Spin, pseudo-spin or whatelse? (cavity)Polariton polarimetry question

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In summary: Zeeman splitting"), the energy splitting in the TE-TM polarized modes is not directly related to the applied electric field. It is rather related to the electric field gradient, and the splitting gets larger as the gradient gets larger. This is why the TE-TM splitting can also be referred to as the "electric field-split Zeeman splitting".In summary, the Stokes vector tells you about the full pseudospin of your polaritons. For example, if you put a circular polarization filter in the path of the light leaking out of your cavity and you find that the transmission for left-circularly and right-circularly polarized light is the same, you might have a 50%/50
  • #1
Hi, this is my first thread :)

I am doing my PhD about polariton in microcavities. I was just reading about the polarization of polaritons (a cuasi-particle mixing photons with semiconductors excitons) in GaAlAs microcavities. So a lot of concepts appear: pseudo-spin, chiriality, TE-TM splitting, etc...

I understand the Stoke vector summarize all of them (pseudo-spin in plane, and spin or chiriality out of plane). But I don't understand the conection between Stoke vector and the spin of exciton (or the hole-electrons). Is it correct think in this conection?
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  • #2
I assume that you are talking about quantum well microcavity polaritons. In that case, the QW excitons consist of holes (spin 3/2) and electrons (spin 1/2), which may team up to form optically dark excitons (spin +2 or -2) and bright excitons (spin +1 and -1). Of course you need to choose a quantization axis, but in quantum wells, this is simple. QWs are effective 2D systems, so you consider the projection on the structure axis.

The bright excitons may then couple to circularly polarized photons in the microcavity and form polaritons. This is one component of the Stokes vector. However, you could shoot linearly polarized light into the cavity. Linearly polarized light is a superposition of the two circularly polarized modes. Depending on the relative phase, you may get horizontally or vertically polarized light. Accordingly, you will be able to create polaritons which contain a superposition of spins with +1 and -1. This is another component of the Stokes vector. Finally, you may also use diagonally polarized light. This may, e.g., be realized as a superposition of horizontal and vertical light. This will also result in superpositions of spins +1 and -1. However, the relative phase will be different. This is another component of the stokes vector.

Taken together, the Stokes vector tells you about the full pseudospin of your polaritons. For example, if you put a circular polarization filter in the path of the light leaking out of your cavity and you find that the transmission for left-circularly and right-circularly polarized light is the same, you might have a 50%/50% incoherent mixture of spin +1 and spin -1 polaritons in your cavity or you might have linearly polarized polaritons which are a coherent superposition of spin +1 and -1. Measuring the full Stokes vector (in the circular, linear and diagonal basis) tells you the difference.

This is for example important when TE-TM splitting comes into play. This splits the energies of the +1/- polaritons at finite wavevector and thus rotates the pseudospin of movinf polaritons depending on their propagation direction and velocity. This may give rise to fancy effects, such as the optical spin Hall effect for polaritons.
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Likes dchafatinos and vanhees71
  • #3
Thanks a lot! Very nice explication.

I don't understand the last part:
Cthugha said:
This is for example important when TE-TM splitting comes into play. This splits the energies of the +1/- polaritons at finite wavevector and thus rotates the pseudospin of movinf polaritons depending on their propagation direction and velocity. This may give rise to fancy effects, such as the optical spin Hall effect for polaritons.

If the TE TM splitting just occurs by the spin of polariton (+-1), and the chiriality of photons also can induce an optical Zeeman splitting energy in the polariton level. How can I understand each effect? What is the principal difference?
  • #4
It is not exactly clear to me what you mean by "the chirality of photons also can induce an optical zeeman splitting energy". Usually, it is the other way round. You introduce some effect that acts as an effective Zeeman splitting and the polaritons will acquire some kind of circular polarization. However, there are a lot of ways to achieve that. The basic fundament for most of them is that the polariton-polariton interaction is spin-anisotropic: polaritons with the same pseudospin repel each other, while polaritons of opposite spin attract each other very weakly (about 1/10 of the repulsive interaction). Accordingly, any population imbalance in the spin species results in an effective energy shift of the polariton levels, which resembles a Zeeman splitting. This can be achieved in many ways. For example, spin-polarized non-resonant excitation will also result in a spin-dependent level shift as the polariton-exciton interaction is also spin-anisotropic. There was a recent paper by the Amo group showing that.

Now what is the difference to the TE-TM splitting? The TE-TM splitting also gives rise to an energy splitting. However, this is a splitting between the linear polarization modes of the cavity and it depends on the wavevector: the splitting gets larger for larger k. . If you do the math, you will find that while the energy splitting in the circularly polarized modes discussed above can be mapped to an effective magnetic field pointing along the growth axis of the sample (that would give rise to a Zeeman splitting, I will call this direction the z-axis), a splitting in the linearly polarized modes can be mapped to an effective magnetic field that is oriented inside the sample plane (the x-y plane) and it depends strongly on the wavevector of the polaritons. This means that polaritons propagating along different directions will see a different effective magnetic field. The latter insight was one of Alexey Kavokin's early insights on polaritons. Alexey published it in Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136601 (2005).
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Likes vanhees71 and dchafatinos
  • #5
Cthugha lot of thanks! Your explanation clarified several concepts and thinkings-way for me.

FAQ: Spin, pseudo-spin or whatelse? (cavity)Polariton polarimetry question

1. What is spin and pseudo-spin in the context of cavity polariton polarimetry?

Spin and pseudo-spin refer to the angular momentum of particles in a polariton system. In this context, it is used to describe the polarization of light and the collective motion of excitons in a cavity. Spin and pseudo-spin are important parameters in polariton polarimetry as they can affect the behavior and properties of the polaritons.

2. How are spin and pseudo-spin measured in cavity polariton polarimetry?

In cavity polariton polarimetry, spin and pseudo-spin are measured through the detection of circular or elliptical polarization of light emitted from the polariton system. This can be done using various techniques such as photoluminescence, reflectance, or scattering measurements.

3. What is the role of spin and pseudo-spin in cavity polariton polarimetry experiments?

Spin and pseudo-spin play a crucial role in understanding the behavior and dynamics of polaritons in a cavity. They can affect the polarization and coherence of the emitted light, as well as the energy and momentum of the polaritons themselves. By studying spin and pseudo-spin, researchers can gain insights into the fundamental properties of polaritons and their potential applications in optoelectronic devices.

4. What are the advantages of using cavity polariton polarimetry to study spin and pseudo-spin?

Cavity polariton polarimetry offers several advantages for studying spin and pseudo-spin in a polariton system. It allows for non-invasive measurements, which do not perturb the system, and provides high spatial and temporal resolution. Additionally, polaritons can be manipulated and controlled using external fields, making it possible to study their spin and pseudo-spin dynamics in real-time.

5. What are some potential applications of spin and pseudo-spin in cavity polariton polarimetry?

Spin and pseudo-spin in cavity polariton polarimetry have potential applications in the fields of quantum information processing, spintronics, and optoelectronics. By manipulating and controlling the spin and pseudo-spin of polaritons, researchers can explore new ways to store and process information, as well as develop novel devices for sensing and communication purposes.

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