Spivak's Calculus Section I Trouble

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of proving problems related to properties of addition and multiplication. The first problem asks to prove that if a*x=a, then x=1, which is done using properties of addition and multiplication. The second problem asks to prove x2-y2=(x-y)(x+y), which can be done by starting from either side and applying the properties. The third problem asks to prove that if x2=y2, then x=y or x=-y, which can be done by showing that (x-y)(x+y)=0 and using the multiplicative inverse property. The summary also mentions the possibility of working from either side and the use of multiplicative inverse to solve for x and y.
  • #1
Char. Limit
Gold Member
So, I've been going through Spivak's Calculus, section I, and I'm having some trouble proving 1.1.iii. Also, I'd like to check 1.1.ii and ensure that I did 1.1.i right. So, first, I'm restricted to these nine properties:

a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c <P1, addition associative>
a+0=0+a=a <P2, additive identity>
a+(-a)=(-a)+a=0 <P3, additive inverse>
a+b=b+a <P4, addition commutative>
a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c <P5, multiplication associative>
a*1=1*a=a <P6, multiplicative identity>
a*a-1=a-1*a=1 <P7, multiplicative inverse>
a*b=b*a <P8, multiplication commutative>
a*(b+c)=a*b+a*c <P9, multiplication distributive>

P7 has the condition that a cannot be 0.

So, the first question asks me to prove that if a*x=a, then x=1. So, I start with a*x=a.

a-1*(a*x)=a-1*a <Multiply by a-1>
(a-1*a)*x=a-1*a <P5>
1*x=1 <P7>
x=1 <P6>

Now that one I'm confident on. The second one I know I got right, but I may have done It the wrong way. The second problem asks me to prove that x2-y2=(x-y)(x+y). So...

=(x-y)*x+(x-y)*y <P9>
=(x*x-x*y)+(x*y-y*y) <P9>
=((x2+(-x*y))+(x*y))-y2 <P1>
=(x2+((-x*y)+(x*y)))-y2 <P1>
=(x2+0)-y2 <P3>
=x2-y2 <P2>

So, I got it right, but was I supposed to modify the left side instead? Does it matter?

Now, the third one has me lost. It asks me to prove that if x2=y2, then x=y or x=-y. I tried. Here's how far I got.

x-1*(x*x)=x-1*(y*y) <Multiply by x-1>
(x-1*x)*x=(x-1*y)*y <P5>
1*x=(x-1*y)*y <P7>
x=(x-1*y)*y <P6>
y-1*x=((x-1*y)*y)*y-1 <Multiply by y-1>
y-1*x=(x-1*y)*(y*y-1) <P5>
y-1*x=(x-1*y)*1 <P7>
y-1*x=x-1*y <P6>

I don't know where to go from there without recycling the original equation. If only I could just raise both sides of the original equation to the power of 1/2... but I can't...
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  • #2
Char. Limit said:
So, I've been going through Spivak's Calculus, section I, and I'm having some trouble proving 1.1.iii. Also, I'd like to check 1.1.ii and ensure that I did 1.1.i right. So, first, I'm restricted to these nine properties:

a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c <P1, addition associative>
a+0=0+a=a <P2, additive identity>
a+(-a)=(-a)+a=0 <P3, additive inverse>
a+b=b+a <P4, addition commutative>
a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c <P5, multiplication associative>
a*1=1*a=a <P6, multiplicative identity>
a*a-1=a-1*a=1 <P7, multiplicative inverse>
a*b=b*a <P8, multiplication commutative>
a*(b+c)=a*b+a*c <P9, multiplication distributive>

P7 has the condition that a cannot be 0.

So, the first question asks me to prove that if a*x=a, then x=1. So, I start with a*x=a.

a-1*(a*x)=a-1*a <Multiply by a-1>
(a-1*a)*x=a-1*a <P5>
1*x=1 <P7>
x=1 <P6>

Now that one I'm confident on. The second one I know I got right, but I may have done It the wrong way. The second problem asks me to prove that x2-y2=(x-y)(x+y). So...

