Splitting Fields: Anderson and Feil, Theorem 45.4

In summary, Anderson and Feil - A First Course in Abstract Algebra discusses how to solve polynomial equations in terms of their coefficients, and how to do term-by-term differentiation to determine whether a given function is reducible in a given field.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Anderson and Feil - A First Course in Abstract Algebra.

I am currently focused on Ch. 45: The Splitting Field ... ...

I need some help with some aspects of the proof of Theorem 45.4 ...

Theorem 45.4 and its proof read as follows:View attachment 6677
My questions on the above proof are as follows:Question 1In the above text from Anderson and Feil we read the following:"... ... This means that \(\displaystyle f = ( x - \alpha)^k g\), where \(\displaystyle k\) is an integer greater than \(\displaystyle 1\) and \(\displaystyle g\) is a polynomial over \(\displaystyle K\) ... ... Since \(\displaystyle f\) is in \(\displaystyle F[x]\) ... that is \(\displaystyle f\) is over \(\displaystyle F\) ... shouldn't g be over \(\displaystyle F\) not \(\displaystyle K\)?

(I am assuming that f being "over \(\displaystyle F\)" means the coefficients of \(\displaystyle f\) are in \(\displaystyle F\) ... )

Question 2In the above text from Anderson and Feil we read the following:"... ... We then have that \(\displaystyle x - \alpha\) is a factor of both \(\displaystyle f\) and \(\displaystyle f'\). But if we use term-by-term differentiation instead, it is clear that \(\displaystyle f'\in F[x]\). ... ... "What do Anderson and Feil mean by term-by-term differentiation in this context ... ... and if they do use term-by-term differentiation (what ever they mean) how does this show that \(\displaystyle f'\in F[x]\) ... ... ?
Hope someone can help ...

Help will be much appreciated ... ...

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  • #2
Peter said:
Question 1In the above text from Anderson and Feil we read the following:"... ... This means that \(\displaystyle f = ( x - \alpha)^k g\), where \(\displaystyle k\) is an integer greater than \(\displaystyle 1\) and \(\displaystyle g\) is a polynomial over \(\displaystyle K\) ... ... Since \(\displaystyle f\) is in \(\displaystyle F[x]\) ... that is \(\displaystyle f\) is over \(\displaystyle F\) ... shouldn't g be over \(\displaystyle F\) not \(\displaystyle K\)?

If $g$ were a polynomial over $F$, then $f$ would be reducible in $F[x]$, contrary to assumption.
Peter said:
Question 2In the above text from Anderson and Feil we read the following:"... ... We then have that \(\displaystyle x - \alpha\) is a factor of both \(\displaystyle f\) and \(\displaystyle f'\). But if we use term-by-term differentiation instead, it is clear that \(\displaystyle f'\in F[x]\). ... ... "What do Anderson and Feil mean by term-by-term differentiation in this context ... ... and if they do use term-by-term differentiation (what ever they mean) how does this show that \(\displaystyle f'\in F[x]\) ... ... ?

They mean to differentiate each summand in the standard form of $f$. So if $f(x) = c_0 + c_1x + \cdots + c_n x^n$, then you are to compute $Df$ by computing the derivative of each summand $c_i x^i$ ($0 \le i \le n$). This would give a polynomial in $F[x]$ of lesser degree than that of $f$.
  • #3
Euge said:
If $g$ were a polynomial over $F$, then $f$ would be reducible in $F[x]$, contrary to assumption. They mean to differentiate each summand in the standard form of $f$. So if $f(x) = c_0 + c_1x + \cdots + c_n x^n$, then you are to compute $Df$ by computing the derivative of each summand $c_i x^i$ ($0 \le i \le n$). This would give a polynomial in $F[x]$ of lesser degree than that of $f$.
Thanks for the help Euge ...You write:"... ... If $g$ were a polynomial over $F$, then $f$ would be reducible in $F[x]$, contrary to assumption. ... ... But ... ... ... couldn't \(\displaystyle g\) have it's coefficients in \(\displaystyle F\) ... but possesses no root in \(\displaystyle F\) ... and still be irreducible in \(\displaystyle F[x]\) ... why is this not possible ... ?

Can you help further ...?

  • #4
Since $k >1$, $x - \alpha$ would be a proper factor of $f$.
  • #5
Euge said:
Since $k >1$, $x - \alpha$ would be a proper factor of $f$.
Thanks Euge ... but I still do not follow ... sorry ... probably being slow to catch on ...

I am having difficulties seeing the link between k > 1 and f being reducible in F[x] and g being over K (or F) ...

Are you able to clarify ...

Again ... apologies for not following your points ...

  • #6
Sorry, I made a slight error, assuming $\alpha\in F$. It's by definition of $\alpha$ being a repeated root in $K$ that $f(x)$ can be expressed as $(x - \alpha)^k g(x)$ for some $g(x)\in K[x]$ and integer $k > 1$. So while it's possible that $g(x)\in F[x]$ (as $F[x]\subset K[x]$), it is not necessarily true that $g(x)\in F[x]$.
  • #7
Euge said:
Sorry, I made a slight error, assuming $\alpha\in F$. It's by definition of $\alpha$ being a repeated root in $K$ that $f(x)$ can be expressed as $(x - \alpha)^k g(x)$ for some $g(x)\in K[x]$ and integer $k > 1$. So while it's possible that $g(x)\in F[x]$ (as $F[x]\subset K[x]$), it is not necessarily true that $g(x)\in F[x]$.
Thanks Euge ...

Appreciate all your help ...


FAQ: Splitting Fields: Anderson and Feil, Theorem 45.4

What is a splitting field?

A splitting field is a field extension where a polynomial can be completely factored into linear factors.

Who are Anderson and Feil?

Anderson and Feil are two mathematicians who developed Theorem 45.4, which provides a method for finding splitting fields.

What is Theorem 45.4?

Theorem 45.4 is a mathematical theorem that states that if a polynomial has a root in a field K, then the splitting field of that polynomial over K is contained in an extension of K that adjoins the root.

Why is Theorem 45.4 important?

Theorem 45.4 is important because it provides a systematic way to find splitting fields, which are essential in many areas of mathematics and science, particularly in the study of Galois theory and field extensions.

How is Theorem 45.4 applied in science?

Theorem 45.4 is often used in science, particularly in fields such as physics and chemistry, to find splitting fields of polynomials that arise in the study of equations and systems. It also has applications in coding theory and cryptography.

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