Specifications for elephant-resistant steel poles

  • Thread starter Noisy Rhysling
  • Start date
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    Poles Steel
In summary, a zoologist and analytical chemist is seeking advice on how to make steel poles that are resistant to elephants pushing over camera traps in the African bush. The poles are currently being bent and twisted by the elephants, and the question is what size and gauge of angle iron or square tube would be needed to withstand a sideways force of 350 kg and a sustained pushing force of 500 kg without exceeding the elastic limit. The aim is for the poles to be strong enough to withstand the weight and force of the elephants, while also being able to recover and maintain the camera's aim. The thread has been temporarily closed for moderation, but there is a previous discussion on the topic on the Physics Forums website.
  • #1
Noisy Rhysling
Reposted to help a guy out...

Specifications for elephant-resistant steel poles
http://www.skepticforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=584279#p584279by Williamhdc » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:17 am

This is probably simple for an engineer, but I’m a zoologist and analytical chemist and so I would rather ask those who know. I have camera traps out on the African bush, that are monitoring the responses of leopards to artificial scents. The cameras are in steel boxes to protect them from elephants, the boxes are bolted to brackets 150 mm long and the brackets are bolted to steel poles at a height of either 500 or 700 mm above ground level.

The poles are 40 x 40 mm mild steel angle, either 2mm or 3mm thickness. The poles are driven deeply into the ground. The mechanical problem is that elephants push the cameras over; they bend the 2 mm thick angle through 90 degrees at ground level, or twist it through 180 degrees. They bend the 3 mm thickness through 45 degrees.

I have videos from the cameras as they are being wrenched around and most of the work is done by the elephants’ trunks, with some kicking and stamping once the pole is bent over. Elephants are alleged to be able to lift 350 kg with their trunks. How hard the they can kick is an open question. So my question is; what size and gauge angle iron or square tube would I need for a pole that could withstand twisting when 350 kg is applied sideways to a 150 mm lever bolted at right angles to the pole, without exceeding its elastic limit (camera aim is critical so the pole needs to recover after an elephant has tried to bend it) . And, similarly, what pole, standing 1 m out of the ground, could withstand being pushed at the top by an elephant – say 500 kg sustained force.

Thank you.
Engineering news on Phys.org

FAQ: Specifications for elephant-resistant steel poles

1. What is the purpose of elephant-resistant steel poles?

The purpose of elephant-resistant steel poles is to provide a safe and secure barrier for elephants, preventing them from entering areas where they may cause damage or harm to humans or property.

2. How are these steel poles different from standard steel poles?

Elephant-resistant steel poles are specifically designed to withstand the strength and force of an elephant's weight and tusks. They are made with thicker and stronger materials and often have additional reinforcement to make them more durable.

3. Can these steel poles be used for other animals besides elephants?

While these steel poles are primarily designed for elephants, they can also be effective for other large animals such as rhinos or hippos. However, they may not be suitable for smaller animals or those with different behaviors.

4. Are there any regulations or standards for the construction of elephant-resistant steel poles?

Yes, there are regulations and standards that must be followed when constructing elephant-resistant steel poles. These may vary depending on the country or region, but they typically involve the use of specific materials, dimensions, and installation methods.

5. How effective are these steel poles in preventing elephant intrusions?

When properly designed and installed, elephant-resistant steel poles can be highly effective in preventing elephant intrusions. However, their effectiveness also depends on other factors such as the behavior of the elephants and the surrounding environment.

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