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For an electron in an arbitrary spin state, can an axis always be found along which the spin is 1/2 (as opposed to a superposition of 1/2 and -1/2 spins)? What about particles whose spin is 1 or greater? For example, for a spin 1 particle which is in an arbitrary spin state, can one always find an axis along which the spin is either 1 or 0. Or is it possible for a spin 1 particle to be in such a state that it's spin is a superposition of spin 1,0,-1 states along every axis? Moving on to angular momentum, if an electron in a hydrogen atom is in the n=2, l=1 state and in a superposition: a|1>+b|0>+c|-1> where |1>, |0>, |-1> are the eigenstates of L sub z, and a,b,c are arbitrary constants, can one always find an axis along which the angular momentum has a definite value (either 1, 0, or -1) and is not a superposition of states? (I assume that whatever is true for a spin 1 particle is also true for the n=2, l=1 state of the H atom).