Speed through the Center of the Earth

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of determining the speed at which mail packages would pass through Earth's center if a straight tunnel were to be built from one side of the planet to the other. The conversation covers various equations and methods for solving the problem, including integrating acceleration with respect to time, using the conservation of energy, and considering the mass of the planet below the current position. Ultimately, the question of how to properly integrate with time is left unanswered.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose we had a straight tunnel, through Earth's center, to a point on the opposite side of the planet, and used it to deliver mail to the other side. With what speed would our packages pass through Earth's center.

Homework Equations

ag = (GM)/R2
Mins = (4/3)πR3

The Attempt at a Solution

So, I'm assuming (but not completely sure) that the question is asking for the man's speed at the center (but again, I could be interpreting the question completely wrong. Either way, I'm still stuck on how to solve it.)

I figured that I could take the integral of ag with respect to R (since the distance from the center of the Earth is continuously changing as you pass through the center.)

So: ag = ∫[G*ρ*(4/3)π *R3]/R2
(from 0 to R)

My problem here is that ρ is just M/V which is 3M/(4πR3), which basically cancels out a whole bunch of R's and leaves you with:

ag = GM∫[1/R2
(from 0 to R...I'll worry about signs later)

ag = GM/R, which doesn't actually work out since you end up having m2/s2, which is not acceleration.

I know I probably messed up the integral, but I'm not sure how else you would solve this problem.
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  • #2
There are two radii to consider (this keeps much of the cancellation from happening):
  • There's the average density* calculation which you have already done, [itex] \rho = \frac{M}{V} [/itex], where [itex] V = \frac{4}{3} \pi R^3 [/itex]. Here, this [itex] R [/itex] is constant, and doesn't change as the position of the mail package progresses. You have already calculated this in your original post. (And of course, the mass of the Earth is constant.)
  • Then there's the mass of Earth "underneath" the mail package. And the volume of Earth "underneath" the package is [itex] \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 [/itex]. This [itex] r [/itex] changes with the mail package's position, however. So this mass underneath is this volume times the previously calculated [itex] \rho [/itex]. We're making the assumption that this [itex] \rho [/itex] density is constant and does not change as a function of the mail package's position.*
What I haven't discussed is how the "shell" of Earth above the mail package fits into the picture, if at all. Can you comment on what the gravitational forces felt by an object inside a massive hollow, spherical shell?

*In this problem we are assuming that the Earth has a uniform density. This assumption isn't true, but it's not too horrible an approximation. Since we're already ignoring the Earth's rotation, friction and such anyway, it should be okay.
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  • #3
collinsmark said:
There are two radii to consider (this keeps much of the cancellation from happening):
  • There's the average density* calculation which you have already done, [itex] \rho = \frac{M}{V} [/itex], where [itex] V = \frac{4}{3} \pi R^3 [/itex]. Here, this [itex] R [/itex] is constant, and doesn't change as the position of the mail package progresses. You have already calculated this in your original post. (And of course, the mass of the Earth is constant.)
  • Then there's the mass of Earth "underneath" the mail package. And the volume of Earth "underneath" the package is [itex] \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 [/itex]. This [itex] r [/itex] changes with the mail package's position, however. So this mass underneath is this volume times the previously calculated [itex] \rho [/itex]. We're making the assumption that this [itex] \rho [/itex] density is constant and does not change as a function of the mail package's position.*
Ok, that makes sense. I'll try to work that out now.

collinsmark said:
What I haven't discussed is how the "shell" of Earth above the mail package fits into the picture, if at all. Can you comment on what the gravitational forces felt by an object inside a massive hollow, spherical shell?

I've only briefly discussed shells. But in the case of the earth, once you get into the innermost shell (of the Earth, in this case) the net force acting on the object is 0. So in a hollow, spherical shell, once you get past the outer layer, the net force is 0?
  • #4
I tried it again, it still doesn't work. No matter what I try, too many R's end up cancelling out:

Even if I set it so that Mins = ρ * (4/3)π*r3
w/ ρ = 3M/(4πR3)

ag = (4/3) π Gρ ∫ r3dr/r2
(from 0 to R)

ag = (4/3) π Gρ ∫ rdr
ag = (4/3) π Gρ * R2/2
ag = (4/3) π * G * 3M/(4πR3) * R2/2

...Do you see what I mean?
  • #5
In order to determine velocity by integrating acceleration you must integrate w.r.t. time. Integrating acceleration as a function of position is not correct.

