Spreading of a Free-Particle Gaussian Wave Packet

In summary, the position probability density for a one-dimensional, free-particle Gaussian wave packet can be expressed as P(x,t)= sqrt(1/(1+t^2)) exp(-(x-vt)^2/(2 (1+t^2)), however it is not properly normalized. This may lead to incorrect calculations when using Mathematica, and the correct normalization factor should be applied for accurate results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

It can be shown that the position probability density for the one-dimensional, free-particle Gaussian wave packet can be expressed as shown below, where m is the mass of the particle and L is the position uncertainty at time t=0, vgr = hbar *k0/m, k0 is the average wave number as discussed in class. Let x, t and P(x,t) be measured, respectively, in units of L, T=2mL^2/hbar, A=1/sqrt(2pi*L^2), then the position probability can be written as P(x,t)= sqrt(1/(1+t^2)) exp(-(x-vt)^2/(2 (1+t^2)), where v= 2 mLvgr/hbar. In order to demonstrate the spreading of the wave packet, use Mathematica to calculate <x> in units of L at time t./>

Homework Equations

<x> = integral from -infinity to infinity of x times psi squared

The Attempt at a Solution

I am both a mathematica and quantum mechanics novice, so I'm not sure where my mistake lies. Since psi[x,t]^2 = P[x,t], I integrated P(x,t)= sqrt(1/(1+t^2)) exp(-(x-vt)^2/(2 (1+t^2)) from -infinity to infinity with respect to x and got the answer Sqrt[2Pi]vt. That's not one of the answer choices. The answer choices are: 0, vt, sqrt(1+t^2 (1+v^2)), or sqrt(1+t^2 ). Where did I go wrong? [Note: I don't really understand all of that "in units of L" bit in the question.] Thanks in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
[tex]P(x,t)[/tex] is not properly normalized.

FAQ: Spreading of a Free-Particle Gaussian Wave Packet

1. How does a free-particle Gaussian wave packet spread over time?

A free-particle Gaussian wave packet spreads over time due to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. As the wave packet travels, its position and momentum become more uncertain, causing the wave packet to spread out. This spreading is quantitatively described by the Schrödinger equation.

2. What factors affect the spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet?

The spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet is affected by several factors, including the initial width of the wave packet, the mass of the particle, and the potential energy of the system. In general, a heavier particle will spread more slowly than a lighter particle, and a wave packet in a higher potential energy state will spread more quickly.

3. How is the spread of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet related to its initial momentum?

The spread of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet is inversely proportional to its initial momentum. This means that a wave packet with a higher initial momentum will spread more slowly than a wave packet with a lower initial momentum.

4. Can the spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet be controlled?

No, the spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and cannot be controlled or manipulated. However, the initial width and momentum of the wave packet can be chosen to minimize or maximize the spreading, but it cannot be eliminated entirely.

5. What is the significance of the spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet?

The spreading of a free-particle Gaussian wave packet is significant because it demonstrates the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. It also highlights the limitations of our ability to precisely measure the position and momentum of a particle at the same time, as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
