Stability of atoms in QM / QED

In summary, quantum mechanics is able to explain the stability of atoms by solving the problem of unbounded potential energy and providing a stable ground state. However, it does not address the issue of energy loss due to electromagnetic waves and there is currently no non-perturbative proof for the stability of atoms in QED. The stability of hydrogen is known to be stable to one loop in QED, but checking the stability of atoms in QED+QCD is beyond current mathematical technology. Additionally, it is unknown if the Dirac Hamiltonian can prove the stability of helium. Despite these unresolved issues, the boundedness of the spectrum of the Schrödinger equation is often cited as evidence for the stability of atoms
  • #1
Science Advisor
It is often stated that quantum mechanics is able to explain the stability of atoms.

I think most explanations are cheating b/c the compare apples and oranges.

There are two reasons in classical theory which indicate that atoms should be unstable:
A) there is no minimum for the orbit; the radius r can become arbitrary small, therefore the potential energy V(r) is not bounded from below
B) due to emission of electromagnetic waves the electron will lose energy and will therefore fall into this unbounded potential V(r)

QM solves (A); the eigenvalue problem is well-defined; the spectrum of H is bounded from below; there exists a stable ground state; therefore the potential energy <V> is bounded from below.

However QM does not solve (B), simply b/c there is no dynamical el.-mag. field; QM is not even able to state the problem (B).

Of course there are attempts to address this scenario in QED; the most famous one is the (perturbative!) Lamb shift calculation.

So here's my question: is there a non-perturbative proof (in the physical sense ;-) which answers (B) in the affirmative?
Physics news on
  • #2
tom.stoer said:
So here's my question: is there a non-perturbative proof (in the physical sense ;-) which answers (B) in the affirmative?
No, there isn't unfortunately.

As you are probably aware, the non-relativistic limit of tree level QED gives an effective quantum mechanical model with the coloumb potential, the Darwin term, Spin-Orbit coupling and a modified Kinetic term.
This Hamiltonian possesses a lowest eigenvalue and so is stable.

At one loop the non-relativistic limit gives you an effective qm model which is the same as the tree level one plus the Uehling potential and the Tomonoga Spin-Orbit term. I've never seen a paper with the proof that the spectrum of this is bounded below, but it's not that hard to prove yourself if you read papers dealing with the tree-level hamiltonian.

So you could say the atom is stable to one loop in QED.

Of course this involves checking the stability of a non-relativistic Hamiltonian whose predictions match those of the non-relativistic limit QED to a certain loop order, rather than a direct proof in QED.

Since QED on its own probably doesn't exist non-perturbatively, you'll never get such a proof. However QED + QCD almost certainly does exist. So this is the theory you'll have to deal, i.e. to check the stability of hydrogen you can't get away with treating the proton as a fundamental object. However non-perturbative control over QCD for something like the stability of hydrogen is way beyond current mathematical technology.
  • #3
DarMM said:
As you are probably aware, the non-relativistic limit of tree level QED gives an effective quantum mechanical model with the coloumb potential, the Darwin term, Spin-Orbit coupling and a modified Kinetic term.
This Hamiltonian possesses a lowest eigenvalue and so is stable.
I know

DarMM said:
At one loop the non-relativistic limit gives you an effective qm model which is the same as the tree level one plus the Uehling potential and the Tomonoga Spin-Orbit term. I've never seen a paper with the proof that the spectrum of this is bounded below, but it's not that hard to prove yourself if you read papers dealing with the tree-level hamiltonian.

So you could say the atom is stable to one loop in QED.
I know

DarMM said:
Since QED on its own probably doesn't exist non-perturbatively, you'll never get such a proof ...
I could see it coming ;-)

DarMM said:
... However non-perturbative control over QCD for something like the stability of hydrogen is way beyond current mathematical technology.
It's a one million dollar problem.

OK, that was my impression from the very beginning. But thanks a lot for the response!
  • #4
OK, that was my impression from the very beginning. But thanks a lot for the response!

You might be interested to know that with the Dirac Hamiltonian it is not known if Helium is stable, see:
Open problems about many-body Dirac operators, by Jan Derezinski.
  • #5
But in reality they are stable; that saves my day ;-)
  • #6
It is often stated that quantum mechanics is able to explain the stability of atoms.
I think most explanations are cheating b/c the compare apples and oranges.

Yes, exactly! The boundedness of spectrum of basic Schr. equation is as convincing explanation of the stability of atom as is the stability of Kepler's orbits. The very problem of instability was introduced because of radiation, so we can only really answer the question if we do not neglect relativity.

I asked similar question some time ago here:

with similar answers.

Funny, after all these years, we still do not know whether the theory can describe stable atom :-)
  • #7
Thanks for the link

FAQ: Stability of atoms in QM / QED

1. What is the role of quantum mechanics in understanding the stability of atoms?

Quantum mechanics is crucial in understanding the stability of atoms because it provides a theoretical framework for describing the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It explains the energy levels and electron configurations of atoms, which are key factors in determining their stability.

2. How does quantum electrodynamics (QED) contribute to our understanding of atomic stability?

QED is a branch of quantum mechanics that specifically deals with the interactions between particles and electromagnetic fields. It helps us understand how electrons and other charged particles behave in the presence of electromagnetic forces, which is essential for understanding the stability of atoms.

3. Can QED accurately predict the stability of all atoms?

While QED is a highly accurate and successful theory, it cannot predict the exact stability of all atoms. This is because there are still some limitations and uncertainties in our understanding of quantum mechanics, and the behavior of particles can be affected by external factors such as temperature and pressure.

4. What factors affect the stability of atoms in QM/QED?

The stability of atoms is affected by several factors, including the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, the arrangement of electrons in energy levels, and the strength of the electromagnetic forces between particles. QED also takes into account the effects of quantum fluctuations and virtual particle interactions on atomic stability.

5. How does QM/QED explain the stability of elements with large atomic numbers?

QM/QED can explain the stability of elements with large atomic numbers by taking into account the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. This force is much stronger than the electromagnetic force, and it helps to balance out the repulsive forces between protons in the nucleus, allowing for stable atoms with larger atomic numbers.

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