Rather than deal with the chain rule and mucking about with resulting equations, why not consider a conservation of energy approach? What's the work done in moving an object from the surface to the center? You still need to deal with the mass of the planet below the current position in order to determine the force as a function of position.
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  • #6
gneill said:
In order to determine velocity by integrating acceleration you must integrate w.r.t. time. Integrating acceleration as a function of position is not correct.

Rather than deal with the chain rule and mucking about with resulting equations, why not consider a conservation of energy approach? What's the work done in moving an object from the surface to the center? You still need to deal with the mass of the planet below the current position in order to determine the force as a function of position.

I'm just really confused about how specifically to deal with the mass of the planet below the current position.
  • #7
Okazaki said:
I'm just really confused about how specifically to deal with the mass of the planet below the current position.
How so? The mass below the current position is the mass contained within the spherical volume with radius equal to that of the current position.
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  • #8
gneill said:
How so? The mass below the current position is the mass contained within the spherical volume with radius equal to that of the current position.

I mean, how would I integrate with time when I don't even know the time it will take to get down to the center of the earth?
  • #9
Okazaki said:
I mean, how would I integrate with time when I don't even know the time it will take to get down to the center of the earth?
That is why I suggested using conservation of energy (work-energy theorem) instead. Then time is not involved.
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  • #10
gneill said:
That is why I suggested using conservation of energy (work-energy theorem) instead. Then time is not involved.

...So you don't use an integral, then? But how do you deal with the changing mass below you?
  • #11
Okazaki said:
...So you don't use an integral, then? But how do you deal with the changing mass below you?
No, you must use an integral. You want to compute the work done by gravity while moving a test mass from the surface to the center.
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  • #12
gneill said:
Integrating acceleration as a function of position is not correct.
It is closely related to the approach via energy conservation - and I agree that it is the easiest approach here.
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  • #13
gneill said:
No, you must use an integral. You want to compute the work done by gravity while moving a test mass from the surface to the center.

I still am completely lost. I don't understand how to make this integral, nor how to integrate it.
  • #14
What is it you need to integrate to find work?
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  • #15
gneill said:
What is it you need to integrate to find work?

The potential energy of an object on the Earth's surface down until the center of the earth?
  • #16
Okazaki said:
The potential energy of an object on the Earth's surface down until the center of the earth?
Not quite.

Work = Force x Distance, right? The work done in moving a test mass from one position to another without allowing it to accelerate will be what you want. (Think of the test mass as being moved at a constant velocity, applying a force that exactly balances the gravitational force so no acceleration takes place)

So the work done by gravity is equal to the integral of ##F_G(r) \cdot dr##. You need to find an expression for ##F_G(r)## to integrate. This is where the mass of the planet below the current position comes into play so you can use Newton's Law of Gravitation to find that force at any radial position.
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  • #17
gneill said:
Not quite.

Work = Force x Distance, right? The work done in moving a test mass from one position to another without allowing it to accelerate will be what you want. (Think of the test mass as being moved at a constant velocity, applying a force that exactly balances the gravitational force so no acceleration takes place)

So the work done by gravity is equal to the integral of ##F_G(r) \cdot dr##. You need to find an expression for ##F_G(r)## to integrate. This is where the mass of the planet below the current position comes into play so you can use Newton's Law of Gravitation to find that force at any radial position.

W = ∫(FG(r)*dr
(from 0 to R...I'll figure out the signs later)

W = ∫(GMm)dr/r2
W = ∫(GρVm)dr/r2
W = Gρm ∫(4πr3)dr/(3r2)
W = Gρm * (4π)/3 * ∫rdr
W = Gρm * (4π)/3 * R2/2
W = Gm * (ρ) * (2π)/3 * R2
W = Gm * (3M)/(4πR3) * (2π)/3 * R2
W = Gm * M/(2R)

...And that's the work?
  • #18
Looks okay to me. How does that amount of work translate to a velocity for an object that undergoes the same change in location via free-fall?
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  • #19
gneill said:
Looks okay to me. How does that amount of work translate to a velocity for an object that undergoes the same change in location via free-fall?

Can't you use the kinetic energy theorem (0.5mv2)?
  • #20
Okazaki said:
Can't you use the kinetic energy theorem (0.5mv2)?
Try it and find out. What answer do you get?
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  • #21
gneill said:
Try it and find out. What answer do you get?

Speed = 7894 m/s.
  • #23
mfb said:
Looks right.

  • #24
gneill said:
Rather than deal with the chain rule and mucking about with resulting equations, why not consider a conservation of energy approach?

Hello gneill ,

Please help me in resolving a doubt .

Isn't the potential energy (package+earth) at the surface of Earth given by ##-\frac{GMm}{R_e}## ? Why can't we solve this problem in one step by using conservation of energy i.e Loss of potential energy = gain in kinetic energy ? Since there are no non conservative forces involved , this approach should work well , but it doesn't ? May be I am missing something very simple .

