Specialty Choices for Engineering/Science: Jobs, Salary, Masters

In summary, the speaker is a high school graduate who has been reading career guidance forums and has decided to go back to school to study science or engineering. They have a tendency to want to make processes more efficient and have a lot of ideas for projects. They are considering mechanical engineering or engineering physics at the University of Kansas, but are unsure of which specialization to choose for good employability and a broad range of skills. They also wonder about salary potential and potential job opportunities. The listener suggests that mechanical engineering may be a good fit for the speaker's interests and mentions the potential for high pay in this field.
  • #1
Hello, this is my first post to this forum. Been reading through the career guidance forums the last few days.

And now, I'm going to ramble excessively to ultimately ask some simple though not necessarily easily answered questions due to the volatile nature of things in general. Run for your lives!

Next semester, I am going back to school upon finally realizing that the workplace just plain stinks when you don't have anything but a high school diploma.

What I know so far, is that I'd like to study some sort science / engineering. One pattern that's been cropping up at the jobs I've had is I keep wanting to make things work better, particularly figuring out how to make processes more convenient and trying to minimize input to what I see as pointless labor so that I can focus on something else more important or interesting. Sadly, this tendency doesn't work well when one isn't a manager. And I've always got ideas floating around in my head for things to make -- they seldom actually get to the 'make' phase.. I just love thinking up possibilities when a concept strikes me.

Now, I know that it's unlikely I'll ever get paid to make random projects for fun and rearrange how businesses are run at whim, so it seems some sort of balance should be found.

Since engineering looks to pay rather nicely and would have more potential for amusing the problem solving part of me than production labor work, it seems to sound like a good start. I'd get a job that's hopefully still mentally stimulating after a few weeks, and enough income to purchase tools and toys for playing with and building the things I can't play with at work.

Since I'm interested in quite a lot of things, I can probably adapt to most specialties of engineering or science. Ideally I'd like to be a jack of trades, but I have read on these forums many times that specialization is necessary. So the question becomes what to specialize in that gives me both good employability and broad range of skills?

I am hoping to transfer to Univ. of Kansas after doing some basic education at my local community college, and I was originally thinking mechanical engineering since it is a pretty broad field. But I notice that KU has an engineering physics degree, which strikes me as even more interesting, and it has 4 different specialties: aerospace systems, chemical systems, digital electronic systems, and electromechanical control systems. All of these sound as though they could be interesting to me.

What sorts of particularly interesting jobs might one find oneself doing with these specialties? After that, what is one *likely* to find? Which specialties are more likely to have better salary potential? Is there anything in particular one should avoid? What might be some interesting, though still employable specialties for further study if one went for a masters later on?

Or was all of this just silly to bother typing up and asking in the first place?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You know, reading your post, the only thing that came to my mind is that, he sounds like a mechanical engineer. I think you'll find yourself a good balance as one, and you'll be able to work in nearly every single field possible. Plus the pay is really sweet. For example, my dad's company was looking for any mechanical engineer who could use jet turbines to generate power efficiently, with the starting pay at 250k a year. Of course that isn't an entry position, but gives you an idea on how high you can go.
  • #3

I can understand your excitement and confusion about choosing a specialty in engineering or science. It is important to choose a field that interests you and aligns with your strengths and skills. It seems like you have a strong problem-solving mindset and a desire to make processes more efficient and convenient, which are valuable traits in the engineering field.

In terms of job opportunities and salary potential, it is always a good idea to research the current job market and demand for different specialties in your area. This can give you a better understanding of what specialties are in high demand and may offer better salary potential. Additionally, networking with professionals in your desired field can also provide insight into potential job opportunities and salaries.

As for choosing a specific specialty, it is important to consider your long-term career goals and what type of work you see yourself enjoying. While it may seem appealing to be a jack of all trades, specializing in one area can make you more marketable and valuable to employers. However, if you are interested in pursuing a masters degree, you may have the opportunity to explore different specialties and broaden your skill set.

In terms of the engineering physics degree at the University of Kansas, it is great that you have identified four different specialties that interest you. I would recommend researching each of these specialties further to understand the job opportunities and potential salary ranges. It may also be helpful to speak with current students or alumni from the program to gain more insight into their experiences and career paths.

In summary, it is not silly to ask these questions and it is important to carefully consider your options before making a decision. With hard work and dedication, any specialty in engineering or science can lead to a fulfilling and successful career. Best of luck in your studies and future career endeavors!

Related to Specialty Choices for Engineering/Science: Jobs, Salary, Masters

1. What are some common engineering/science specialties?

Some common engineering/science specialties include mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, and biotechnology.

2. What types of jobs are available in these specialties?

There are a wide range of jobs available in engineering and science specialties, including research and development, design and testing, quality assurance, project management, and production roles. Some common job titles include engineer, scientist, analyst, and technician.

3. What is the average salary for these specialties?

The average salary for engineering and science specialties varies depending on the specific field and level of experience. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for engineers in 2019 was $91,010, and the median annual wage for scientists was $84,810.

4. Is a Master's degree necessary for these specialties?

In many cases, a Master's degree can be beneficial for career advancement in engineering and science specialties. However, it is not always necessary and many professionals in these fields have successful careers with just a Bachelor's degree. It ultimately depends on the individual's career goals and the requirements of their desired job role.

5. What are some factors to consider when choosing a specialty in engineering/science?

When choosing a specialty in engineering or science, it is important to consider your interests, skills, and career goals. You should also research the job market and demand for different specialties, as well as the potential for salary and career growth. Additionally, consider the educational requirements and any necessary certifications for your desired specialty.

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