- #1
- 782
- 1
Homework Statement
[tex]H = -D(S^z)^2[/tex] for cases D>0, D<0, where D<0 should remove the degeneracy in the ground state.
Homework Equations
[tex]H = -D(S^z)^2 = -D\hbar^2 (1 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 1)[/tex]
(`;' separates rows)
[tex]det(H-1E)= 0[/tex], or by inspection...
The Attempt at a Solution
I get, for D>0,
[itex]E_1 = -D \hbar^2 [/itex], [itex]\psi_1=(1,0,0)[/itex]
[itex]E_2 = -D \hbar^2 [/itex], [itex]\psi_2=(0,0,1)[/itex]
[itex]E_3 = 0 [/itex], [itex]\psi_3=(0,1,0)[/itex]
So I get a degeneracy in the ground state, However I don't see how D<0 removes it.