Speed of a satellite above the earth?

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating the gravitational force of the Earth on a satellite in a circular polar orbit as well as the speed and orbit time of the satellite. The proper expressions for these calculations are provided and it is noted that the given answer in the marking scheme is not accurate due to improper rounding. Additionally, it is mentioned that in a real exam, a better-than-the-marking-scheme answer would not be penalized.
  • #1
(b) (i) A satellite of mass 2520 kg is at a height of 1.39 × 107m above the surface of the Earth. Calculate the gravitational force of the Earth attracting the satellite. Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.
Worked out to be F = 2.45 x 103
The satellite in part (b)(i) is in a circular polar orbit. Show that the satellite would travel around the Earth three times every 24 hours.

The answer is F = (mv2)/R+h where F = 2.45 x103 to find the speed first.

But no matter how I put that equation into the calculator, whether I use the valued stored in the calculator or type in exactly what it says, it is not 4.40 for speed but 4.439... so 4.44. Why is that?

This is a past exam question.
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  • #2
√The answer is not F = (mv2)/R+h but F = mv2/(R+h) (if you don't want to type more than two brackets, use your energy effectively :wink: )
Never mind.

If I work out I ##GMm\over (R+h)^2##, I get F = 2.44 103 N, not 2.45 103 N.
(m 2520 kg, h 13900000 m, R 6371000 m, R+h 20271000 m, G 6.67384E-11 m3 kg-1 s-2, Mearth 5.972E+24 kg ##\Rightarrow## GMm/(R+h)^2 = 2444.251 N, round off to 3 digits).
Never mind that, too. (Do correct me if I am wrong!)​

Then the book answer continues with that rounded off intermediate result and multiplies back with (R+h)/m to calculate yet another intermediary result, v. Again rounded off !

That is bad practice !

It then continues to calculate a third intermediary result, T, and again rounds off. The final answer is not "T = 2.87 104 s , but "3.00 orbits/day √".

One should calculate normally with the proper expression (in symbols) and round off only at the very end.

The proper expression here starts with $$ {GMm\over(R+h)^2} = {mv^2\over (R+h)}\ \Rightarrow\ v^2 = {GM\over (R+h)} \ \Rightarrow\ v = \sqrt{GM\over(R+h)} $$
yielding v = 4434.148 m, but that's an intermediate result we don't even have to look at.
But I heartily agree with you they should not have typed 4.40 103 !​

The proper expression continues (as shown) to$$ T = {2\pi (R+h) \over v} = 2\pi \sqrt{(R+h)^3\over GM}$$ and that can be properly rounded off if necessary (which it isn't really: 24*60*60/T = 3.0079382 is the thing that should be rounded off to 3.00).

So pfui to the book answer and bravo for you to not swallow that !

(since this is an exam question: in a real exam no one in his right mind would even think of deducting marks for a better-than-the-marking-scheme answer, so you have nothing to worry about.
And during the exam you don't have the answer, so you don't have to waste time on such a thing :smile:)
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  • #3
BvU said:
The proper expression here starts with $$ {GMm\over(R+h)^2} = {mv^2\over (R+h)}\ \Rightarrow\ v^2 = {GM\over (R+h)} \ \Rightarrow\ v = \sqrt{GM\over(R+h)} $$
yielding v = 4434.148 m, but that's an intermediate result we don't even have to look at.
But I heartily agree with you they should not have typed 4.40 103 !​

The proper expression continues (as shown) to$$ T = {2\pi (R+h) \over v} = 2\pi \sqrt{(R+h)^3\over GM}$$ and that can be properly rounded off if necessary (which it isn't really: 24*60*60/T = 3.0079382 is the thing that should be rounded off to 3.00).

So pfui to the book answer and bravo for you to not swallow that !

(since this is an exam question: in a real exam no one in his right mind would even think of deducting marks for a better-than-the-marking-scheme answer, so you have nothing to worry about.
And during the exam you don't have the answer, so you don't have to waste time on such a thing :smile:)

Thank you for your answer. I get really worried when I see things like this in the marking scheme since it is hard to trust yourself over an exam paper.

Thank you also for taking your time to do the question as one expression it was interesting to observe what it becomes since I ended up getting frustrated with my answer for v and just decided to stick with working out ω and then T using T = 2π/ω. :wink:

Related to Speed of a satellite above the earth?

1. What is the speed of a satellite above the earth?

The speed of a satellite above the earth is dependent on its altitude and the distance of the satellite from the center of the earth. In general, the speed of a satellite in low earth orbit is about 7.8 kilometers per second, while a geostationary satellite has a speed of about 3 kilometers per second.

2. How is the speed of a satellite calculated?

The speed of a satellite is calculated using the formula v = √(GM/R), where v is the velocity, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the earth, and R is the distance between the satellite and the center of the earth.

3. Does the speed of a satellite change as it orbits the earth?

Yes, the speed of a satellite changes as it orbits the earth. This is because the gravitational force from the earth decreases as the satellite moves further away, causing the satellite's speed to decrease. However, this decrease in speed is counteracted by the satellite's inertia, which causes it to maintain its orbital velocity.

4. Can the speed of a satellite be changed?

Yes, the speed of a satellite can be changed by altering its altitude or by using thrusters to accelerate or decelerate the satellite. This is often done to adjust the satellite's position and maintain its orbit.

5. How does the speed of a satellite affect its orbit?

The speed of a satellite is directly related to its orbit. A higher speed will result in a larger orbital radius, while a lower speed will result in a smaller orbital radius. For example, increasing the speed of a satellite in a circular orbit will cause it to move into a higher orbit, while decreasing its speed will cause it to move into a lower orbit.

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