Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator

In summary: Thank you!In summary, we discussed an electron in a spherical symmetric harmonic potential and determined the energies and degeneracy of the ground state and first excited state. We also found the basis for the l^2 and l_z states. Finally, we explored the effect of spin-orbit coupling on these states, finding that the degeneracy of the first excited state is doubled due to the addition of spin.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An electron (S=1/2) is free in a spherical symmetric harmonic potential:

a) Find energies and degeneracy of ground state and first excited state.
b) For these states find the [itex]l^2[/itex] and [itex]l_z[/itex] basis.
c) How does these states split in a [itex]\vec{L} \cdot \vec{S}[/itex] coupling?

3. The Attempt at a Solution

a) [itex]E = E_x+E_y+E_z=\hbar \omega (n_x+n_y+n_z+\frac{3}{2})=\hbar \omega (2 n_r + l+\frac{3}{2})[/itex]
Ground state (l=0): [itex]E=\frac{3}{2}\hbar \omega[/itex], only one state - degeneracy 1
First excited state (l=1): [itex]E=\frac{5}{2} \hbar \omega[/itex], three possible chances - degeneracy 3
Is everything all right here?

b) I am not sure what do I have to do here. Do I only need to write [itex]| l, l_z \rangle[/itex]?
Ground state ([itex]l=0, l_z=0[/itex]): [itex]|00\rangle[/itex]
First excited state: ([itex]l=1,l_z=\pm1,0[/itex]): [itex]|1-1\rangle,|10\rangle,|11\rangle[/itex]

c) [tex]\langle L S J M_J| \beta \vec{L} \cdot \vec{S} |L S J M_J\rangle = \frac{\beta \hbar^2}{2} \langle L S J M_J| j(j+1)-l(l+1)-s(s+1) |L S J M_J\rangle[/tex]
I get 0 for the ground state and [itex]\hbar^2 \beta[/itex] for first excited state. Does that mean that ground state doesn't split and first excited in [itex]0, \pm \hbar^2 \beta[/itex]?
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  • #2
gasar8 said:
Is everything all right here?
Yes you are doing it right.
gasar8 said:
Do I only need to write |l,lz⟩|l,lz⟩| l, l_z \rangle?
You also need to specify the quantum number ##n_r##.
gasar8 said:
Does that mean that ground state doesn't split and first excited in 0,±ℏ2β0,±ℏ2β0, \pm \hbar^2 \beta?
How did you get those splitting?
In part (c), a new degree of freedom which is spin is added into the system. Consequently, it's important to realize the degeneracy of each state in this system after taking spin into account but before considering the spin-orbit perturbation. For the first excited state, what is the degeneracy? Then upon taking spin-orbit into account, what are the possible value of ##j##'s for the first excited state?
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  • #3
blue_leaf77 said:
You also need to specify the quantum number nrnrn_r.
In both states it is 0?

Ok, I calculated something wrong. So, from [itex]\frac{\beta \hbar^2}{2} [j(j+1)-l(l+1)-s(s+1)],[/itex] I get:
Ground state: [itex]-\hbar^2 \beta[/itex], the ground state only lowers for this factor?
1. excited state: [tex] \frac{\hbar^2 \beta}{2} \ \textrm{for} \ j=3/2\\ -\hbar^2 \beta \ \textrm{for} \ j=1/2[/tex]

blue_leaf77 said:
For the first excited state, what is the degeneracy?
3, as I have calculated in a) part, but why do I need this now? nr and l are in 1. excited state always 0 and 1, respectively?
  • #4
gasar8 said:
Ground state: −ℏ2β−ℏ2β-\hbar^2 \beta, the ground state only lowers for this factor?
Check again your calculation. For ground state, ##l=0## and ##s=1/2##, what is ##j##?
gasar8 said:
In both states it is 0?

1. excited state: [tex] \frac{\hbar^2 \beta}{2} \ \textrm{for} \ j=3/2\\ -\hbar^2 \beta \ \textrm{for} \ j=1/2[/tex]
Yes. However, it's important to know that ##\beta## is often times a function of ##r##. Therefore, instead of just ##\beta## I think it's more appropriate to write ##\langle R_{01} |\beta(r)|R_{01}\rangle##.
gasar8 said:
3, as I have calculated in a) part, but why do I need this now?
After taking spin degree of freedom, the degeneracy should surely increase. Remember for spin 1/2 particle, each state will multiply two folds. Thus if initially a level has three degenerate states, what will it become after adding the spin?
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  • #5
blue_leaf77 said:
For ground state, l=0 and s=1/2, what is j?
Oh, I don't even know what I was calculating. [itex]j=l+s=0+{1 \over 2}= {1 \over 2}, [/itex] so there is no change in final energy.

Ok, thank you. :)

Yes, so I must multiply every degeneracy by 2?
Thank you very much!
  • #6
gasar8 said:
there is no change in final energy.
gasar8 said:
must multiply every degeneracy by 2?
Yes. Before adding spin orbit there are 3x2=6 states in the first excited level, after being perturbed by spin-orbit these 6 states split into two groups: 4 of them belong to ##j=3/2## state and the rest 2 to ##j=1/2##.
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  • #7
Ok, thank you, I remember this from one of our other lectures. This is [itex]2j+1[/itex] states for every degenerate state.

Related to Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator

1. What is a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator?

A Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator is a theoretical model that describes the motion of a particle in a potential energy well that has spherical symmetry, meaning that the potential energy is the same at all points equidistant from the center.

2. How is a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator different from a regular Harmonic Oscillator?

A regular Harmonic Oscillator has a potential energy well that is symmetric about the origin, while a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator has a potential energy well that is symmetric about all points equidistant from the center. This means that the restoring force in a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator is directed towards the center, rather than towards the origin.

3. What is the equation for the potential energy in a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator?

The equation for the potential energy in a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator is V(r) = ½kr², where k is the force constant and r is the distance from the center.

4. What are the possible energy states in a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator?

The possible energy states in a Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator are quantized, meaning that they can only take on specific energy values. These values are given by the equation E(n) = (n + ½)ħω, where n is the quantum number and ω is the angular frequency.

5. How is the Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator important in physics?

The Spherical Symmetric Harmonic Oscillator is an important model in physics because it can be used to describe a wide range of physical systems, such as atoms, molecules, and nuclei. It also serves as a foundation for understanding more complex systems in quantum mechanics, such as the Hydrogen atom.

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