Spectral transmittance measurement

In summary, the speaker is new to the forum and is seeking help with their experiment involving measuring spectral transmittance using a white light source and a silicon photodiode. They are aware that proper measurement requires recording white and black illumination conditions and referencing the sample to these measurements. However, they are unsure how to account for the spectrum of the light source and the photodiode's responsivity. Suggestions include using the black body spectrum for incandescent sources and calibrating the photodiode across the spectrum, potentially with a filter in the setup.
  • #1
Dear all,
I am new in this forum; from a first sight I realized that you can help me to clarify a doubt.
My experiment requires the measurement of spectral trasmittance of a simple by using a white light source (400-800 nm) and a silicon photodiode. I know that a proper measurement require to record first white and black illumination condition (100% and 0% transmittance) and to refer the measurement of the sample to this two measurement.
My doubt is how to do the measurement by taking into account the spectrum of the light source and the responsivity of the photodiode.
Thank you in advance

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  • #2
You can correct for the spectrum of the source if you know what it is. For incandescent, you can use black body spectrum. Other sources can be more or less complicated.

The photodiode should first be calibrated across the spectrum. Is there a filter somewhere in the setup?
  • #3
Thank you K^2,
I am using a monochromator to select specific wavelengths and I know the spectrum of the source. My doubt is how to calibrate across the spectrumby taking into account the responivity of the photodiode practically.

FAQ: Spectral transmittance measurement

What is spectral transmittance measurement?

Spectral transmittance measurement is a scientific process that involves measuring the amount of light that is transmitted through a material or substance at different wavelengths, or colors, of light. This measurement is used to understand the properties of the material, such as its transparency or opacity.

What equipment is used for spectral transmittance measurement?

The most common equipment used for spectral transmittance measurement is a spectrophotometer. This device uses a light source, a sample holder, and a detector to measure the intensity of light that passes through a sample at different wavelengths. Other equipment such as monochromators, filters, and detectors may also be used.

How is spectral transmittance measurement performed?

To perform spectral transmittance measurement, a sample is placed in the sample holder of the spectrophotometer. The light source emits a broad spectrum of light, which is then filtered into specific wavelengths. The intensity of light passing through the sample at each wavelength is measured by the detector, and the data is recorded and analyzed to determine the transmittance of the sample at different wavelengths.

What are the applications of spectral transmittance measurement?

Spectral transmittance measurement has a wide range of applications in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, optics, and materials science. It is used to determine the transparency of materials, the color of substances, and the presence of impurities or contaminants in a sample.

What are the advantages of using spectral transmittance measurement?

One of the main advantages of spectral transmittance measurement is its ability to provide detailed and accurate data on the properties of a material. It is a non-destructive method, meaning the sample can be reused for further analysis. It also allows for the precise measurement of small changes in transmittance, making it a valuable tool for quality control and research purposes.

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