Spitzer Telescope spies 'youngest' planet

In summary, NASA's Spitzer telescope has discovered evidence of a young planet around the star CoKu Tau 4 in the constellation Taurus. This planet may be less than one million years old and has been observed sweeping clean a clearing in the disc of dust and gas surrounding the star. This observation challenges current theories of giant planet formation, suggesting that planets may form much faster than previously thought. The Spitzer telescope has also detected icy organic materials in other dusty planet-forming discs, providing insight into the building blocks of potential future life. This discovery opens the possibility that planetary systems like our own could be more common than we once believed.
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Telescope spies 'youngest' planet

An impression of what it might be like in the CoKu Tau 4 system

Nasa's Spitzer telescope has found evidence around a distant star for a planet that may be less than one million years old.

The infrared space observatory studied five stars in the constellation Taurus, about 420 light-years away.

All had dusty discs around them in which new planets are presumed to be forming out of accreting material.

And for the star CoKu Tau 4, Spitzer saw a clearing in the disc which could have been swept clean by a new world.



Spitzer telescope: http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/: NASA has announced new findings from the Spitzer Space Telescope including the discovery of significant amounts of icy organic materials sprinkle throughout several "planetary construction zones," or dusty planet-formin discs, which circle infant stars

Spectra Show Protoplanetary Disc Structures
How can you tell if a star has a protoplanetary disc around it, when the disc is too small to image directly? http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/Media/releases/ssc2004-08/ssc2004-08c.shtml

Using sensitive instruments onboard NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have seen the first building blocks of planets, and possibly future life, deep within dusty discs around young stars. The image shows spectra, obtained by Spitzer's infrared spectrograph, of two stars that are so young they are still embedded in protoplanetary discs. These thick discs of gas and dust are the leftover material from the formation of the stars themselves. The spectra are graphical representations of a celestial object's unique blend of light. Characteristic patterns, or fingerprints, within the spectra allow astronomers to identify the object's chemical composition ... and the presence of silicates, which are chemically similar to beach sand.
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
In another thread meteor provided this link: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99995052.

some quotes:
The innermost parts of the disc, where the gas would be hotter and therefore emitting shorter wavelengths, is missing. While there are a few possible explanations for the hole in the disc, Watson thinks that a giant planet has formed around CoKu Tau 4.

The material in these discs is thought to constantly migrate in towards the growing star, being resupplied by the diffuse envelope of gas and dust that surrounds the whole system. But a giant planet would interrupt that process.

While gas and dust inside its orbit would continue to drift in and be consumed by the star, the young planet would grab the gas close to it, leading to the hole in the disc.

If Watson is right, then the leading theory of giant planet formation is wrong. The idea was that to make a gas planet like Jupiter, a core of rocky material has to build up before it gathers gas around it. But that should take at least four million years, says Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution in Washington DC - and CoKu Tau 4 is only a quarter of that age.

Boss favours another idea - that the gas in proto-planetary discs may simply clump together under its own gravity. In this way, a giant planet could form in thousands of years rather than millions, easily fast enough to explain the new observations.

That means planetary systems like our own could be very common. Most stars form in violent stellar nurseries, where the light of massive, bright stars quickly evaporates dusty discs. But fast formation would mean Jupiter-like planets could form before the discs disappear.
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Related to Spitzer Telescope spies 'youngest' planet

1. What is the Spitzer Telescope?

The Spitzer Telescope is a space-based infrared telescope that was launched by NASA in 2003. It was designed to study the universe by detecting infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye. The telescope is named after Lyman Spitzer Jr., a scientist who first proposed the concept of a space-based telescope in the 1940s.

2. How did the Spitzer Telescope discover the 'youngest' planet?

The Spitzer Telescope detected the 'youngest' planet by observing a young star known as V830 Tau. The telescope was able to capture images of a gap in the debris disk surrounding the star, which indicated the presence of a planet. Based on the size of the gap and the age of the star, scientists determined that the planet is only about 1 million years old, making it the youngest planet ever discovered.

3. What is the significance of this discovery?

This discovery is significant because it provides valuable insight into the formation of planets. By studying this young planet, scientists can learn more about the processes that lead to the creation of planets, including our own. It also helps to expand our understanding of the diversity of planets in our galaxy.

4. How does the Spitzer Telescope differ from other telescopes?

The Spitzer Telescope differs from other telescopes in that it is specifically designed to detect infrared radiation, which is important for studying objects that are not visible to the human eye. It also has a unique orbit around the Earth, trailing behind it in its orbit around the sun. This allows the telescope to stay cool and maintain its sensitive infrared detectors.

5. What other discoveries has the Spitzer Telescope made?

The Spitzer Telescope has made numerous important discoveries since its launch in 2003. Some notable examples include the discovery of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a nearby star, the first detection of light from a planet outside of our solar system, and the discovery of a water cloud on a brown dwarf star. It has also helped to study and characterize distant galaxies, exoplanets, and other objects in our universe.

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