Spectrum of Momentum operator in the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L])

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the spectrum of the momentum operator in the Hilbert Space defined by L^2([-L,L]). The equations involved include the resolvent set, the momentum operator in position representation, and the conditions for being in the domain of the operator. The attempt at a solution involves applying the operators on the state ψ(x) and solving for the LHS. However, there is an issue with dividing by λ, as λ=0 can be a valid value in the resolvent set. This leads to the conclusion that the operator is symmetric, but not self-adjoint, and has a deficiency of indices 1,1, allowing for a uniparameter set of self-adjoint
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the spectrum of the Momentum operator in the Hilbert Space defined by L^2([-L,L]), consisting of all square integrable functions ψ(x) in the range -L, to L

Homework Equations

We can get the resolvent set containting all λ in ℂ such that
you can always find a vector ψ(x) in the Domain of [itex]\hat{p}[/itex] that satisfies the following equation:
(λI - [itex]\hat{p}[/itex]) ψ(x) = [itex]\Phi[/itex](x)
where [itex]\Phi[/itex](x) is any state in the Hilbert Space.

The Spectrum of the operator is the complement of the resolvent set with respect to the complex plane

The momentum operator, in position representation, is given by [itex]\hat{p}[/itex] =[itex]\frac{\hbar}{i}\frac{d}{dx}[/itex] with domain consisting of all functions in the Hilbert Space with square integrable derivatives and whose values at -L and L are equal.

The Attempt at a Solution

I apply the operators on the state ψ(x) to get the following expression for the LHS:
λψ(x) - [itex]\frac{\hbar}{i}[/itex]ψ'(x)

I then move the derivative term to the RHS and divide by lamda to get an expression for ψ(x):
[itex]\frac{\hbar}{iλ}[/itex]ψ'(x) + ([itex]\Phi[/itex](x))/λ.

Now here's the problem. If I take the absolute square of both sides and integrate, lamda just becomes a constant outside the integral. Now both integrals will converge, the second term due to it being part of the Hilbert Space and the first term being a prerequisite for being in the Hilbert Space. So the only value of λ that is not in the resolvent set (and hence in the spectrum) is 0. And even that is suspect, as that would mean we divided by zero in the initial steps. Even if I differentiate both sides before integrating (to test the second condition for being in the domain of p_hat), lamda still falls out, which instead leads to the entire complex plane being in the spectrum, as the derivative of [itex]\Phi[/itex] is not necessarily square integrable.

I can't make sense of both answers, so surely I've done something terribly wrong. What is it?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is the "momentum operator" you use on the considered Hilbert space essentially self-adjoint? This is neither a trick nor a trivial question!
  • #3
It's symmetric within the defined domain but it's not self adjoint
  • #4
Where did you use that the Hilbert space is L^2[-L,L] ? This should normally put constraints on your 'wavefunction'* which would help you determine all possible things: the domain of hbar/i d/dx, the domain of its adjoint (if any), the deficiency indices and the spectrum of hbar/i d/dx.

*such as psi(-L)=psi(L) =0.
  • #5
Let's turn to your method of finding the spectrum, i.e. the resolvent method.

λψ(x) - ℏiψ'(x) = Φ(x). Now there's a trick: You're not allowed to divide by λ, because λ=0 can be a valid value in the resolvent set. So you get

λψ(x) = Φ(x) + ℏiψ'(x).

The conditions you set on functions ψ(x) in the domain of the operator p =ℏi d/dx at the end points -L and L single out that they are no longer valid for the derivatives of those functions. This tiny thing proves that the operator is symmetric, but not self-adjoint. So you can indeed conclude that there's no complex λ sending an arbitrary ψ (in particular the psi's at the 2 endpoints) into a sum of an arbitrary function and the derivative of ψ. If the resolvent set is empty, the spectrum of the derivative operator is the entire C.

One shows that the ℏi d/dx on L^[-L,L] with ψ(-L)=ψ(L)=0 is closed, symmetric but not selfadjoint and has deficiency indices 1,1, hence admits a uniparameter set of self-adjoint extensions with real spectrum.

FAQ: Spectrum of Momentum operator in the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L])

What is the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L])?

The Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L]) is a mathematical concept used in functional analysis to represent a space of square-integrable functions. It is often applied in quantum mechanics to represent the space of wave functions.

What is the Spectrum of Momentum operator?

The Spectrum of Momentum operator refers to the set of all possible values that can be measured for the momentum of a particle in a given system. In quantum mechanics, the momentum operator is represented by the derivative of the wave function with respect to position.

How is the Spectrum of Momentum operator related to the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L])?

In quantum mechanics, the momentum operator is an operator defined on the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L]). This means that the spectrum of the momentum operator is a subset of the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L]). In other words, the possible values for the momentum of a particle in a given system are limited by the properties of the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L]).

What are the properties of the Spectrum of Momentum operator?

The Spectrum of Momentum operator has several important properties, including the fact that it is continuous, unbounded, and contains both discrete and continuous components. Additionally, the spectrum is symmetric about the origin, and the eigenfunctions of the momentum operator form a complete orthonormal basis for the Hilbert Space L^2([-L,L]).

How is the Spectrum of Momentum operator calculated?

The Spectrum of Momentum operator can be calculated by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the momentum operator. The eigenvalues represent the possible values for the momentum, and the eigenvectors represent the corresponding wave functions. These values can then be used to create a graphical representation of the spectrum, known as a momentum space diagram.

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