Speed of light and higher dimensions

In summary, The speed of light does not change when traveling from higher dimensions to three dimensions of space, as it is always traveling in all dimensions. The universe we know does not exist within another universe, so the question is not answerable. The speed of light is constant in our universe, and there is no known reason for it to be that way. The concept of extra dimensions is still being explored and there is no evidence that the speed of light can have a velocity component in these dimensions.
  • #1
bellatrix gray
will there be any effect on the speed of light ,when it travels from higher dimensions to three dimensions of space ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
bellatrix gray said:
when it travels from higher dimensions to three dimensions of space ?
What do you mean by this?
  • #3
Orodruin said:
What do you mean by this?
i meant, what is the speed of light at higher compressed string theory dimensions?
  • #4
bellatrix gray said:
will there be any effect on the speed of light ,when it travels from higher dimensions to three dimensions of space ?
bellatrix gray said:
i meant, what is the speed of light at higher compressed string theory dimensions?
It never happens that light travels from higher dimensions to 3D space. In theories with additional compact dimensions, those compact dimensions exist at each point in the non-compact dimensions. So it never leaves the higher dimensions, it is always in both.
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  • #5
Dale said:
It never happens that light travels from higher dimensions to 3D space. In theories with additional compact dimensions, those compact dimensions exist at each point in the non-compact dimensions. So it never leaves the higher dimensions, it is always in both.
and will there be any change ,while it is traveling in higher dimensions?
  • #6
bellatrix gray said:
and will there be any change ,while it is traveling in higher dimensions?
Again, it is always traveling in all dimensions.
  • #7
does this mean the universe our universe exists within shares the speed of light?
  • #8
ccgjg said:
does this mean the universe our universe exists within shares the speed of light?
The speed of light is what it is.
In the Universe we know, the speed light can be measured, it is constant.
There s no reason I know of why light must travel at that speed. but it does.
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  • #9
ccgjg said:
does this mean the universe our universe exists within shares the speed of light?

Our universe is not known to exist within another universe, so your question isn't answerable.
  • #10
ccgjg said:
does this mean the universe our universe exists within shares the speed of light?
Like gravity?
  • #11
Drakkith said:
Our universe is not known to exist within another universe, so your question isn't answerable.
I think he/she means that just like the bread slice example of multiverse which explains why gravity is weak, maybe speed of light is also distributed in the multiverse.
  • #12
I think the OP is just wondering if light can have a velocity component in an extra dimension which would make the projection of the velocity in our usual number of dimensions look smaller.
  • #13
My (naive) understanding is that the extra dimensions are smaller than the typical wavelength of particles, so there is no room to "move" in those directions. I suppose it should be like moving in a waveguide. Are there different waveguide modes?

FAQ: Speed of light and higher dimensions

1. What is the speed of light?

The speed of light is a fundamental physical constant that represents the maximum speed at which all matter and information in the universe can travel. It is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, or about 670,616,629 miles per hour.

2. How is the speed of light related to higher dimensions?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is the same in all reference frames and cannot be surpassed. This means that even in higher dimensions, the speed of light remains the same, providing a universal constant that can be used to measure and understand the fabric of space-time.

3. Are there more than three dimensions?

The concept of higher dimensions has been explored in theoretical physics, but there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of more than three dimensions in our physical universe. Some theories, such as string theory, propose the existence of additional dimensions, but they have not yet been proven.

4. Can we travel faster than the speed of light?

Based on our current understanding of physics, it is not possible for anything to travel faster than the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass and energy increase, making it more and more difficult to accelerate. This is known as the cosmic speed limit.

5. How does the speed of light affect time and space in higher dimensions?

In higher dimensions, the speed of light still serves as a constant, but the concept of time and space may be different from our three-dimensional experience. Some theories suggest that higher dimensions may have a different structure and geometry, allowing for multiple timelines and parallel universes.

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