Speed of an arrow using distance and angle with the ground

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the speed of an arrow shot from a bow by using principles of physics and trigonometry. After several attempts and discussions, it is determined that the correct answer is around 112.8 m/s. The conversation also highlights the importance of considering the vertical and horizontal components of the arrow's flight and using the correct equations to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are watching an archery tournament when you start wondering how fast an arrow is shot from the bow. Remembering your physics, you ask one of the archers to shoot an arrow parallel to the ground. You find the arrow stuck in the ground 68.0 m away, making a 3.00o angle with the ground.
How fast was the arrow shot?

Homework Equations

xf=xi +vi*t+1/2at2
vf=vi +at

The Attempt at a Solution

First a made a triangle and from that I said tan(3)=y/68 and got 3.564 which would be the initial height. Then I used that equation and said 0=3.564+vi*t-4.9t2 I then used Vf=Vi+at so 0=vi-9.8t and vi=9.8t. I plugged that into the other equation which got me 3.564+9.8t2 -4.9t2 I did that out and got t=.853 Then I plugged that into x=Vi*t so 68=Vi*.853 and got vi=79.72 m/s and the online thing says to try again. I do not know where I went wrong. Thanks for any help!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
First a made a triangle and from that I said tan(3)=y/68
This assumes the arrow flew in a straight line, but in fact the path is parabolic.

Consider instead that at the end of the flight tan (3) = Vy/Vx.
  • #3
You can assume the arrow is shot at ground level at an angle of 3 degrees. In any event I don't see an error in your work. See if the online solution takes 80 m/s.
  • #4
Delphi51 said:
This assumes the arrow flew in a straight line, but in fact the path is parabolic.

Consider instead that at the end of the flight tan (3) = Vy/Vx.

You are absolutely right. But how would I find Vy or Vx?
  • #5

dx = 68.0 m
angle = 3.00o


vx = vcos(3)
v1y = vsin(3)

dy = v1yt + 0.5at2
dy = vsin(3) - 4.9t2

... so it looks like there is three unknowns there.

dx = vcos(3)t
68.0 m = vcos(3)t
t = 68.0m / vcos(3)

Substitute in first formula:

dy = vsin(3) - 4.9(68.0 m / vcos(3))2

... and this is as far as I can get! Without a vertical displacement I'm really not sure how this problem could be solved! I'm going to try to work it out on paper now, so I'll see what I get
  • #6
mburt said:
I'm really not sure how this problem could be solved!

Me either! It is nice to know I am not the only one that thinks that. It is pretty bogus. Let me know if you have any luck.
  • #7
You can sole for Vo directly.

Y=Vyo*t-.5*g*t^2 but Y=0 at landing

2 equations two unknowns

Vo=80 m/3
  • #8
RTW69 said:
You can sole for Vo directly.

Y=Vyo*t-.5*g*t^2 but Y=0 at landing

2 equations two unknowns

Vo=80 m/3

That's what I got. And that seems like a perfectly feasible speed but the dumb online thing says that it is not the correct answer.
  • #9
The displacement is negative? The question says the arrow is released parallel to the ground, I don't see how it could be zero.

For example, if the arrow is released 1.3 m above the ground, then the overall y-displacement is -1.3 m.
  • #10
I've also just realized that v1y equals 0, since it is shot parallel to the ground. So v1 = vx... so basically if you can find vx, then that's your answer...

Not sure how though, really.
  • #11
mburt said:
I've also just realized that v1y equals 0, since it is shot parallel to the ground. So v1 = vx... so basically if you can find vx, then that's your answer...

Not sure how though, really.

I am tempted just to hit the "show answer" button just to see what they give for an answer.
  • #12
As I think about it x=136 meters not 68 meters. The only place where the velocity of the arrow is in the horizontal direction is at the top of the parabola, which happens in mid-flight. Set x=136 meters, theta =3 degrees. I get Vo=112.8 m/s. Does that work?
  • #13
RTW69 said:
As I think about it x=136 meters not 68 meters. The only place where the velocity of the arrow is in the horizontal direction is at the top of the parabola, which happens in mid-flight. Set x=136 meters, theta =3 degrees. I get Vo=112.8 m/s. Does that work?

YOU GOT IT! VERY NICELY DONE! THANK YOU! What equation did you plug those numbers into to get Vo?
  • #14
see post #7 except x=136 and not 68.

  • #15
RTW69 said:
see post #7 except x=136 and not 68.


OK Thanks! Why do you double x though? Also, you have Y=Vyo*t-.5*g*t^2 but then you go to Vyo=.5*g*t=Vo*sin(theta) I was wondering what happened to the t squared? How come you don't get t2= .0107*Vo?
  • #16
136 is twice 68. The arrow is shot horizontal to the ground and has no vertical velocity component. The only place on the flight of a projectile where you only have a horizontal velocity component is at the very top of the parabola. So the arrow is shot essentially at the top of the parabola which represents 1/2 of the total flight distance if the arrow was shot from ground level.



Vyo*t= .5*g*t^2

But Vyo also = Vo sin(theta)
  • #17
Doubling the distance is clever, but it obscures the basic simplicity of the question! All you need is tan(3) = Vy/v (v is initial horizontal speed). Since Vy = 0t + at = gt this is tan(3) = gt/v or
v = gt/tan(3) [1]
Horizontally, x = vt = gt²/tan(3) [2]
Using x = 68 gives t = 0.6027.
Put this in [1] to get v = 112.8
I used g = 9.81

FAQ: Speed of an arrow using distance and angle with the ground

What is the formula for calculating the speed of an arrow using distance and angle with the ground?

The formula for calculating the speed of an arrow is: speed = distance / (time * cos(angle)), where the distance is the total distance traveled by the arrow, the time is the duration of the flight, and the angle is the angle at which the arrow is launched.

What is the relationship between distance and angle with the ground in determining the speed of an arrow?

The speed of an arrow is directly proportional to the distance traveled and inversely proportional to the angle with the ground. This means that as the distance increases, the speed of the arrow also increases, while a higher angle with the ground will result in a lower speed.

How does air resistance affect the speed of an arrow using distance and angle with the ground?

Air resistance can have a significant impact on the speed of an arrow. As the arrow travels through the air, it experiences resistance which slows it down. This means that the actual speed of the arrow will be slightly lower than the calculated speed using the distance and angle with the ground.

What are some factors that can affect the accuracy of calculating the speed of an arrow using distance and angle with the ground?

Some factors that can affect the accuracy of the speed calculation are air resistance, wind speed and direction, the weight and design of the arrow, and any external forces acting on the arrow during flight. These factors can cause variations in the distance traveled and the angle with the ground, resulting in a slightly different calculated speed.

Can the speed of an arrow be accurately calculated using only the distance and angle with the ground?

While the distance and angle with the ground are important factors in calculating the speed of an arrow, they alone may not provide an accurate measurement. Other variables such as air resistance and external forces can also impact the speed. To obtain a more precise measurement, other factors such as wind speed and direction, as well as the weight and design of the arrow, should also be taken into consideration.

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