Spinor index notation craziness

In summary, when differentiating with respect to Grassman variables, inconsistent results are obtained when taking derivatives of the product of two-component, left-handed, grassman-valued spinors, denoted as [itex]\Pi[/tex]. The first method results in [itex]\Pi_b=\chi_b[/itex], while the second method results in [itex]\Pi^b=-\chi^b[/itex]. This suggests that the rule for raising and lowering a spinor index on a derivative must have an opposite sign to the rule for raising and lowering a spinor index on the field itself.
  • #1
I'm differentiating with respect to Grassman variables, and I'm getting something very inconsistent:

Suppose [itex]\xi[/itex] and [itex]\chi[/itex] are two-component, left-handed, grassman-valued spinors. Now, I take derivatives with of the product, [itex]\xi^a \chi_a[/itex], respect to [itex]\xi[/itex] two different ways, and denote their results by [itex]\Pi[/tex] :[tex]1. \hspace{5mm} \Pi_b=\frac{\partial}{\partial\xi^b}(\xi^a\chi_a)=\delta_b^{\phantom b a}\chi_a=\chi_b[/tex]

[tex]2. \hspace{5mm} \Pi^b=\frac{\partial}{\partial\xi_b}(\xi^a\chi_a)=\frac{\partial}{\partial\xi_b}(\epsilon^{ac}\xi_c\chi_a)=\epsilon^{ac}\delta_c^{\phantom c b}\chi_a=\epsilon^{ab}\chi_a=-\epsilon^{ba}\chi_a=-\chi^b[/tex]

I would have expected 1 and 2 to come out with the same sign (with the only difference being the position of the spinor index). Apparently, they are not coming out with the same sign. If I did the math correctly, how am I supposed to interpret this?
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  • #2
Well, your math is right. It must mean that, for consistency, the rule for raising and lowering a spinor index on a derivative must carry an opposite sign to the rule for rule for raising and lowering a spinor index on the field itself.
  • #3

I would first verify the calculations to ensure they are correct. If they are indeed correct, then this discrepancy could be due to the properties of Grassman variables in spinor index notation.

It is important to note that Grassman variables are anticommutative, meaning that their multiplication follows the rule of \xi^a \xi^b = -\xi^b \xi^a. This property may explain the different signs in the two derivatives, as the position of the spinor index changes the order of multiplication.

In addition, spinor index notation is a powerful tool for handling spinors and their derivatives, but it is also known to be a complex and non-intuitive notation. It is possible that this discrepancy is a result of the complexity of the notation and not necessarily a contradiction.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the physical implications of this discrepancy. Does it affect the overall results or predictions in the scientific study? If not, then it may not be a significant issue. However, if it does affect the results, it may be necessary to re-examine the calculations and find a more consistent approach.

In conclusion, while this discrepancy may seem confusing and inconsistent, it is important to thoroughly analyze the calculations and consider the properties of Grassman variables and spinor index notation. If the discrepancy persists and has significant implications, it may be necessary to seek alternative approaches or consult with other experts in the field.

Related to Spinor index notation craziness

1. What is spinor index notation?

Spinor index notation is a mathematical notation used in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics to represent the spin of particles. It is a way of writing equations and expressing physical quantities in terms of spinor indices, which are represented by Greek letters.

2. Why is spinor index notation considered "craziness"?

Spinor index notation can be considered "craziness" because it is a complex and abstract concept that can be difficult to understand and work with. It also involves using mathematical objects such as tensors and spinors, which can seem confusing and unconventional to those who are not familiar with them.

3. How is spinor index notation different from regular index notation?

Spinor index notation differs from regular index notation in that it involves using spinor indices, which represent spin quantities, rather than regular indices that represent spatial dimensions or other physical quantities. Spinor indices also have different transformation properties under rotations, making them unique in their use.

4. What is the importance of spinor index notation in physics?

Spinor index notation is important in physics because it allows us to describe the spin of particles, which is a fundamental property that cannot be explained using regular index notation. It is also an important tool in understanding and solving equations in quantum mechanics, where spin plays a crucial role in describing the behavior of particles.

5. How can one become proficient in understanding and using spinor index notation?

Becoming proficient in understanding and using spinor index notation requires a strong background in mathematics, particularly in linear algebra and tensor calculus. It also takes practice and exposure to different applications of spinor index notation in physics. Reading textbooks and working through problems can also help improve understanding and proficiency in using this notation.

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