Spreading of a pulse as it propagates in a dispersive medium

Finally, using the substitution u = (k-ko)^2 and du = 2(k-ko) dk, we can solve the integral and get the expression for A(k) as:A(k) = L/2 * (exp(-(L^2/2) (k-ko)^2) + exp(-(L^2/2) (k+ko)^2))I hope this helps in solving your problem. Good luck with your studies! In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of solving an expression related to the propagation of a pulse in a dispersive medium. The initial shape of the pulse is described using a Gaussian modulated oscillation, and using trigonometric identities
  • #1
Hello everyone! I am sorry but i couldn't put this into the template.
I am studying the spreading of a pulse as it propagates in a dispersive medium, from a well known book. My problem arise when i have to solve an expression.

Firstly i begin considering that a 1-dim pulse can be written as:

u(x,t) = 1/2*1/√2∏* ∫A(k)*exp(ikx-iw(k)t) dk + cc (complex conjugate)

where: k: wave number
w: angular frecuency

and then i showed that A(k) can be express in terms of the initial values of the problem, taking into account that w(k)=w(-k) (isotropic medium):

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * (u(x,0) + i/w(k) * du/dt (x,0)) dx

I considered du/dt(x,0)=0 which means that the problems involves 2 pulses with the same amplitud and velocity but oposite directions.
So A(k) takes the form:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * u(x,0)

Now i take a Gaussian modulated oscilattion as the initial shape of the pulse:

u(x,0) = exp(-x^2/2L^2) cos(ko x)

Then the book says that we can easily reach to the expression:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) exp(-x^2/2L^2) cos (ko x) dx

= L/2 (exp(-(L^2/2) (k-ko)^2) + exp(-(L^2/2) (k+ko)^2)

How did he reach to this?? How can i solve this last integral?

Then, with the expression of A(k) into u(x,t) arise other problem. How can i solve this other integral.

Thank you very much for helping me!
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  • #2

Hello, thank you for sharing your problem with us. It seems like you are studying the propagation of a pulse in a dispersive medium, which can be a challenging topic. Let me try to help you with your questions.

Firstly, to reach the expression for A(k), we can use the initial shape of the pulse, u(x,0), and substitute it into the expression for A(k). This will give us:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * (exp(-x^2/2L^2) cos(ko x)) dx

Using the trigonometric identity cos(a+b) = cos(a)cos(b) - sin(a)sin(b), we can rewrite the expression as:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * (exp(-x^2/2L^2) * (cos(ko x - x^2/2L^2) + sin(ko x - x^2/2L^2))) dx

Since we are only interested in the real part of A(k), we can ignore the imaginary part (sin component) and focus on the real part (cos component). This will give us:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * (exp(-x^2/2L^2) * cos(ko x - x^2/2L^2)) dx

Using the trigonometric identity cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b), we can further rewrite the expression as:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ exp(-ikx) * (exp(-x^2/2L^2) * cos(ko x) * cos(x^2/2L^2) + exp(-x^2/2L^2) * sin(ko x) * sin(x^2/2L^2)) dx

Since the integral of sin(x^2/2L^2) and cos(x^2/2L^2) are known, we can solve this integral and get:

A(k) = 1/√2∏ ∫ (1/2 * exp(-(k-ko)^2/2) + 1/2 * exp(-(k

Related to Spreading of a pulse as it propagates in a dispersive medium

1. What is a dispersive medium?

A dispersive medium is a material or substance that causes a pulse, such as a wave or signal, to spread out and change shape as it moves through it. This is due to the varying speed of the components of the pulse.

2. How does a dispersive medium affect the propagation of a pulse?

A dispersive medium can cause the pulse to spread out and change shape, making it difficult to accurately transmit or receive information. This is because different components of the pulse travel at different speeds, leading to distortion and interference.

3. What is the difference between a dispersive medium and a non-dispersive medium?

A non-dispersive medium does not cause a pulse to spread out or change shape as it propagates. This is because all components of the pulse travel at the same speed, leading to minimal interference and distortion.

4. Can the speed of a pulse in a dispersive medium be predicted or controlled?

The speed of a pulse in a dispersive medium can be predicted and controlled to a certain degree. Factors such as the properties of the medium and the frequency of the pulse can affect its speed. However, due to the nature of a dispersive medium, there may still be some variation and distortion in the propagation of the pulse.

5. How can the effects of a dispersive medium be minimized?

The effects of a dispersive medium can be minimized by using techniques such as pulse shaping or dispersion compensation. Pulse shaping involves altering the shape of the pulse to counteract the distortion caused by the medium, while dispersion compensation uses specialized materials or structures to offset the dispersion effects.

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