Spontaneous symmetry breaking: How can the vacuum be infinitly degener

In summary, spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when a system has a continuum of ground states in classical field theories, but it is difficult to imagine in the quantum case. This is because the vacua do not belong to the same Hilbert space and the operator Q is not well defined. However, for finite systems, this is not an issue and the ground state manifold is finite dimensional. It is only in the infinite limit that there is no probability of tunneling between vacua and they exist separately in a direct integral Hilbert space.
  • #1
Spontaneous symmetry breaking: the vacuum be infinitly degenerate?

In classical field theories, it is with no difficulty to imagine a system to have a continuum of ground states, but how can this be in the quantum case?
Suppose a continuous symmetry with charge [itex]Q[/itex] is spontaneously broken, that would means [itex]Q|0\rangle\ne 0[/itex], and hence the symmetry transformation transforms continuously [itex]|0\rangle[/itex] into anther vacuum, but how can a separable Hilbert space have a continuum of vacuums deferent from each other?

I saw somewhere that says the quantum states are built upon one vacuum, and others simply doesn't belong to it, what does this mean? and then how could [itex]Q[/itex] be a well defined operator which acting on a state (the vacuum) actually gives a state (another "vacuum") out of the space considered?
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  • #2
To understand these statements it is best to start with a finite system. Thus consider a chain of [itex] N [/itex] spin 1/2 particles. Take the Hamiltonian to be [tex] H = - J \sum_i \vec{S}_i \cdot \vec{S}_{i+1}. [/tex]
The Hamiltonian is symmetric with respect to global spin rotations generated by [tex] \sum_i \vec{S}_i . [/tex]
However, the ground state of the Hamiltonian spontaneously breaks this symmetry because the Hamiltonian favors all spins to point in the same direction. Indeed, the state
| \uparrow_1 ... \uparrow_N \rangle
is an exact ground state as is
| \downarrow_1 ... \downarrow_N \rangle.
In fact, the ground state subspace is the [itex] N+1 [/itex] dimensional space of total spin [itex] N/2 [/itex].

What can one say about this space? Well, for finite [itex] N [/itex] it is finite dimensional, however, as [itex] N \rightarrow \infty [/itex] it approaches a continuous collection of degenerate ground states. To show this, consider the coherent state labelled by spin direction [itex] \hat{n} [/itex]. Then in the limit [itex] N \rightarrow \infty [/itex] all the states
|\hat{n},N\rangle = \otimes_{i=1}^N |\hat{n}_i \rangle
are orthogonal. Furthermore, for finite [itex] N [/itex] the overlap between coherent states in different directions is exponentially small, i.e. goes like [itex] e^{-c N}[/itex].

Thus for physical systems consisting of a finite number of degrees spontaneous symmetry breaking, as defined in your original post, is an approximate asymptotic statement about the ground state manifold for large systems.

Note, however, that for any finite N everything is perfectly well defined and there are no subtleties about different spaces for different ground states, etc. This is why the finite N approach is in my opinion simpler and more physical.

Hope this helps.
  • #3
youngurlee said:
Suppose a continuous symmetry with charge [itex]Q[/itex] is spontaneously broken, that would means [itex]Q|0\rangle\ne 0[/itex], and hence the symmetry transformation transforms continuously [itex]|0\rangle[/itex] into anther vacuum, but how can a separable Hilbert space have a continuum of vacuums deferent from each other?

I saw somewhere that says the quantum states are built upon one vacuum, and others simply doesn't belong to it, what does this mean? and then how could [itex]Q[/itex] be a well defined operator which acting on a state (the vacuum) actually gives a state (another "vacuum") out of the space considered?

The point is exactly that these vacua don't live in the same Hilbert space and that the operator Q is not defined.
  • #4
I believe this type of Hilbert Space is called a direct integral (as opposed to a direct sum)
  • #5
Physics Monkey's answer is completely correct. In the infinite limit there is no probability of tunneling between vacua, so they live separately. This question is explained in Maggiore "Modern Introduction in QFT" in the chapter on SSB.
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Related to Spontaneous symmetry breaking: How can the vacuum be infinitly degener

1. What is spontaneous symmetry breaking?

Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a phenomenon in physics where a system that appears symmetric at the microscopic level exhibits a lower, broken symmetry at the macroscopic level. This can happen when the system is in a state of minimum energy, also known as the vacuum state.

2. How does spontaneous symmetry breaking occur?

Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when the potential energy of a system has multiple minima, but the system is initially in a state where all of these minima have equal energy. However, due to small fluctuations or perturbations, the system can settle into one of these minima, breaking the symmetry and resulting in a lower energy state.

3. What is the significance of spontaneous symmetry breaking?

Spontaneous symmetry breaking plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of many physical systems, including magnets, superconductors, and particle physics. It allows for the emergence of new properties and behaviors in these systems that would not be possible without the breaking of symmetry.

4. How can the vacuum be infinitely degenerate in spontaneous symmetry breaking?

In spontaneous symmetry breaking, the vacuum state of a system can have multiple possible configurations, all of which have the same energy. This results in an infinite number of degenerate vacua, each with a different broken symmetry. This allows for a diverse set of possible outcomes and behaviors in the system.

5. Can spontaneous symmetry breaking be observed experimentally?

Yes, spontaneous symmetry breaking has been observed and confirmed in many physical systems through experiments and observations. One notable example is the Higgs boson, which is responsible for giving mass to particles through the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking.

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