Stable Knots in 4D: Proof and Directionality

In summary: In higher dimensions, there is always some space where a pair of 1D manifolds can be knotted.In summary, it is widely accepted in the mathematical community that a stable knot comprising 1D curves cannot be created in 4D, as it is always possible to untie the knot by moving in the 4th dimension. This proof is available in various sources, including the Wikipedia article on knot theory, which offers a simple mathematical proof. It may also be intuitively understood by looking at the intersection of 1D manifolds in higher dimensions.
  • #1
I've seen the statement repeated in many places that a stable knot comprising 1D curves cannot be created in 4D, since it's always possible to untie the knot by moving in the 4th dimension (whereas it is possible to create a stable knot in 4D using 2D surfaces). Can anyone point me to an authorative source for the proof of this statement (ideally available online)?

Also, is anyone aware whether this statement remains true if the 4th dimension allows movement in only one direction (e.g. it represents time)? Intuitively I would guess that it wouldn't.
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  • #2
Saltlick said:
I've seen the statement repeated in many places that a stable knot comprising 1D curves cannot be created in 4D, since it's always possible to untie the knot by moving in the 4th dimension (whereas it is possible to create a stable knot in 4D using 2D surfaces). Can anyone point me to an authorative source for the proof of this statement (ideally available online)?...

Here's the key paragraph from the WikiP article
"In four dimensions, any closed loop of one-dimensional string is equivalent to an unknot. We can achieve the necessary deformation in two steps. The first step is to 'push' the loop into a three-dimensional subspace, which is always possible, though technical to explain. The second step is changing crossings. Suppose one strand is behind another as seen from a chosen point. Lift it into the fourth dimension, so there is no obstacle (the front strand having no component there); then slide it forward, and drop it back, now in front. An analogy for the plane would be lifting a string up off the surface."

I wouldn't say WikiP is reliably authoritative, various articles I've looked at had misleading stuff. But this particular article seems OK, and what they say here is actually a short mathematical proof. You can see how it works. So in some sense we don't need to rely on authority in this case. For context, if you need help understanding the proof, you might look at the rest of the article.
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  • #3
saltlick if you can only move in one direction in that dimension it doesn't really make sense to speak of untying a 4D knot, right?

The prove you look for is elementary so I don't know where to find it. If you look at the two dimensional projection of the knot distinguishing over and under crossings you get a link diagram. The three reidemeister moves take any diagram of one knot into that of the same know in 3D (and thus in 4D) but in 4D you can change undercrossings for overcrossing by the process you described. But now it is clear that all knots are equivalent to the unknot by the following procedure: Take a loop at the perimeter of the diagram. Remove all internal edges except for one using Reidemeister move III then remove the loop (first changing an undercrossing to an overcrossing if neccessary) by a type I move, this will remove one or two loops from the diagram. Rinse repeat until you are either left with one loop, that is, the unknot.
  • #4
Hi Saltlick! :smile:

Here's another way of looking at it:

Look at two strings along the x and y axes, crossing each other at O, with the x-axis string on top.

Make a sphere around O, and deform the x-axis string in the x-z plane so that it goes round the top hemisphere of the sphere.

In 3D, you can't slide it round onto the mirror-image position on the bottom hemisphere because the positions through which it slides form a simply connected (2D) surface whose boundary is the vertical great circle in the x-z plane, which means it must be one vertical hemisphere or the other, which means that it includes one of the two points where the y-axis string crosses the sphere.

But in 4D, you can slide it, because the slidey surface is still connected and 2D, and it only has two points it must miss, which is easy! :smile:
  • #5
Codimensions add to -1

The heuristic rule is that two manifolds can be knotted when their codimensions add to -1. An n-dim manifold embedded in d-dim ambient space has codim d-n. Generically, the intersection between manifolds of dim m and n has codim (d-m) + (d-n) = 2d-m-n, and is thus a manifold with dimension k = m+n-d. If k = -1 the manifolds do not intersect (generically) but are knotted. In particular, if m = n = 1, k = -1 if d = 3.

Related to Stable Knots in 4D: Proof and Directionality

1. What is the significance of stable knots in 4D?

Stable knots in 4D have important applications in various fields, such as physics, biology, and mathematics. They can help us understand the properties of higher dimensions and how they relate to our 3D world. Additionally, stable knots have potential uses in designing more efficient and stable structures.

2. Can you explain the proof for stable knots in 4D?

The proof for stable knots in 4D involves using advanced mathematical concepts such as topology and differential geometry. It relies on the idea of embedding a knot in 4D space and proving that it cannot be untangled without breaking or passing through itself. This proof is still being studied and refined by mathematicians.

3. How do stable knots in 4D differ from knots in 3D?

Stable knots in 4D are different from knots in 3D because they exist in a higher dimension and have different properties. In 3D, knots can be untangled without breaking or passing through themselves, but in 4D, this is not possible. Additionally, stable knots in 4D have a unique directionality that is not present in 3D knots.

4. What is the directionality of stable knots in 4D?

The directionality of stable knots in 4D refers to the fact that they have a preferred direction in which they can be untangled without breaking or passing through themselves. This directionality is a fundamental property of 4D space and is not present in lower dimensions. It allows for stable knots to have a specific orientation and can affect their stability and behavior.

5. How do stable knots in 4D impact our understanding of the universe?

Stable knots in 4D have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. They provide insight into the properties of higher dimensions and how they may affect our 3D world. Additionally, stable knots have potential applications in various fields, such as physics and biology, which can lead to new discoveries and advancements in these areas.

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