Spin-1 particle in uniaxial crystal field

In summary, the equations for H = -D(S^z)^2 are shown for cases where D>0 and D<0, with the latter removing the degeneracy in the ground state. The ground state for D<0 has a spin perpendicular to the z-axis with a larger energy compared to the states with m=+1 and -1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex]H = -D(S^z)^2[/tex] for cases D>0, D<0, where D<0 should remove the degeneracy in the ground state.

Homework Equations

[tex]H = -D(S^z)^2 = -D\hbar^2 (1 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 1)[/tex]
(`;' separates rows)

[tex]det(H-1E)= 0[/tex], or by inspection...

The Attempt at a Solution

I get, for D>0,

[itex]E_1 = -D \hbar^2 [/itex], [itex]\psi_1=(1,0,0)[/itex]
[itex]E_2 = -D \hbar^2 [/itex], [itex]\psi_2=(0,0,1)[/itex]
[itex]E_3 = 0 [/itex], [itex]\psi_3=(0,1,0)[/itex]

So I get a degeneracy in the ground state, However I don't see how D<0 removes it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For D<0 the ground state will be with m=0, i.e. the spin is perpendicular to the z-axis, whereas both m=+1 and -1 will have the same but larger energy.
  • #3
Thanks! I definitely thought about that too hard haha

FAQ: Spin-1 particle in uniaxial crystal field

What is a spin-1 particle?

A spin-1 particle is a type of elementary particle that has an intrinsic spin quantum number of 1. This means it has a specific angular momentum and behaves like a tiny spinning top.

What is a uniaxial crystal field?

A uniaxial crystal field is a type of crystal lattice structure in which the atoms or molecules are arranged in a way that creates a preferred direction or axis. This can affect the behavior of particles, such as spin-1 particles, that interact with the crystal structure.

How does a spin-1 particle behave in a uniaxial crystal field?

In a uniaxial crystal field, a spin-1 particle can align itself with the preferred axis of the crystal structure, or it can rotate around this axis. The behavior of the particle is determined by its spin state and the strength of the crystal field.

What are the applications of studying spin-1 particles in uniaxial crystal fields?

Studying how spin-1 particles interact with uniaxial crystal fields can provide insights into the fundamental properties of matter and help us understand the behavior of other particles in similar environments. This knowledge can also have practical applications in fields such as materials science and quantum computing.

How do scientists study spin-1 particles in uniaxial crystal fields?

Scientists use a variety of experimental techniques, such as spectroscopy and microscopy, to observe and measure the behavior of spin-1 particles in uniaxial crystal fields. These experiments often involve manipulating the particles and the crystal structure in controlled environments to study their interactions.
