Split Sequences - D&F Ch 10 Section 10.5

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of split sequences in modules and the distinction between modules that are isomorphic and those that are not. It is noted that while there is a distinction to be made between a submodule and an isomorphic submodule, in practical algebraic purposes, they can often be treated as equivalent. The conversation also delves into the different ways of looking at mathematical entities and the importance of context in understanding them.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote, CH 10 Section 10.5, Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

As they introduce split sequences, D&F write the following:View attachment 2462

I am concerned at the following statement:

"In this case the module \(\displaystyle B \) contains a sub-module \(\displaystyle C'\) isomorphic to \(\displaystyle C\) (namely \(\displaystyle C' = 0 \oplus C\)) as well as the submodule A, and this submodule complement to A "splits" B into a direct sum ... ... "

Maybe I am being pedantic or I am just confused but it does not seem to me that B contains A as a sub-module or that C' is complement to A (regarding A as an abelian group).

It seems to me that if \(\displaystyle B = A \oplus B \) then certainly B contains both \(\displaystyle A' = A \oplus 0 \) (and NOT A) and \(\displaystyle C' = 0 \oplus C\).

To check that the submodule C' is complement to A' we note that

(1) \(\displaystyle B = A' + C' \)


\(\displaystyle A' + C' = \{ (a,0) + (0,c) = (a,c) | a \in A, c \in C \} \)

and we also note that

(2) \(\displaystyle A' \cap C' = (0,0) \)

Given (1) and (2), the submodule \(\displaystyle C'\) is complement to the submodule \(\displaystyle A'\)

Can someone please indicate whether my analysis is correct, and also comment of the D&F text? Should D&F be talking about \(\displaystyle A'\) being a submodule and specifying \(\displaystyle C'\) as complement to \(\displaystyle A'\) (not \(\displaystyle A\))?

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  • #2
Well, yes, you're "kinda right".

STRICTLY speaking, $A$ is not a sub-module of $A\oplus C$. However, $A$ and $A\oplus 0$ are clearly isomorphic.

Remember, isomorphism is an EQUIVALENCE relation among modules, so we are just replacing "equal" with "the same for all practical (algebraic) purposes".

For example, the real $x$-axis, is a "different thing" than the real line itself (one is PART of a plane, and the other is a line "in it's own little universe"). But in any significant mathematical way, they are "very similar".

In much the same way, a polynomial (a finite power series) is not the same thing as the infinite power series that has the same non-zero coefficients as the polynomial, but padding a finite sequence "with infinite 0's at the end" doesn't change how it BEHAVES much.

There are two different ways to look at mathematical entities (I have touched on this before):

1) As "concrete things", for example $S_3$ could be viewed literally as "possible seating chart re-arrangements of 3 people" (or "bead colorings", an example that is often used to illustrate some group theorems).

2) As (unspecified) entities that merely possesses some desirable PROPERTIES.

With objects of type 1, the objects' ontological status is taken as GIVEN, and properties it has are deduced and verified.

With objects of type 2, consequences of its defining properties are deduced, but it does not follow that some "actual" object has this property.

In other words, the BEING (existence) of objects of type 1 takes precedence (some mathematical Platonists would argue that ALL "true" mathematical objects belong in this category), and the ACTIONS of these objects are secondary. For type 2, the opposite is true, and in "abstract" presentations the defining properties come FIRST, and then EXAMPLES (when they exist) are of secondary importance.

The difference between these two notions are the distinction between "the fourth roots of unity" (that is, the complex numbers $\{1,-1,i,-i\}$, which can be constructed "from the ground up" based on a notion of "existent numbers" (things we count), and "a cyclic group of order 4".


What actually happens is a sort of "hybrid", we observe the world, we notice patterns. We abstract from these patterns (a form of inductive reasoning), and then "distill" the patterns into a "minimal form" (deductive reasoning). We then APPLY the distilled patterns back TO the world we observe, for repeated rounds of iteration.

Mathematical "identity" (that is, what mathematical objects actually ARE) is a sort of "mutable quality". A lot depends on CONTEXT, how general or specific our FOCUS is. A mathematician may see a differential equation as "a game to play". A physicist may see it as "a question she needs to answer".

