Spreadsheets Inside of Spreadsheets

  • Thread starter John Creighto
  • Start date
In summary, there are various options available to enhance the appearance and functionality of your spreadsheet within Excel. These include using features such as "Show/Hide" and "Group/Ungroup," creating your own active x object, exploring other software, and using macros. Keep exploring to find the best solution for your needs.
  • #1
John Creighto
So, I can create a spreadsheet inside a spreadsheet as follows in Excel:

1) Open the visual basic toolbar
2) Select More controls
3) Select Microsoft Office spreadsheet

The spreadsheet seems to be a web component (which means I guess it is more light weight then a regular spreadsheet and probably has some security restrictions). I thought this would be a cool way to represent arrays inside of excel. However there are some things I don't like:

-I don't think their are any options for hiding the things like, column headings, toobars and such...these make it look very ugly and should only show if you are editing values in it.
-The display in non compact. It is a good format for editing but not for display, besides if I want to edit a value in it I'd probably rather it open in a separate window.

3. I suppose I could always create my own active x object for excel although that kind of defeats the purpose because I like excel because it is available on most computers. I might not have the rights to link additional libraries on other computers. Also for anyone who use the spread sheet it creates an extra step of linking a library they will have to go through before using the spreadsheet.

Is there a way I can extend these objects from inside excel without writing any external libraries. Maybe make it so I can put some kind of canvas over it for display, and then move the canvas to the back when people are in edit mode. I notice when you are in visual basic edit mode excel gives you the option to move things to the front or move things to the back but I would like it so the display object could be treated as the same object as the spread sheet object.

edit Thinking further perhaps it would be more fun to use something like mathype to represent arrays in excel instead of embedding a spreadsheet in a spreadsheet. It would certainly look prettier. Or maybe use something like mathtype for the visual part but store the data in a separate embeded spreadsheet.
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  • #2

Hello! Thank you for sharing your experience with creating a spreadsheet inside a spreadsheet in Excel. I can understand your interest in finding creative ways to represent data in a more visually appealing and user-friendly manner.

There are a few options that you can explore to address the issues you mentioned. One option is to use the "Show/Hide" feature in Excel. This allows you to hide certain elements, such as column headings and toolbars, when you are in display mode. This can make your spreadsheet look cleaner and more professional.

Another option is to use Excel's "Group" and "Ungroup" feature. This allows you to group certain elements together and collapse them when not in use. This can help make your spreadsheet more compact and easier to navigate.

You also mentioned the possibility of creating your own active x object for Excel. While this may require some additional steps, it can give you more control over the appearance and functionality of your spreadsheet.

Additionally, you can explore using other software, such as MathType, to represent arrays in a more visually appealing way. This can be a great way to enhance the overall look and user experience of your spreadsheet.

In terms of extending objects from within Excel without writing external libraries, you may want to look into using macros. Macros can help you automate tasks and extend the functionality of your spreadsheets without the need for additional libraries.

I hope these suggestions are helpful in addressing your concerns and finding a solution that works for you. it's great to see your interest in finding creative and effective ways to present data. Keep exploring and experimenting, and you may come up with even more innovative solutions!
  • #3

I can understand the appeal of creating a spreadsheet inside a spreadsheet, as it may provide a more organized and visually appealing way to represent arrays in Excel. However, as you mentioned, there are some limitations and potential challenges with this approach.

One concern I have is the potential for errors and data integrity issues when working with multiple spreadsheets within a single file. It may be difficult to keep track of which data belongs to which spreadsheet, and any changes made in one could inadvertently affect the other.

Additionally, as you pointed out, there may be limitations with customization and display options for these embedded spreadsheets. This could make it challenging to use for presentations or sharing with others.

In terms of your idea to use something like MathType for visual representation but store the data in a separate embedded spreadsheet, this could potentially be a more efficient and visually appealing option. However, it may also require some additional coding or linking of libraries, as well as the potential for compatibility issues on different computers.

Overall, while the concept of spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets may be intriguing, it may be worth considering other options or tools that are specifically designed for this type of data representation. As a scientist, it is important to prioritize accuracy and efficiency in data management and analysis.

Related to Spreadsheets Inside of Spreadsheets

What is the purpose of having spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets?

The purpose of having spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets is to organize and manipulate large amounts of data in a more efficient and organized manner. It allows for easier tracking and analysis of data, and also allows for complex calculations and formulas to be applied to the data.

How do spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets work?

Spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets work by embedding one or more spreadsheets within a larger spreadsheet. This can be done by using the "insert" function in most spreadsheet programs. The embedded spreadsheet can then be manipulated and utilized within the larger spreadsheet.

What are the benefits of using spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets?

The benefits of using spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets include increased organization and efficiency in managing large amounts of data. It also allows for more complex calculations and formulas to be applied to the data, and makes it easier to track changes and make updates to the data.

Can spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets be linked to other spreadsheets?

Yes, spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets can be linked to other spreadsheets. This allows for data to be shared and updated across multiple spreadsheets, making it easier to collaborate and analyze data from different sources.

Are there any limitations to using spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets?

One limitation of using spreadsheets inside of spreadsheets is that it can become more complicated and difficult to manage as the number of embedded spreadsheets increases. It may also require a higher level of technical proficiency to set up and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

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