Spring Energy Problem Conservative forces

In summary, when a mass of .80kg is attached to a spring and released, it reaches equilibrium length of L0=34cm after a speed of .9397 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spring is attached to a ceiling, and has a relaxed length of 25cm. When a mass m=.80kg is attached to the spring it stretches to an equilibrium length of L0=34cm.
a.)Find the Spring Constant of the Spring?

b.)I lift the mass until the spring returns to its relaxed length, and then release it. When the mass returns to the equilibrium length, what is its speed?

c.)After I release the mass and it falls, what is the length of the spring when the mass reaches its lowest point?

Homework Equations


E1 + Wnc = E2

The Attempt at a Solution

A.) k=mg/x
k= [.80(9.8)]/.09
k=87 N/m

b.) E1= E2
0=.5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh
0=.5(.8)v2 + .5(87)(.092) + .8(9.8)(-.09)
v=.9397 m/s

c.) I am not really sure where to go on C. I tried setting E1=E2 up as follows but my final answer was smaller than the equilibrium length so it can't be right.
.5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh=.5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh
.5(.8)(.93972)+.80(9.8)(34)= .5(87)x2
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  • #2
GenericHbomb said:
c.) I am not really sure where to go on C. I tried setting E1=E2 up as follows but my final answer was smaller than the equilibrium length so it can't be right.
.5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh=.5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh
.5(.8)(.93972)+.80(9.8)(34)= .5(87)x2

Let us not take the E1 and E2 you have chosen
let E1 is the E1 in (b) ie when mass is in your hands

and let E2 be condition when mass is at lowest point

now try the question again
  • #3
So if I set E1 to be when the spring is at the relaxed length then E1=0
E2 is lowest point so velocity would be zero since it stopped moving
0= .5mv2 + .5kx2 +mgh
0=.5(.80)(0)+ .5(87)(x)2+ (.8)(9.8)(h)
I know I need to solve for x because that is spring length but I am not sure what to put for h.
If I assume h to be 0 then my final answer would be 0.
  • #4
x is the extension in string ...

h is height decreased

what can be relation b/w them
try by making a diagram
  • #5
So I made a diagram and thank you for reminding that x is extension not length.
We are starting from x=0 and ending at x=?
Since h can be whatever I want I made h=0 where x=0
Therefore x=-h
x=0, .18023
Length at lowest point = x + length at E1
Length= .25 + .18023
Length= .43 meters?

FAQ: Spring Energy Problem Conservative forces

1. What is spring energy?

Spring energy refers to the potential energy stored in a spring when it is compressed or stretched from its equilibrium position. It is a form of elastic potential energy and can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, when the spring is released.

2. What is the spring energy problem?

The spring energy problem involves calculating the potential and kinetic energy of a mass-spring system at different points in time. This problem is commonly used to demonstrate the concepts of conservative forces and energy conservation.

3. What are conservative forces?

Conservative forces are forces that do not dissipate energy and can be stored as potential energy. Examples include gravity, electric forces, and spring forces. These forces do not depend on the path taken by an object and only depend on its initial and final positions.

4. How do you solve the spring energy problem?

To solve the spring energy problem, you need to first calculate the potential energy of the spring at its equilibrium position and at its maximum compression or stretch. Then, using the principle of energy conservation, you can calculate the kinetic energy of the system at any point in time. Finally, you can determine the position, velocity, and acceleration of the mass at any given time using equations of motion.

5. Why is the spring energy problem important?

The spring energy problem is important because it helps us understand the relationship between forces, energy, and motion. It also illustrates the concept of energy conservation, which is a fundamental principle in physics. Additionally, this problem is commonly used in real-world applications, such as in the design of mechanical systems and structures.