It's good to have some idea of how things work "at both ends of the spectrum". Some people see math as an art form, some see it as a tool to do work with, most are somewhere in-between.


In direct response to your question: yes there is a distinction to be made. How important is this distinction?
  • #3
Deveno said:
Well, yes, you're "kinda right".

STRICTLY speaking, $A$ is not a sub-module of $A\oplus C$. However, $A$ and $A\oplus 0$ are clearly isomorphic.

Remember, isomorphism is an EQUIVALENCE relation among modules, so we are just replacing "equal" with "the same for all practical (algebraic) purposes".

For example, the real $x$-axis, is a "different thing" than the real line itself (one is PART of a plane, and the other is a line "in it's own little universe"). But in any significant mathematical way, they are "very similar".

In much the same way, a polynomial (a finite power series) is not the same thing as the infinite power series that has the same non-zero coefficients as the polynomial, but padding a finite sequence "with infinite 0's at the end" doesn't change how it BEHAVES much.

There are two different ways to look at mathematical entities (I have touched on this before):

1) As "concrete things", for example $S_3$ could be viewed literally as "possible seating chart re-arrangements of 3 people" (or "bead colorings", an example that is often used to illustrate some group theorems).

2) As (unspecified) entities that merely possesses some desirable PROPERTIES.

With objects of type 1, the objects' ontological status is taken as GIVEN, and properties it has are deduced and verified.

With objects of type 2, consequences of its defining properties are deduced, but it does not follow that some "actual" object has this property.

In other words, the BEING (existence) of objects of type 1 takes precedence (some mathematical Platonists would argue that ALL "true" mathematical objects belong in this category), and the ACTIONS of these objects are secondary. For type 2, the opposite is true, and in "abstract" presentations the defining properties come FIRST, and then EXAMPLES (when they exist) are of secondary importance.

The difference between these two notions are the distinction between "the fourth roots of unity" (that is, the complex numbers $\{1,-1,i,-i\}$, which can be constructed "from the ground up" based on a notion of "existent numbers" (things we count), and "a cyclic group of order 4".


What actually happens is a sort of "hybrid", we observe the world, we notice patterns. We abstract from these patterns (a form of inductive reasoning), and then "distill" the patterns into a "minimal form" (deductive reasoning). We then APPLY the distilled patterns back TO the world we observe, for repeated rounds of iteration.

Mathematical "identity" (that is, what mathematical objects actually ARE) is a sort of "mutable quality". A lot depends on CONTEXT, how general or specific our FOCUS is. A mathematician may see a differential equation as "a game to play". A physicist may see it as "a question she needs to answer".

It's good to have some idea of how things work "at both ends of the spectrum". Some people see math as an art form, some see it as a tool to do work with, most are somewhere in-between.


In direct response to your question: yes there is a distinction to be made. How important is this distinction?

Thanks Deveno ... definitely answers my questions and allays my anxieties over the issue!

Thanks for the help ...


FAQ: Split Sequences - D&F Ch 10 Section 10.5

1. What are split sequences?

Split sequences, also known as splitting methods, are techniques used in computational chemistry to divide a large simulation into smaller sections, allowing for more efficient and accurate calculations.

2. Why are split sequences important in computational chemistry?

Split sequences are important because they allow for complex simulations to be broken down into smaller, more manageable sections, which can then be individually calculated and combined to obtain the overall result. This helps to reduce computational time and resources.

3. How do split sequences work?

Split sequences work by dividing the simulation into smaller segments, with each segment containing a subset of the overall system. These segments are then simulated individually, and the results are combined to obtain the final solution.

4. What are the advantages of using split sequences?

Using split sequences can provide several advantages, including reduced computational time and resources, increased accuracy of calculations, and the ability to simulate larger and more complex systems that would be impossible to simulate as a single unit.

5. Are there any limitations to using split sequences?

While split sequences can be highly beneficial in computational chemistry, they do have some limitations. These include the need for careful selection of splitting methods and potential errors in combining the results from individual segments. Additionally, split sequences may not be suitable for all types of simulations and systems.

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