Squid swimming in water fluids problem

In summary, the conversation discusses how underwater fish use a jet to propel themselves forward. The fish experiences both friction drag and an added mass effect due to the acceleration of water around it. By applying the conservation of momentum equation, the position of the fish, x(t), can be determined. However, there are differences in the final derived equation compared to a similar equation in a paper, including the omission of pressure and the inclusion of a thrust force. Further clarification is needed on how to include and evaluate the thrust force.
  • #1
member 428835

Homework Statement

Some underwater fish use a jet to move forward. The body expands with water and contracts, expelling water and thus propelling forward. For these purposes, assume that a submerged fish experiences a friction drag proportional to its surface area ##A_s## and proportional to the square of its speed. Assume that the drag coefficient ##C_d## is constant. The fish also experiences an additional inviscid drag during acceleration: for the fish to accelerate, it must also accelerate some of the water around it. This effect is called added-mass. Take the added mass to be ##\alpha## times the mass of water displaced by the fish. For a spherical shape, ##\alpha = 1/2##, while a more streamlined body will have a lower ##\alpha##.

At ##t = 0##, the fish is at rest at ##x = 0##. Develop the equations necessary to determine the position of the fish ##x(t)##. Both the fish tissue and water are incompressible.

Homework Equations

Conservation of momentum comes to mind.

The Attempt at a Solution

Before analyzing this situation, let's define some nomenclature. Let the mass of the squid (fish) without the propellent (water) be ##m_f = \rho_f V_f##, where ##V_f## is the inherent volume of the fish (muscles and bones) excluding the volume of water in its internal cavity. Let the volume of water in the fish at some time be ##V_w(t)##. When the fish uses its muscles to pressurize the body cavity and ejects a water jet through an orifice, let that area be ##A_j##. Let the velocity of the water jet relative to the fish’s body be ##V_j(t)##. Let's also adopt a 2-D cartesian plane, where the fish moves in the ##\hat{j}## direction. For ease, let's just analyze the fish as it moves forward on one out squeeze (I think this will be easier to start with rather than considering also the fish expanding and then contracting again). Let the control volume be the fish itself and the fluid in the fish's cavity. Then conservation of momentum is expressed as
\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\iiint_V \rho \vec{u} \, dV =- \iint_{\partial V} \rho \vec{u} ( \vec{u}_{rel} \cdot \vec{n} )\, dS - \iint_{\partial V} P \vec{n} \, dS + \vec{F}_{drag} \implies\\
\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\iiint_V \rho_f x'(t) \hat{j}\, dV_f + \rho_w x'(t) \hat{j} \, dV_w =- \iint_{\partial V} \rho_w x'(t) \hat{j} ( -V_j \hat{j} \cdot (-\hat{j}) )\, dS - \iint_{\partial V} P \vec{n} \, dS - (C_d A_s x'(t)^2 +\alpha (V_f+V_w))\hat{j} \implies\\
m_f x''(t) \hat{j} + V_w'(t) \rho_w x'(t) \hat{j}+V_w(t) \rho_w x''(t) \hat{j} =-A_j \rho_w x'(t) V_j \hat{j} - \iint_{\partial V} P \vec{n} \, dS - (C_d A_s x'(t)^2 +\alpha (V_f+V_w))\hat{j}$$

Do you agree with what I have here? I don't really know how to proceed here. How do I deal with pressure ##P##? Also, I know the volume integral for water is a function of time; does continuity help me here?

Thanks for your help!
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  • #3
Nidum said:
Awesome, thanks so much! This was great confirmation that I am in fact on the right track. Referencing equation (23) in the paper you attached, it appears my final expression is very close to theirs. However, there are two differences perhaps you could help with? Below is my final derived equation:

m_f x''(t) \hat{j} + V_w'(t) \rho_w x'(t) \hat{j}+V_w(t) \rho_w x''(t) \hat{j} =-A_j \rho_w x'(t) V_j \hat{j} - \iint_{\partial V} P \vec{n} \, dS - (C_d A_s x'(t)^2 +\alpha (V_f+V_w))\hat{j}$$

where as Renda et. al equation (23) states
m_f x''(t) \hat{j} +V_w(t) \rho_w x''(t) \hat{j} =-F_{drag} \hat{j} + F_{thrust} \hat{j}$$

To me, I see three big differences. Firstly, it appears Renda et. al do not consider pressure. This makes sense to me since the open orifice allows for constant pressure in and out of the fish, so I will omit the pressure term. Doing so and invoking continuity, which I forgot to do, yields for my equation
$$(m_w(t)+m_f )x''(t) =- (C_d A_s x'(t)^2 +\alpha (V_f+V_w))$$
which is very close to what Renda has. However, I have omitted the thrust force. Can you help me understand how I know to include this and how to evaluate it?

Thanks again for the reply!
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  • #4
Never mind, I think I understand what's going on here! Thanks for the helpful reference!

Related to Squid swimming in water fluids problem

1. How do squids swim in water fluids?

Squids use a combination of muscular contractions and water jet propulsion to swim in water fluids. They have a siphon that can draw water into the mantle cavity and then forcefully expel it, propelling the squid in the opposite direction.

2. Are there different types of swimming techniques used by squids?

Yes, there are two main types of swimming techniques used by squids: jet propulsion and fin swimming. Jet propulsion involves using the siphon to expel water and move forward, while fin swimming involves using the fins to undulate and move through the water.

3. How do squids control their direction while swimming?

Squids have a complex nervous system that allows them to control their movements and direction while swimming. They use their fins and siphon to steer and change direction, and they also have specialized structures called statocysts that help them maintain balance and orientation.

4. Can squids swim at different depths in the water?

Yes, squids are able to swim at different depths in the water by adjusting the amount of gas in their chambers, which affects their buoyancy. Some species of squids can swim at depths of over 1,000 meters.

5. Do squids have any predators while swimming in water fluids?

Yes, squids have several predators while swimming in water fluids, including larger fish, marine mammals, and other squids. They also have to watch out for human activities such as fishing and pollution that can harm their swimming abilities and overall survival.

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