I understand the approach suggested by you by integrating the work done . In fact , the first time I worked this problem , I too adopted the same approach .

Thanks .
  • #25
Vibhor said:
Isn't the potential energy (package+earth) at the surface of Earth given by ##−GMmRe-\frac{GMm}{R_e}## ? Why can't we solve this problem in one step by using conservation of energy i.e Loss of potential energy = gain in kinetic energy ? Since there are no non conservative forces involved , this approach should work well , but it doesn't ? May be I am missing something very simple .

The problem is that as the object falls through the Earth the matter of the planet "above" it effectively disappears gravitationally speaking (the Shell Theorem). So while M in the formula stays constant for changing positions above ground, it is not constant for changing positions positions below ground.

As a result the relationship between force and radial distance is no longer inverse square and the standard PE formula doesn't apply. I suppose that a crude analogy would be the way you cannot use the standard kinematic equations for distance and velocity when acceleration is not constant.
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  • #26
##-\frac{GMm}{R_e}## is a possible expression for the potential energy at the surface (if we define infinite distance to have a potential of zero), but that does not give the potential at the center.
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  • #27
gneill said:
The problem is that as the object falls through the Earth the matter of the planet "above" it effectively disappears gravitationally speaking (the Shell Theorem). So while M in the formula stays constant for changing positions above ground, it is not constant for changing positions positions below ground.

As a result the relationship between force and radial distance is no longer inverse square and the standard PE formula doesn't apply. I suppose that a crude analogy would be the way you cannot use the standard kinematic equations for distance and velocity when acceleration is not constant.

Thanks a lot !
  • #28
I got 7905.13 meters per second, am i doing something wrong or is it just rounding errors?

The final equation I got was v = sqrt(GM/r)... this is the same as the orbital velocity equation isn't it? Is this a coincidence? Am I doing something wrong?
  • #29
Rounding error.
Chuckstabler said:
The final equation I got was v = sqrt(GM/r)... this is the same as the orbital velocity equation isn't it?
Right, and it is not a coincidence (for a uniform mass distribution which is unrealistic for earth). You have a quadratic potential up to the surface of Earth - every motion through it (or exactly along the surface) has the same period. The central tube is the projection of an orbit to one axis.

Even more: every straight tube through earth, without friction, gives the same period, even if it does not go through the center (the maximal velocity is lower then of course). And this period is independent of the radius of Earth - it just depends on the density and the gravitational constant.
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  • #30
mfb said:
Rounding error.
Right, and it is not a coincidence (for a uniform mass distribution which is unrealistic for earth). You have a quadratic potential up to the surface of Earth - every motion through it (or exactly along the surface) has the same period. The central tube is the projection of an orbit to one axis.

Even more: every straight tube through earth, without friction, gives the same period, even if it does not go through the center (the maximal velocity is lower then of course). And this period is independent of the radius of Earth - it just depends on the density and the gravitational constant.
That's... actually really cool. Thanks for your reply. I figured it wasn't a coincidence

FAQ: Speed through the Center of the Earth

1. How fast would an object travel if it were to go through the center of the Earth?

The speed through the center of the Earth would depend on various factors such as the mass and density of the Earth, as well as the object's starting position and the force acting upon it. However, according to scientific calculations, the maximum speed an object could reach through the center of the Earth would be approximately 7.9 km/s.

2. Would an object experience any changes in speed while traveling through the center of the Earth?

Yes, an object would experience a change in speed while traveling through the center of the Earth. As it falls towards the center, it would accelerate due to the force of gravity. However, as it moves away from the center, it would start to decelerate until it reaches the other side of the Earth.

3. How long would it take for an object to travel through the center of the Earth?

The time it takes for an object to travel through the center of the Earth would also depend on various factors such as the starting position, the force of gravity, and the object's mass. However, based on calculations, it would take approximately 42 minutes and 12 seconds for an object to travel through the center of the Earth.

4. Would an object be able to survive the journey through the center of the Earth?

No, an object would not be able to survive the journey through the center of the Earth. The intense pressure and heat at the Earth's core would crush and melt any object, making it impossible for it to survive the journey.

5. Can we use the concept of speed through the center of the Earth for practical purposes?

While the idea of speed through the center of the Earth may seem intriguing, it is not practically possible to use it for any useful purposes. The extreme conditions at the Earth's core make it impossible for any object to survive, let alone travel through it. Additionally, the amount of energy required to make an object travel through the center of the Earth would far exceed any potential benefits.

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