Speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency

In summary, the frequency of the reflected sonar pulse from the aircraft carrier is 2310 Hz, and the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s. Using the equations for frequency and velocity, the speed of the aircraft carrier is calculated to be 40.65 m/s, moving away from the submarine in the same direction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Submarine is traveling at 12 m/s toward an aircraft carrier emits a 2400 Hz sonar pulse. The reflected pulse returns with a frequency 2310 Hz.
What is the speed of the aircraft carrier?
(Positive/negative means the carrier is moving toward/away from the submarine.) The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s.

Homework Equations

-C-Vair/-C-Vsub*Freq1ofSub = Freq1ofAircraft
C - Vsub/C - Vair*Freq2ofair = Freq2ofSub

The Attempt at a Solution

Im not sure how to solve the problem using those equations :frown:
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  • #2
First find the expression for frequency n1 of the pulse reaching the aircraft carrier with the source and the detector moving. Now consider the pulse of frequency n1 (reflected) is emitted by the aircraft carrier (moving source). Find expression of the frequency n2 received by moving detector (submarine). This frequency n2 is equal to 2310 Hz. solve the equations.
  • #3
I tried working it out again but I am not sure if its right.

n ' = n [v - vo] / [v - vs]
c>>>carrier, b>>submarine
all v (sound), v0(observer), vs (source) are moving in + x direction

when submarine is source: carrier observer (reflecting)
n ' = 2400 [1500 - vc] / [1500 - vb]
n ' = [2400/1488] [1500 - vc] ----(1)

only difference being that v is now opposite to convention
v changed to (- v)

n'' = n ' [- v - vo] / [- v - vs]
n'' = n ' [- 1500 - 12] / [- 1500 - vc]
n'' = n ' [1512] / [1500 + vc]
2310 = n ' [1512] / [1500 + vc]
2310 [1500 + vc] = 1512 n' >>>use (1) put n'
2310*1488 [1500 + vc] = 1512*2400 [1500 - vc]
7161 [1500 + vc] = 7560 [1500 - vc]
7161 [1500 + vc] = 7560 [1500 - vc]
14721 vc = 1500 [7560 - 7161]
vc = 40.65 m/s moving away from submarine in the same direction.

dont think its right can someone help me?

FAQ: Speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency

1. What is a speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency?

A speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency is a type of military aircraft carrier that uses pulse frequency technology to monitor and track speed and location of other aircrafts.

2. How does a speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency work?

This type of aircraft carrier emits pulses of radio waves which are reflected back by other aircrafts. The time it takes for the pulse to return helps determine the distance and speed of the other aircraft.

3. What are the advantages of using a speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency?

One advantage is its ability to monitor and track multiple aircrafts simultaneously. It also allows for more accurate and real-time data on the speed and location of these aircrafts.

4. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using a speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency?

One limitation is that it relies on the other aircrafts to have a reflective surface for the pulse to bounce off of. It also may be affected by interference from other sources or weather conditions.

5. How is a speed aircraft carrier based on reflected pulse frequency used in the military?

This type of aircraft carrier is used for surveillance, reconnaissance, and combat operations. It provides valuable information to military personnel for strategic decision making and can also assist in identifying potential threats.

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