=(x-y)*x+(x-y)*y <P9>
=(x*x-x*y)+(x*y-y*y) <P9>
=((x2+(-x*y))+(x*y))-y2 <P1>
=(x2+((-x*y)+(x*y)))-y2 <P1>
=(x2+0)-y2 <P3>
=x2-y2 <P2>
What you have above shows that x2-y2 equals itself, which is obviously true. Start with one side and apply the axioms until you get to the other side. For this problem it doesn't make any difference which side you start from.

You can also do it this way, starting from the left side:
x2 - y2
= x2 -xy + xy - y2 <P2>
= x(x - y) + y(x - y) <P9>
= (x + y)(x - y) <P9>
Char. Limit said:
So, I got it right, but was I supposed to modify the left side instead? Does it matter?

Now, the third one has me lost. It asks me to prove that if x2=y2, then x=y or x=-y. I tried. Here's how far I got.

x-1*(x*x)=x-1*(y*y) <Multiply by x-1>
(x-1*x)*x=(x-1*y)*y <P5>
1*x=(x-1*y)*y <P7>
x=(x-1*y)*y <P6>
y-1*x=((x-1*y)*y)*y-1 <Multiply by y-1>
y-1*x=(x-1*y)*(y*y-1) <P5>
y-1*x=(x-1*y)*1 <P7>
y-1*x=x-1*y <P6>

I don't know where to go from there without recycling the original equation. If only I could just raise both sides of the original equation to the power of 1/2... but I can't...

x*x = y*y
<==> x2 - y2 = 0
Now replace the left side with (x - y)(x + y), which you have already proved you can do in the previous problem. Then, if x + y [itex]\neq[/itex] 0, it has a multiplicative inverse, so you can multiply both sides of the equation to solve for x - y. Do the same to solve for x + y.
  • #3
Ah. That's going to help wonderfully. The other thing that'll help wonderfully for the later ones is that I can work from either side...

One thing. If I can show that if x^2=y^2, then (x-y)(x+y)=0, then can I not show that either (x-y)=0 or (x+y)=0 by some theorem or another? Or is this just what you're getting at?
  • #4
Yes, that's what I'm getting at. If x + y is not zero, then it has a multiplicative inverse, 1/(x + y), and you can multiply both sides of the equation (x - y)(x + y) = 0 to get a new equation that involves x - y. And you can do a similar thing with x - y (by assuming it's not zero).
  • #5
All right, I've figured it out now. Thanks a ton, now I can get to problem 2.
  • #6
Mark44 said:
x*x = y*y <==> x2 - y2 = 0

This is a very clever move. Is it acceptable then, in proof writing, to move things over from one side of the equals sign to the other? I have this (mis)conception that in proving things, the left side and right side must be treated separately.
  • #7
In this problem, which starts in post #3, Char. Limit isn't trying to prove that x^2 = y^2, but is trying to show that x^2 = y^2 ==> x = y or x = -y using the listed axioms.

The equations x^2 = y^2 and x^2 - y^2 = 0 are equivalent. (Adding -y^2 to both sides yields an equivalent equation.)

FAQ: Spivak's Calculus Section I Trouble

What is "Spivak's Calculus Section I Trouble"?

"Spivak's Calculus Section I Trouble" is a commonly used term to refer to the first chapter of the textbook "Calculus" by Michael Spivak. This chapter focuses on the basics of calculus, including functions, limits, and continuity.

Why is "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus considered to be difficult?

Many students find "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus to be difficult because it introduces abstract concepts that may be new and challenging to understand. Additionally, the chapter covers a lot of material in a short amount of time, requiring strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

What topics are covered in "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus?

"Section I" of Spivak's Calculus covers topics such as functions, limits, continuity, the Intermediate Value Theorem, and the definition of derivative. It also introduces basic techniques for finding derivatives, such as the power rule and the product rule.

How can I better understand "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus?

To better understand "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus, it is important to actively engage with the material by practicing problems and seeking help from a tutor or teacher if needed. It may also be helpful to review any precalculus or algebra concepts that are necessary for understanding calculus.

Is "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus necessary for understanding the rest of the textbook?

Yes, "Section I" of Spivak's Calculus is essential for understanding the rest of the textbook. It lays the foundation for the rest of the material and introduces important concepts and techniques that are used throughout the rest of the book. It is important to have a strong understanding of "Section I" before moving on to the later chapters.

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