so we can use special Lorentz transformations), with the velocity v=αc in the +x-direction. The rod has one end at the origin in each frame; in the S-frame, its angle with the x-axis is 45 degrees, and in the S'-frame, it is 30 degrees.

The problem seems to be asking to find an expression for alpha in terms of the angle of rotation, then to substitute in the angle of rotation to get the value of alpha. I'm having difficulty finding out what the angle of rotation from S to S' is though. The book hasn't specifically discussed length contraction at this point, so I don't think I'm supposed to try using anything directly related to that for this problem.

If you really don't think you can use length contraction - although I doubt this very much - then you'll just have to use the full Lorentz Transformation. But, you are not going to get anywhere by rotating the axes of one frame.
  • #5
Okay, I've got it figured out. The different angles come into play because the rod is only length-contracted in the x-direction. Because of this, the y-direction of the rigid rod in both S and S' are the same. So we can use trigonometry to get a relation between the lengths of the rods in both frames. Then, using the length contraction formula l=(1-v2/c2)1/2*l0, and substituting in v=αc, we can solve for α=(2/3)1/2.

  • #6
I made the answer in this video:
  • #7
guijongustavo said:
I made the answer in this video ##\dots##
Thank you for your detailed video solution. It complements the outline posted in #5 more than five years ago.

FAQ: Special Relativity problem: Lorentz transformation and Reference Frames

1. What is the Lorentz transformation?

The Lorentz transformation is a mathematical equation used in special relativity to describe how measurements of space and time are affected by motion. It was developed by Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz and later expanded by Albert Einstein.

2. How does the Lorentz transformation relate to special relativity?

The Lorentz transformation is a fundamental aspect of special relativity, which is a theory that explains how objects and events behave at high speeds. It helps us understand how measurements of space and time change for observers in different states of motion.

3. What is a reference frame in special relativity?

A reference frame is a coordinate system used to describe the position and motion of objects. In special relativity, there are two types of reference frames: inertial frames, which are at rest or moving at a constant velocity, and non-inertial frames, which are accelerating or rotating.

4. Why is understanding reference frames important in special relativity?

Understanding reference frames is crucial in special relativity because measurements of space and time can differ depending on the observer's frame of reference. This concept is known as relativity of simultaneity, where events that appear simultaneous to one observer may not be simultaneous to another.

5. How is the Lorentz transformation used in practical applications?

The Lorentz transformation has many practical applications, including in the fields of physics, engineering, and astronomy. It is used to calculate the effects of time dilation and length contraction, which are important considerations in technologies such as GPS systems and particle accelerators.
