Spherically symmetric Heat Equation

In summary, the spherically symmetric heat equation is a mathematical equation used to describe heat flow in spherical systems. It is written as ∂u/∂t = α(1/r^2) ∂/∂r(r^2 ∂u/∂r), where u is temperature, t is time, r is radial distance, and α is thermal diffusivity. It has applications in various fields and can be solved using numerical or analytical methods. However, it has limitations such as assuming constant temperature and thermal properties and not accounting for convection or radiation.
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Homework Statement

A ball of radius a, originally at T0, is immersed to boiling water at T1 at t=0. From t≥0, the surface (of the ball) is kept at T1
Define u(r,t)=R(r)Q(t)=T(r,t)-T1


Homework Equations

2u=r-2 ∂/∂r ( r2 ∂u/∂r ) =D-1∂u/∂t

The Attempt at a Solution

Boundary Condition: u(r=a,t)Ξ0
Initial Condition: u(r,t=0)=ΔT*Top(0,a) where Top(0,a)=Θ(r)-Θ(r-a) is the top hat function with end-points 0 and a

This is not a precise formulation as I want u(0,0) to be ΔT and u(a,0)=0. However it conveniently represents u(0≤r<a,0)=ΔT and u(r>a,0)=0

Let u(r,t)=R(r)Q(t)

Separation of variables give
(Rr2)-1d/dr (r2 R')=(D*Q)-1Q'=-μ2 where μ∈R

The choice of the separation constant is such that the boundary condition can be satisfied


The radial equation is simplified by the substitution S=rR, reducing it to S''+μ2S=0

Thus S=sin(μr) or cos(μr) and Q=exp(-μ2D*t) and u=SQ/r

Since I expect u to be finite at r=0, S(r=0)=0 is needed to create an indeterminate expression, ruling out the cosine solution.

S(r=a)=sin(μa)=0⇒μna=nπ ; n∈ℕ

So the solution has the form
u(r,t)=r-1∑An sin(μn r)*exp(-μn2Dt)
u(r,0)=r-1∑An sin(μn r)
u(r,0)*r=∑An sin(μn r)-----------------------(@)

Now multiply both sides with sin(μm r) and integrate both sides of (@) w.r.t. r from 0 to a
I found that An=2ΔT/(π*n/a) * (-1)n+1 ;
I'd appreciate it if someone could point out where I made a mistake...
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  • #2

There are a few potential issues with your solution:

1. Boundary condition: The boundary condition you have chosen, u(r=a,t)=0, does not match the given condition of u(r=a,t)=ΔT. This may be the cause of some of the discrepancies in your solution.

2. Initial condition: The initial condition you have chosen, u(r,t=0)=ΔT*Top(0,a), does not match the given condition of u(r,t=0)=ΔT. This may also be contributing to the discrepancies in your solution.

3. Separation of variables: When using separation of variables, it is important to ensure that the resulting equations are consistent with the boundary and initial conditions. In this case, the boundary and initial conditions do not match the solutions you have obtained for R(r) and Q(t), so this may be another source of error.

4. Integration: In your final step, where you integrate both sides of (@) with respect to r, you should also include the term r in the integration. This will result in a different solution for An.

I recommend going back and carefully checking your boundary and initial conditions, as well as your separation of variables method and integration steps. You may also want to try a different approach to solving the problem, such as using Fourier series or a numerical method.

FAQ: Spherically symmetric Heat Equation

1) What is the spherically symmetric heat equation?

The spherically symmetric heat equation is a mathematical equation that describes the flow of heat through a spherical object or region. It takes into account factors such as temperature, thermal conductivity, and heat generation or absorption.

2) What does the spherically symmetric heat equation look like?

The spherically symmetric heat equation is typically written as: ∂u/∂t = α(1/r^2) ∂/∂r(r^2 ∂u/∂r), where u is the temperature, t is time, r is the radial distance from the center of the sphere, and α is the thermal diffusivity.

3) What are the applications of the spherically symmetric heat equation?

The spherically symmetric heat equation is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and geophysics to model and analyze heat transfer in spherical systems. It can be applied to problems such as heat transfer in the Earth's interior, heat flow in industrial processes, and thermal management in electronic devices.

4) How is the spherically symmetric heat equation solved?

The spherically symmetric heat equation can be solved using various numerical methods such as finite difference, finite element, or spectral methods. These methods involve discretizing the equation and solving it iteratively to obtain a numerical solution. Analytical solutions can also be obtained for certain simplified cases.

5) What are the limitations of the spherically symmetric heat equation?

The spherically symmetric heat equation assumes that the temperature and thermal properties of the spherical object or region are constant and do not change over time. It also does not take into account factors such as convection or radiation. Therefore, it may not accurately model certain real-world scenarios and should be used with caution.
