Stability Criteria for Transfer Function with Bode, Root Locus & Nyquist

  • Thread starter barneygumble742
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In summary, a transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between input and output in a system, commonly used in control systems. Bode plots, which show the magnitude and phase of a transfer function, are used to determine stability by analyzing its shape. The root locus method is a graphical technique that plots the roots of the characteristic equation to determine stability. The Nyquist criterion, which analyzes the shape of the Nyquist plot, determines stability by stating that a system is stable if it encircles the -1 point in a counterclockwise direction. The key differences between Bode, root locus, and Nyquist stability criteria lie in their methods and the types of systems they are best suited for.
  • #1

can anyone please help me with understanding the criteria for stability of a transfer function? especially with the bode plot, root locus, and nyquist.

i've gone through a few search results online and almost every site has different information that feels contradictory to me.

Engineering news on
  • #2
Hi, Barney;
I can't help at all with your question, but I have a duty as a member of the Langauge Police. 'Criteria' is the plural; 'criterion' is the singular. :-p
  • #3

Hi bg742,

The stability of a transfer function can be determined using various techniques such as Bode plot, root locus, and Nyquist plot. Each of these techniques has its own criteria for stability. Let's take a look at each one in detail.

1. Bode Plot: A Bode plot is a graphical representation of the frequency response of a system. The stability of a system can be determined by looking at the phase and gain margins on the Bode plot. The phase margin should be greater than 0 degrees and the gain margin should be greater than 0dB for the system to be stable. If the phase margin is negative, it indicates that the system is unstable and prone to oscillations. Similarly, if the gain margin is negative, it indicates that the system is unstable and unable to reject disturbances.

2. Root Locus: A root locus is a plot that shows the location of the poles of a transfer function as a parameter (usually gain) is varied. The stability of a system can be determined by looking at the location of the poles on the root locus plot. If the poles lie on the left half of the complex plane, the system is stable. If the poles lie on the right half of the complex plane, the system is unstable. Additionally, the distance between the poles and the imaginary axis also plays a role in determining stability. The further away the poles are from the imaginary axis, the more stable the system is.

3. Nyquist Plot: A Nyquist plot is a graphical representation of the frequency response of a system in the complex plane. The stability of a system can be determined by looking at the encirclement of the -1 point on the Nyquist plot. If the plot encircles the -1 point in a clockwise direction, the system is unstable. If the plot does not encircle the -1 point, the system is stable. Additionally, the number of encirclements also gives an indication of the stability. The more encirclements, the more unstable the system is.

It is important to note that these stability criteria are not contradictory but rather complementary. Each technique provides a different perspective on the stability of a system and they can be used together to get a better understanding. I hope this helps in clarifying the criteria for stability of a transfer function.

FAQ: Stability Criteria for Transfer Function with Bode, Root Locus & Nyquist

1. What is a transfer function?

A transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of a system. It is commonly used in control systems to describe how the output of a system changes in response to different inputs.

2. How do Bode plots help determine stability?

Bode plots are graphs that show the magnitude and phase of a transfer function as a function of frequency. By analyzing the shape of the Bode plot, we can determine if a system is stable or unstable. A stable system will have a Bode plot that remains within certain limits, while an unstable system will have a Bode plot that grows infinitely.

3. What is the root locus method?

The root locus method is a graphical technique used to analyze the stability of a system. It involves plotting the roots of the characteristic equation in the complex plane as a parameter, such as the gain or frequency, is varied. The root locus plot can determine if the system is stable, and if so, the range of parameters for which it will be stable.

4. How does the Nyquist criterion determine stability?

The Nyquist criterion is a graphical method used to determine the stability of a system by analyzing the shape of the Nyquist plot, which is a plot of the transfer function's magnitude and phase as a function of frequency. The Nyquist criterion states that a system is stable if the Nyquist plot encircles the -1 point in a counterclockwise direction as frequency approaches infinity.

5. What are the key differences between Bode, root locus, and Nyquist stability criteria?

The key differences between Bode, root locus, and Nyquist stability criteria are the methods they use to analyze stability and the types of systems they are best suited for. Bode plots are useful for analyzing open-loop systems and determining gain and phase margins. Root locus plots are best for analyzing closed-loop systems with a single parameter. The Nyquist criterion is useful for analyzing closed-loop systems with multiple parameters and can also determine stability margins.
