Speed of sound and density relation?

In summary, the speed of sound at a specific temperature is independent of pressure and varies directly with density. However, this relationship depends on how the density is changed - if it is decreased by heating the gas, the temperature will increase and so will the speed of sound. But if it is decreased by lowering the pressure, the speed of sound will not change significantly. Additionally, the speed of sound also depends on the elasticity of the medium and decreases with increased density as long as the elasticity does not change. However, for a gas, the bulk modulus is proportional to pressure and the density is inversely proportional to pressure, resulting in a constant ratio and speed of sound at a given temperature. Finally, the speed of sound is also related to the
  • #1
Speed of sound at a specific temperature is independent of Pressure as Pressure varies directly with density.
So wouldn't any change in density vary the pressure such that it has no net effect on speed of sound? but my book says the speed increases with decrease in density...
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  • #2
It depends how you change the density. If you decrease the density by heating the gas, you increase the temperature, which increases the speed of sound.
If you decrease it by lowering the pressure, you do not change the speed (in a significant way).

If you try to change the density of a gas, heating/cooling gas is usually easier than changing the pressure.
  • #3
amk_dbz said:
Speed of sound at a specific temperature is independent of Pressure as Pressure varies directly with density.
So wouldn't any change in density vary the pressure such that it has no net effect on speed of sound? but my book says the speed increases with decrease in density...

The speed of sound depends on both density and stiffness of the medium. It decreases with increased density IF the elasticity of the medium does not change.
For a gas (ideal gas model) the bulk modulus is proportional to the pressure.
The density is inverse proportional to the pressure. So their ratio (and in consequence, the speed of sound) is a constant (at a given temperature).
  • #4
mfb said:
It depends how you change the density. If you decrease the density by heating the gas, you increase the temperature, which increases the speed of sound.
If you decrease it by lowering the pressure, you do not change the speed (in a significant way).

If you try to change the density of a gas, heating/cooling gas is usually easier than changing the pressure.

Suppose density is changed by adding water vapours?
  • #5
Good question.

Speed of sound will go up. Imagine some of the air molecules in a given container are replaced one-for-one by water molecules. If the temperature stays the same, so, too, will the pressure. [The partial pressure of the water vapour will be the same as that of the air it replaces, assuming ideal gas behaviour.] But the mass of each water molecule is 18/28 of the mass of a nitrogen molecule (and 18/32 of the mass of an oxygen molecule, so the density will be less. So, too will be the speed of sound, given by
[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}}.[/tex]
  • #6
Thank you sir for helping. :-) :)
  • #7
It would have been more helpful if I'd pointed out that when you have a relationship between 3 or more variables, x, y and z (say), it's ambiguous to say that x depends on y in such-and-such a way, unless you say whether z is constant or allowed to vary in some way.

Thus the speed of sound is indeed given by [itex]v=\sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}}[/itex], but it's misleading to say that v is proportional to [itex]\sqrt{p}[/itex]. This is the case if the temperature of a fixed number of gas molecules in a container of fixed volume is raised. But the speed of sound will stay the same if the gas pressure is raised by pumping more gas of the same sort, at the same temperature, into the container, as the density will rise proportionately to the pressure.

Another example:Will more total power be dissipated in two identical resistors connected in parallel, or the same two connected in series? The answer depends on whether the same p.d. is applied across the combination, or some other condition applies.
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  • #8
I agree completely with Philip Wood. The essential property of atoms that is related to the speed of sound is the speed of molecules. The speed of molecules is most obviously related to temperature. The equation γP/ρ 'hides' the temperature significance.
It is easy to see how students can (mistakenly) go away with the idea that the speed of sound depends on Pressure and density of a gas.
  • #9
Indeed, substituting [itex]p=\tfrac{1}{3} \rho c_{rms}^2[/itex] into [itex]v =\sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}}[/itex] we get [itex]v=\sqrt{\gamma \tfrac{1}{3} c_{rms}^2}[/itex].
For a diatomic gases like oxygen and nitrogen, [itex]\gamma=1.4[/itex], so [itex]v=0.68c_{rms}[/itex].

So the speed of sound is about 2/3 the rms speed of the molecules. This is not surprising, because on a molecular level, a sound wave arises from periodically varying extra velocities being superimposed (by, for example, a loudspeaker cone) on the much larger random velocities of the molecules. How quickly the disturbance travels through the gas depends on the rms speed of the molecules, as they pass the superimposed small velocities on to their neighbours in collisions.

FAQ: Speed of sound and density relation?

What is the relationship between speed of sound and density?

The speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of the medium's density. This means that as density increases, the speed of sound also increases.

How does density affect the speed of sound in different mediums?

The denser the medium, the faster the speed of sound will be. For example, sound travels faster in water than in air because water is denser than air.

Why does sound travel faster in solids than in liquids or gases?

Sound travels faster in solids because the molecules in solids are closer together, making the medium more dense. This allows sound waves to travel more quickly through the medium.

Does temperature affect the relationship between speed of sound and density?

Yes, temperature can affect the speed of sound and therefore the relationship between speed of sound and density. As temperature increases, the speed of sound also increases, but the density of the medium may decrease. This can lead to a more complex relationship between the two factors.

Can the speed of sound and density relationship be used to determine the density of an unknown medium?

Yes, this relationship can be used to determine the density of a medium if the speed of sound in that medium is known. By rearranging the equation, density can be calculated using the measured speed of sound and other known variables.

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