Specific Heat Capacity: Why Do Some Substances Take More Energy?

In summary, specific heat capacities of ideal gases don't depend on the molar mass of the gas, this is a clear sign you are thinking in the right direction. However, when two substances have the same temperature, the particles have the same average kinetic energy. This is why it is that some substances take more energy to increase the temperature one degree even if the increase in average kinetic energy is the same.
  • #1
When two substances have the same temperature, the particles have the same average kinetic energy, right? So why is it that some substances take more energy to increase the temperature one degree even if the increase in average kinetic energy is the same? I'm referring to specific heat capacities here.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Specific heat capacity of an ideal gas doesn't depend on the molar mass of the gas - which is both a clear sign you are thinking in the right direction (yes, there are cases where all that matters is the average kinetic energy), and also a clear sign of what you miss (hint: how does real gas differ from the ideal one?).
  • #3
SarcasticSully said:
When two substances have the same temperature, the particles have the same average kinetic energy, right? .

No, absolutely not. This may be true for monoatomic ideal gasses, but even when you compare monoatomic and diatomic gasses, there are differences in kinetic energy. I.e. the diatomic molecules have also rotational kinetic energy. At latest, when considering solids and liquids, kinetic energy doesn't serve at all as a measure of temperature. A valid definition of temperature is the change of total energy with entropy at constant volume.
  • #4
This is quite important.

Early 19th century chemists found that molar specific heats did appear about the same for all atomic solids. This is called the Dulong-Petit law. They justified this to themselves by arguments as or even more vague than yours :smile:

And it was damned useful to them. Extrapolating it allowed to give atomic masses to elements. Note that the law doesn't need to be exactly true for this purpose, approximately true will serve as well.

Then there were other properties - the 'colligative' properties - osmotic pressure, freezing point depression etc. that could be used to estimate atomic and molecular masses too.

Now here I am not very sure of the history, but as far as I know they all started as purely empirical laws. They are known by names of discoverers like Raoult, van't Hoff etc. I think they just used them without much explaining them, and I guess they just thought the Dulong-Petit law had the same status. (I remember at school we were only given these empirical laws with no theoretical explanations and we just did the calculations with them without questioning, like the laws were just good luck that solved a problem that otherwise you could see no way to crack - and I guess the early chemists were the same). As far as I know the colligative properties were only rationalised by Gibbs by the 3/4 century, I just looked up, and he was clear that specific heat was not one of them or was anomalous. Anyway I am not sure that his (formal, mathematical, macroscopic at that stage) work seeped into chemistry very fast.

Rather later there was a full molecular kinetic explanation like what you sketch. But, in brief, after the initial usefulness the law and its explanation didn't work very well and even had failures so clamorous as to call for a whole new theory of dynamics! Successes using some quantum assumptions, first by Einstein, and I think others on gasses, had a major influence (the Jeans report) persuading scientists to take these assumptions seriously. If I am not mistaken more than the black body and photoelectricity by themselves. I would guess that this is because you can talk about specific heats in purely mechanical terms without getting into the already hard to understand electromagnetism.

As you see I am hazy on the exact history of this issue, I had been meaning to ask in the History section about histories, books, about how the ideas re colligative properties etc. evolved.

What I meant to say is you'll meet up with the questions you raise at least twice in your studies, once in questions of atomic and molecular weight determination, and again in basic quantum mechanics.
  • #5
PS. But black body and specific heats as well as Brownian motion are all part of the general theme of how energy equilibrates itself between the various 'modes of motion' available to it. It has been said that this was a main theme of Einstein's work and as major an achievement as anything else of his.

FAQ: Specific Heat Capacity: Why Do Some Substances Take More Energy?

1. What is specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius or Kelvin. It is a measure of the ability of a substance to store thermal energy.

2. Why do some substances have a higher specific heat capacity than others?

Substances with a higher specific heat capacity have a greater ability to absorb and store thermal energy. This is due to their molecular structure, which allows for more thermal energy to be stored per unit of mass.

3. How does specific heat capacity affect the heating and cooling of substances?

Substances with a higher specific heat capacity require more energy to change their temperature compared to substances with a lower specific heat capacity. This means that they will heat up and cool down more slowly, making them useful for applications such as insulation and temperature regulation.

4. Can specific heat capacity be changed?

No, specific heat capacity is an intrinsic property of a substance and cannot be changed. However, it can be affected by factors such as temperature and pressure.

5. How is specific heat capacity measured?

Specific heat capacity is typically measured using a calorimeter, which is a device that measures the heat transfer between a substance and its surroundings. The specific heat capacity can then be calculated using the known mass, temperature change, and heat transfer of the substance.

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